I’m coming back after a long hiatus and want to casually relearn the game.
Find Opponents Here!
Anyone up for a game with a somewhat relative greenhorn who hasn’t played in 5 months? I finally have a computer in my room so now I can play without having to run up and down the stairs. Anybody wish to get started?
I’m looking for a 2 on 2 PBEM game using TripleA with the new features that tonez is working on for playing by forum. Starting in January.
Anyone up for a game with a somewhat relative greenhorn who hasn’t played in 5 months? I finally have a computer in my room so now I can play without having to run up and down the stairs. Anybody wish to get started?
I’ll play a 2 v. 2 game. See if dragging a couple more people into it is plausible.
Im looking for a game of 1 on 1, I havent played PBEM much in a long time and I havent done PBF. I just want to knock the rust off and get a game in. Also I just signed up at DAAK
Is there anybody here who would want to try and get in a game before the tourney? You don’t have to be in the tournament for all I care, I just want to get in a game before the tourney starts. Someone?
Is there anybody here who would want to try and get in a game before the tourney? You don’t have to be in the tournament for all I care, I just want to get in a game before the tourney starts. Someone?
Sure, I’ll play you. Name your poison.
Ah, the usual set up. We could always use the Tourney rules as our template for how things should go. PBF, w/e dicey you want (Frood is popular). Don’t know what else to tell ya. Start soon, probably tomorrow.
Ah, the usual set up. We could always use the Tourney rules as our template for how things should go. PBF, w/e dicey you want (Frood is popular). Don’t know what else to tell ya. Start soon, probably tomorrow.
That’s fine, here’s my info:
DAAK: jsp4563
e-mail: jsp4563@yahoo.comOpen the game and place your bid whenever your ready.
You can also bid via http://frood.net/aacalc/bid/, all you need is both e-mail addresses.
I’m looking for an opponent to play revised before the tournament. I’m new to this online playing, but am hopefully an above average player (have been playing for 16+ years, though very irregularly until this past year).
So I’m looking for a challenge =)
Any takers?
I just got an A&A revised game for Christmas. Don’t have anyone to play it with however (sob :cry:). I would like to find an online partner to play against. Never done it before. Anyone up for a game?
Anyone who has played a PBF game here before want to play a game before the Tournament starts? If so PM me please.
I’m available send me a PM if your still interested.
Anyone up for a game of classic A&A, I’m still waiting for the new game and would like to play to get used to playing a game over the internet to help prepare for the tournament. Cheers……I will check throughout the day (or night for most of you guys) for anyones answer
I’m up for a game, but if you’re looking to prepare for the tournament, why not play Revised since that’s what we’ll be playing in the tournament? I can show you how the dice rollers work. If you’re interested, drop me a line.
I just got an A&A revised game for Christmas. Don’t have anyone to play it with however (sob :cry:). I would like to find an online partner to play against. Never done it before. Anyone up for a game?
Sure. Ask someone more experienced what you need to do to play online, and I will play.
I’m looking for a not-so-experienced-that-I-get-my-ass-kicked opponent for PBF AAR. I know many of you are playing in the tourney, but I’m figuring somebody is about to lose by now. :wink:
I’m looking for a not-so-experienced-that-I-get-my-a**-kicked opponent for PBF AAR. I know many of you are playing in the tourney, but I’m figuring somebody is about to lose by now. :wink:
I’d be so up for a game. I’ve been playing on this forum for half a year maybe and got 3 games under my belt, so compared to some of these other players I think I’d be right up your alley. Send me a Personal Message and we’ll set this thing up.
What is PBF? I know PBEM is Play By Email…
I can’t fathom a guess for the “F” in PBF. :? -
F = Forum
PBF = Play by forum