@general-6-stars Not necessarily, but that is good to know. Was looking to host games at a local game shop where we could have several open tables for games. I’m located in the Chicagoland area.
Greater Norfolk / Virginia Beach, Tidewater, VA; 1940 Global 2nd Ed
Axis and Allies Global War 1940 Global Second Edition
Join Forces and Liberate the World from Axis, or Allied, Aggression!
Next Play Date: � April 21st, 2018
A group of guys meet monthly to play Axis and Allies 1940 Global Second Edition, and we are enlisting other regular and alternate players. Stop by and observe, learn, and play! PM me for more details!
Just a bumpy bump,
A group of three have now moved towards playing Axis & Allies Global 1940 Second Edition with a lot of fun!
If you are in the Greater Norfolk or Tidewater Area please give us a shout out. Typically, we play once a month, set up by noon and play until 1am or 2, hosted in Virginia Beach.
New game scheduled for July 16. PM me if you are interested!
Next Play Date: Sunday, September 25th, 9am to 9pm in Virginia Beach
Hey just started gettoing into axis and allies and been looking for people to play with. If its not to late, I would love to try and make it to a game one time
Hola Gooner, sent you a PM!
Group of five expected for Next Play Date: Saturday, October 15, 12noon in Virginia Beach.
We welcome others to join and participate, observe, play a minor and learn the game!
Our group is looking for a December play date, and welcome others to come join and participate. Our last game session desplayed dynamism as a Gooner joined in. We welcome other regular and alternate players. Stop by and observe, learn, and play! PM me for more details!
Next Play Date is December, 2016
Our group is looking for a December play date, and welcome others to come join and participate. Our last game session desplayed dynamism as a Gooner joined in. We welcome other regular and alternate players. Stop by and observe, learn, and play! PM me for more details!
Next Play Date is December, 2016
Wish I could come and play. I graduated High School from Va. Beach, VA many moons ago!
Next Play Date February 11th, 2017… if you are in the Tidewater area and wanna join PM me!
Hey guys, I’m new to A&A but would be very interested in coming out and playing. I have some experience playing Risk as well as plenty of other board games, and am usually a fast learner. If you have room for one more for March and don’t mind someone new playing, I’d love to join in on it.
Looks like we have a “full house” on Saturday March 11th, 2017. We welcome others to join in as well, so if you are in the Tidewater area or within driving distance, give us a shout out, would love to have ya. Major or minor powers all welcome… we draw for the power.
Added our newly created “social media presence” Battalion
Next Play Date: � Saturday April 8th, 2017
Four confirmed players, two unable to attend. Welcome others to join, observe, learn, and play!
Next Play Date: � Saturday July 15, 2017
Welcome new players to join in!!
Next Play Date: � April 21st, 2018
Welcome new players to join in!!
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