Re: Field Marshal Games Pieces Project Discussion thread

  • cminke,

    Good call on the mines - what I did was use Table Tactic’s pieces ( from the Axis & Allies Accesories set, and use the German color mines (they closely match the gray factories and AA guns we have).

    You can buy the set at Fair Play Games!

  • '10

    Lets all remember that this project started over a year ago as a DISCUSSION.

    When I made the first post I had no factory contact, no sculpts, no idea what I was getting into…  just an idea, that is all we had.

    So the actual process for Italy has only taken 6 months of ACTUAL PRODUCTION WORK.  Not bad I think.

    We are determined to do this ONCE and do it RIGHT, so I can not hurry any aspect.

    They will come, and they will knock your socks off!

  • @FieldMarshalGames:

    They will come, and they will knock your socks off!

    Oh great.  Now I’m going into this with my socks pre-knocked off … spoiler alert next time!  ;)

  • @FieldMarshalGames:

    Lets all remember that this project started over a year ago as a DISCUSSION.

    When I made the first post I had no factory contact, no sculpts, no idea what I was getting into…  just an idea, that is all we had.

    So the actual process for Italy has only taken 6 months of ACTUAL PRODUCTION WORK.  Not bad I think.

    We are determined to do this ONCE and do it RIGHT, so I can not hurry any aspect.

    They will come, and they will knock your socks off!

    Got a couple of questions here:

    1. Can you make the carriers so that they comfortablely fit tac bombers and fighters on unlike the Hasbro ones that fall off sometimes too easily???

    2. Can you keep the same colors for the units as the actual game???

    USA- GI green,
    UK- tan,
    USSR- Merlot,
    Germany- Charcoal Black,
    Japan - Burnt Orange,
    China- lime green,
    Italy- Rust Brown,
    ANZAC- pewter,
    France- royal blue (I assume)

  • @questioneer:

    1. Can you make the carriers so that they comfortablely fit tac bombers and fighters on unlike the Hasbro ones that fall off sometimes too easily???

    Use magnets.

  • '10



    Lets all remember that this project started over a year ago as a DISCUSSION.

    When I made the first post I had no factory contact, no sculpts, no idea what I was getting into…  just an idea, that is all we had.

    So the actual process for Italy has only taken 6 months of ACTUAL PRODUCTION WORK.  Not bad I think.

    We are determined to do this ONCE and do it RIGHT, so I can not hurry any aspect.

    They will come, and they will knock your socks off!

    Got a couple of questions here:

    1. Can you make the carriers so that they comfortablely fit tac bombers and fighters on unlike the Hasbro ones that fall off sometimes too easily???

    2. Can you keep the same colors for the units as the actual game???

    USA- GI green,
    UK- tan,
    USSR- Merlot,
    Germany- Charcoal Black,
    Japan - Burnt Orange,
    China- lime green,
    Italy- Rust Brown,
    ANZAC- pewter,
    France- royal blue (I assume)

    To answer a few questions:

    1. The Next Nation we are doing is JAPAN
    2. The Tac bombers will fit on the Carriers.  We are making them abit smaller but larger than the fighters so they are easily identified.
    3. We will be matching the colours to our COMBAT DICE, which are very close to the AAA colours (Which change from game to game)

  • JEREMY!!!

    Please say that you will match the colors to the combat dice…. EXCEPT for Germany! By now, it is pretty well established that black is the color for Germany - please don’t do anything else!

  • Ummm, my Axis and Allies has Germany as gray and I think it is just fine.

  • Customizer



    Please say that you will match the colors to the combat dice…. EXCEPT for Germany! By now, it is pretty well established that black is the color for Germany - please don’t do anything else!

    I think it’s actually deepest gray that you mean.  :-D

  • Axis & Allies 1942
    Axis & Allies Bulge
    Axis & Allies Anniversary
    Axis & Allies Europe 1940 (upcoming)

    All have Germany as dark black. They only different colors have been Axis & Allies Europe (out-of-print) and Axis & Allies Revised (out-of-print). Avalon Hill has expressly stated that they standardized the Axis & Allies Colors among all their games (see above list) - I am only suggesting that FMG do the same.

