Thank very much for you kind feedback folks, very much appreciated. Edinburgh and Cumbria are a little far to drive, was hoping there may be a gamer closer to Hawick. Not to worry. Thanks again for your rapid feedback!
Are you still looking for a game? I’m mostly retired, could travel for a game or six. There are also some groups I know around the DC area if you are traveling here. There is also a mini-convention in Kentucky, tentative dates are June 15-17.
I’m looking to play Global 40, or perhaps Global 41 or 42.
Looking for some players in the southern or central part of CT. We play in North Haven and sometimes in Newington. When we play it’s an all day affair. Nice big conference room in my office. We generally play on Saturdays with the occasional Sunday. PM me if interested.
maybe youshould try It is a German website so there are most likely alot of Germans there. Random fact: I have a cousin who lives on a miltary base in Germany(one of past ones were near munich)