• Hiya Peop’s… I have some crazy ( mostly Yes or No answers I hope ) convoy questions that I can’t find the answer to in the forum. These may appear to be very basic questions!

    Reading Convoy Rule on pg 22 of Europe book and the 3 conditions: SZ MUST have a Convoy symbol, SZ adjacent to the territory, at least ONE warship must be in that SZ you are at war with.

    So to the rule  at least ONE warship must be in that SZ you are at war with:

    1. It is saying that you can NOT conduct a Convoy attack if that SZ is open with no enemy ships in? ( meaning you can’t just slide your navy piece in that free SZ Convoy location ).

    2. So you attack a Convoy SZ by attacking the enemy navy in that zone, THEN if successful you got your goal by getting the Convoy?

    3. Air units can take part in a normal SZ battle with a Convoy Symbol?

    4. Once you get that Convoy in that SZ, and say you stay there un-attacked, do you keep deducting IPC’s from you’re opponent each round if your opponent still owns that territory?

    5. If that SZ is now open again because you moved on and the enemy puts boats back into that same Convoy SZ and it is later attacked, it’s a brand new attack?

    6. If you do a battle in a SZ with a convoy sign and successful, and you plan to land your troops from a transport after ( so you claim that territory ), what you have done is basically a normal move ( ignoring Convoy points because you just claimed the new territory )?

    7. The IPC’s taken away from your opponent’s nation, do they deducted from the National Production Chart ( Score Board ) or can they deduct ipc’s money back to the bank? Does it matter which way round it is done?

    I think that is it for now on Convoy’s.

    Appreciate the feed back.


  • @Bravehart:

    Reading Convoy Rule on pg 22 of Europe book and the 3 conditions: SZ MUST have a Convoy symbol, SZ adjacent to the territory, at least ONE warship must be in that SZ you are at war with.

    So to the rule  at least ONE warship must be in that SZ you are at war with:

    1. It is saying that you can NOT conduct a Convoy attack if that SZ is open with no enemy ships in? ( meaning you can’t just slide your navy piece in that free SZ Convoy location ).

    No, you can. Convoy attacks are conducted on the victim power’s Collect Income Phase, so this is referencing that there needs to be warship hostile to the power trying to collect income.


    1. So you attack a Convoy SZ by attacking the enemy navy in that zone, THEN if successful you got your goal by getting the Convoy?

    No. You just have to have warships/planes in the Convoy SZ at the time the power who owns territory adjacent to the Convoy SZ goes to collect income.


    1. Air units can take part in a normal SZ battle with a Convoy Symbol?

    Combat Move attacks and Convoy attacks are two entirely separate things. They have no bearing on each other; you can attack units in a SZ (say, UK attacking SZ97 UK1), and come Italy’s collect income phase, if there are still British ships in SZ97, those ships will roll dice to subtract income.


    1. Once you get that Convoy in that SZ, and say you stay there un-attacked, do you keep deducting IPC’s from you’re opponent each round if your opponent still owns that territory?

    Kind of. You don’t need to make an attack on the SZ–just move in, but all enemy powers are able to make attacks on any units there just like any other Sea Zone.


    1. If that SZ is now open again because you moved on and the enemy puts boats back into that same Convoy SZ and it is later attacked, it’s a brand new attack?

    See other responses regarding fundamental convoy concepts.


    1. If you do a battle in a SZ with a convoy sign and successful, and you plan to land your troops from a transport after ( so you claim that territory ), what you have done is basically a normal move ( ignoring Convoy points because you just claimed the new territory )?

    Again, Convoy Attacks happen at the victim power’s Collect Income phase, so if you own the territory, they can’t lose income for it. If they take the territory back during their turn however, then you get to roll convoy dice for that territory.


    1. The IPC’s taken away from your opponent’s nation, do they deducted from the National Production Chart ( Score Board ) or can they deduct ipc’s money back to the bank? Does it matter which way round it is done?

    Since it’s done during the Collect Income phase, the collecting power just receives fewer IPCs than they normally would.

    Hope this helps, and feel free to ask more questions if anything isn’t clear.

  • Customizer

    First of all, I think you may be confused about what Convoy Routes actually affect. A Sea Zone with a Convoy symbol in it has absolutely NO effect on any naval battle that occurs there. It doesn’t matter if the warring parties have warships, planes or both. A naval battle in a sea zone with a Convoy symbol is just like a naval battle in any other sea zone on the board.
    The only effect of a Convoy symbol in a sea zone happens during the collect income phase of the power that controls the territory adjacent to that sea zone and then only if there is one or more warships belonging to a power that is at war with the controlling power.
    That being said, I will try to answer your questions. For ease of explanation, I am going to use Sea Zone 109 with United Kingdom and Germany for reference:
    1 > This is true. If there is no enemy ships in a Convoy sea zone, then there is no convoy raiding. Since the convoy raiding takes place on UK’s collect income phase, Germany could not simply move a warship into SZ 109 to raid the convoy there because it is not Germany’s turn.

    2 > Yes, if you attack a SZ with a Convoy symbol and win the battle, then your remaining warships can raid the convoy on your opponent’s turn. So, say UK has ships in SZ 109, Germany can attack them and if Germany wins, they will control that sea zone. However, on UK’s turn, they could move in warships (if they have them) and attempt to reclaim that sea zone. If UK is successful, then Germany will be unable to convoy raid.

    3 > Yes. A convoy symbol has no effect on attacking or defending air units, or any warships for that matter.

    4 > Yes. As long as you have a warship (or warships) in the sea zone with a Convoy symbol, you will keep convoy raiding as long as your opponent controls the adjacent territory and he/she doesn’t successfully clear your warship(s) from that sea zone.

    5 > Yes.

    6 > Correct. If you have a naval battle and clear the sea zone, then launch an amphibious assault and take the adjacent territory, then there would be no convoy raiding. You wouldn’t want to raid your OWN convoy after all.

    7 > No. Convoy raid IPCs do NOT affect the National Production Chart. They are subtracted from whatever your opponent collects. Then you take that result, add any national objective money and that is the amount of IPCs your opponent carries over to next round.
    EXAMPLE: Say that the United Kingdom is currently at 28 IPCs on the National Production Chart. It is the Collect Income phase for the United Kingdom.  
    Germany has a submarine in SZ 109. Germany rolls 2 dice and gets a 5 and a 3. The 5 is discounted since it is more than 3 (any dice higher than 3 is discounted for convoy damage). So Germany causes convoy raid damage of 3 IPCs to the UK’s income.
    So you take 28 IPCs and subtract 3 IPCs leaving the UK with 25 IPCs. Let’s say UK gets no National Objective money this round so the UK carries 25 IPCs into next round.

    I hope this answers all your question.

  • Thank you you two for pointing out the obvious to me…durrr!!

    Your answer’s No. 4 and 7 I find most helpful and Yes, thanks for clarifying I had the wrong end of the stick. One last question I hope…

    So, if you do leave your navy in a Convoy SZ when you are not YET at war, does anything happen on your opponents power when still neutral with you, meaning would it conflict a force of war between them?

    OOB rules


  • No, there is no convoy because the powers are not at war.

  • Ok,

    Ta very much all.

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