  • @reloader-1:

    Axis & Allies 1942
    Axis & Allies Bulge
    Axis & Allies Anniversary
    Axis & Allies Europe 1940 (upcoming)

    All have Germany as dark black. They only different colors have been Axis & Allies Europe (out-of-print) and Axis & Allies Revised (out-of-print). Avalon Hill has expressly stated that they standardized the Axis & Allies Colors among all their games (see above list) - I am only suggesting that FMG do the same.

    It’s not black.  It’s dark Grey, as noted by Viracocha.

    I imagine they’ll have to cast in dark gray (what you refer to as black).  If they match the dice color, they’ll end up with units only a shade different from ANZAC.  While these would probably still be easy to distinguish for most of us regardless, as it won’t match completely, that would be irritating.  I’d prefer ANZAC fmg units (if they’re made or recycled from UK units) to match closely to OOB Anzac and 3 slightly different medium gray variations (OOB, FMG ANZAC and FMG Germany) would be unfortunate.  And if there aren’t FMG Anzac, I’d still hope that German units are more similar that different from their OOB color, rather than somewhere between OOB Anzac and Germany.

  • @FieldMarshalGames:

    1. We will be matching the colours to our COMBAT DICE, which are very close to the AAA colours (Which change from game to game)

    Jeremy is correct on this one. In all of the A&A games that I own, Hasbro has changed the colors or shades of colors in each title. Sometimes even in different production runs of the same title (Can anyone say Red Japanese in AAP). I currently have German pieces in five distinct differing shade of gray, & British in at least four shades of tan.

  • @reloader-1:

    Axis & Allies 1942
    Axis & Allies Bulge
    Axis & Allies Anniversary
    Axis & Allies Europe 1940 (upcoming)

    All have Germany as dark black. They only different colors have been Axis & Allies Europe (out-of-print) and Axis & Allies Revised (out-of-print). Avalon Hill has expressly stated that they standardized the Axis & Allies Colors among all their games (see above list) - I am only suggesting that FMG do the same.

    I agree wholeheartedly here.  If you call that grey- it is a VERY VERY DARK GREY- CHARCOAL is what I call it.  FMG should match the DICE with the current AA40 game piece colors not the other way around. :-)

  • But what happens when the OOB colors change again? Will FMG have to keep changing the dice colors to keep up? It is my opinion that FMG should keep their pieces matched to their dice. Screw whatever the idiots at Wizards come up with next.

  • @C_Strabala:

    But what happens when the OOB colors change again? Will FMG have to keep changing the dice colors to keep up? It is my opinion that FMG should keep their pieces matched to their dice. Screw whatever the idiots at Wizards come up with next.

    Exactly!  Can’t hit the target if it keeps changing!

  • The target has not changed once in the last four Axis & Allies games - the ONLY reason they have had different colors in previous editions is that they changed them to match current standardized colors.

    For example, the much vaunted Axis & Allies Pacific: The color change in it was made from Red Japanese to Orange Japanese to bring the colors into standardization with the Axis & Allies color scheme. The US and UK were left unchanged, so much so that I can use F6F Hellcats from Pacific.

    I don’t see what is so difficult to understand about this concept - after some initial changes, Avalon Hill has standardized the colors. The second edition of Axis & Allies Europe has the 1942 piece colors, except for Germany, which is still gray and not black (that change came about in A&A Battle of the Bulge). The second edition of Axis & Allies Pacific also has 1942 piece colors, with the exception of China, which has now been standardized in A&A 50 and A&A Pacific 1940 as lime green.

    I should know a little bit about this subject - while not being Imperious Leader in my games collection, I have about 3-4 copies of each version of Axis & Allies game released, including the Nova Games version. I can trace exactly how piece colors have changed from edition to edition, and some Avalon Hill missteps (greenish UK in Revised?!). However, that is old news, and one should be able to draw some lessons that for the past four years colors have been exactly standardized and every single game in print has the same color scheme.

    As to the German color, some of you need your eyes checked. The current Axis & Allies German color has a RGB value of 10/10/10 (in other words, indistinguishable from black to the human eye). I have perfect color perception - the closest I can identify the Spring 1942 German color is to a RGB value of 3/3/3 (pure black).

    I’m sorry for such a long post - it is just that looking at an old copy of Axis & Allies Europe tells you nothing about the current state of pieces and colors in the Axis & Allies franchise.

