@superbattleshipyamato “Politics is a can of worms and causes more problems than it solves”-Plato
Question about member Info on posts
I’ve noticed that when someone makes a posts, under their name is a unit designation & some stars,
Example mine says:
A&A.org Artillery
(with 2 stars)what does this signify? I’m guessing it has to with # of posts…if so how many before I become Supreme Commander? :-D
Yes, it is indeed the number of posts.
When you register, you are Infantry. Then that changes as you make more posts.
0-99 is Infantry
100-249 is Artillery
250-499 is Tank
500-999 is Submarine
1000-1499 is Fighter
1500-1999 is Destroyer
2000-2499 is Bomber
2500-2999 is Aircraft Carrier
3000-4999 is Battleship
5000+ is Heavy BomberIf there are others, I do not know of them…
We have ONE heavy bomber on the boards… and about 3800 Infantry :-)
Who’s the “Heavy Bomber”?
Yeah, and what about the stars breakdown?
The Heavy Bomber is Cystic Crypt.
The stars roughly parallel the rank, but I do not remember the exact breakdown.
The stars are the same thing, they also represent “rank” of power, like mods are green, members are yellow, etc…