Good catch, BadSpeller. I missed the “on an island” part of the question, seeing only “within one space”. The planes don’t necessarily have to land on an island. They could land in any land territory that’s been friendly since the beginning of the turn, or on a friendly carrier, as long as either one is within range.
Damaged Capital Ships
Both BB and CV’s take 2 hits to sink. Get repaired for free if they end turn in friendly naval base.
This means they keep their one hit before they get back to base.My only question: Is there any loss in functionality for either of the ships when damaged?
For instance, BB unable to bombard, CV only holds one plane(or no planes)? -
if a battleship and carrier are dmaged and they cant make it back to a friendly base…do the two ships remain damaged in the sea zone they are in?
thats what i thought o mighty KriegHund…thank you…
OK, bear with me please because I’m having an extra Monday or something today…
if a battleship and carrier are dmaged and they cant make it back to a friendly base…do the two ships remain damaged in the sea zone they are in?
remain damaged: Yes
in the sea zone they are in: not sure what you meant by adding this.
Are you asking if they’re unable to move if their route to a friendly base is blocked? -
they can still move. if they don’t start your turn “in port” they don’t repair.
lets say i fight a battle in a sea zone with no naval base…
one us battleship against one jap cruiser
combat movement…battleship moves into sea zone
combat…us battleship takes one hit of damage and sinks jap cruiser
since i cant move the battaleship out of the sea zone in non combat movement it has to stay there damaged…
am i right bout this Krieghund?
which of course allows japan to attack a damaged battleship on its next turn if it wants to…
please clarify oh great KriegHund!!!
The battleship will remain in the sea zone in a damaged state whether the US has a naval base there or not. Since damage is repaired in the Purchase Units & Repairs phase, even if there is a base the US will have to wait until its next turn to repair the battleship. If there is no friendly naval base in the sea zone, it will have to wait at least two turns, one (or more) to move the ship to a base and another to repair it.
okay…thats what i was thinking…i guess it will be the same for Europe 40 as well i hope
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