  • My original game had Japanese that were yellow and then in a later set they became burnt orange and in my Pacific game they were red. I want three different colored Japanese dice for all of my games, I want, I want, I want, I want……

    Quit all the snivelin’

  • @reloader-1:

    The target has not changed once in the last four Axis & Allies games - the ONLY reason they have had different colors in previous editions is that they changed them to match current standardized colors.

    For example, the much vaunted Axis & Allies Pacific: The color change in it was made from Red Japanese to Orange Japanese to bring the colors into standardization with the Axis & Allies color scheme. The US and UK were left unchanged, so much so that I can use F6F Hellcats from Pacific.

    I don’t see what is so difficult to understand about this concept - after some initial changes, Avalon Hill has standardized the colors. The second edition of Axis & Allies Europe has the 1942 piece colors, except for Germany, which is still gray and not black (that change came about in A&A Battle of the Bulge). The second edition of Axis & Allies Pacific also has 1942 piece colors, with the exception of China, which has now been standardized in A&A 50 and A&A Pacific 1940 as lime green.

    I should know a little bit about this subject - while not being Imperious Leader in my games collection, I have about 3-4 copies of each version of Axis & Allies game released, including the Nova Games version. I can trace exactly how piece colors have changed from edition to edition, and some Avalon Hill missteps (greenish UK in Revised?!). However, that is old news, and one should be able to draw some lessons that for the past four years colors have been exactly standardized and every single game in print has the same color scheme.

    As to the German color, some of you need your eyes checked. The current Axis & Allies German color has a RGB value of 10/10/10 (in other words, indistinguishable from black to the human eye). I have perfect color perception - the closest I can identify the Spring 1942 German color is to a RGB value of 3/3/3 (pure black).

    I’m sorry for such a long post - it is just that looking at an old copy of Axis & Allies Europe tells you nothing about the current state of pieces and colors in the Axis & Allies franchise.

    Reloader is right on and you guys know it!!!  For some reason you don’t want this to change.  You guys remind me of the old foh-gies that keep playing Classic and despise all the revisions since.  I don’t understand it.  Your reasoning and arguments have been soundly bunked out by reloader- he’s right on the money!!!
    :? :? :?

    The colors haven’t changed since Revised (early 2004) and they have kept them in all of their games since- you guys have NO idea what you are talking about!! :x

  • @reloader-1:

    As to the German color, some of you need your eyes checked. The current Axis & Allies German color has a RGB value of 10/10/10 (in other words, indistinguishable from black to the human eye). I have perfect color perception - the closest I can identify the Spring 1942 German color is to a RGB value of 3/3/3 (pure black).

    I’m sorry for such a long post - it is just that looking at an old copy of Axis & Allies Europe tells you nothing about the current state of pieces and colors in the Axis & Allies franchise.

    Couldn’t have said this better- excellent post!!! :-)

  • @questioneer:

    Reloader is right on and you guys know it!!!…The colors haven’t changed since Revised (early 2004) and they have kept them in all of their games since- you guys have NO idea what you are talking about!!

    No, you appear to have misunderstood what Reloader posted. He stated that the colours haven’t changed in the last four games (i.e. since Guadalcanal)- he did not state that they haven’t changed since Revised. Indeed, he agreed that the colours have changed prior to AA50, which they certainly have:

    • Germany has alternated through metallic blue, to several shades of gray, to charcoal or black;
    • USSR has alternated through at least three different shades of red and reddish brown;
    • UK has alternated through several shades of tan and brown, and even lime green;
    • US has alternated through several shades of olive green and bright green (although the shades are only slightly different);
    • Japan has alternated through several (very) slight shades of orange, and its units were coloured bright red in early editions of Pacific.

    However, I think Reloader is correct concerning units from the last four games (Guadalcanal, AA50, AA42, and AAP40) - the units from these four games appear to be perfectly standardized (unlike the units from early editions of Revised, Pacific, Europe, and D-Day). For support, I compared my US and Japanese units from Guadalcanal and AAP40, and they appear identical in colour (unlike my Revised units, which are completely different shades of green and orange, with the green being more noticeably different).

    I do have to agree that although WoTC did not follow a standardized colour scheme between Revised and Guadalcanal, they appear to be doing so post-Guadalcanal.

    I also agree that the newest WoTC German units look more black than dark gray to me.

    Finally, I note that although I would prefer the FMG units to match the WoTC ones, I am willing to accept some slight variations. I also loathe the black plastic chosen for the WoTC German units, and much prefer the FMG steel gray.

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