Just wanted to mention another place to play online, which probably won’t be going AA50 anytime soon (so if you want a place to play Revised for a while, it’d fit the bill): the IAAPA, which can be found at axisandallies.net
This is one of the oldest A&A clubs around, and these folks are so old school that most of the gaming there is still 2nd edition! That’s right, Revised is cutting edge at the IAAPA. However, don’t be too quick to dismiss them, they have some very good players including some very good Revised players. I’ve played in a number of their Revised tournaments (they have three per year) and have never made it to the finals.
Where Did You Get Your Board Game?
Where did everyone get their A&A:R game? Intrenet, local Game store? Or did you get it at all? (and just play via the intrenet maps etc.)
I ordered my Pacific, Revised and D-Day sets thru my Local Comic/Game shop. I picked up a Europe set that had been on the shelf awhile on a recent excursion for a ccg tourney. Not the cheapest way put the shop does provide a place to play when we want it, a way to meet players, is a local business and other intangibles that have values you can’t put dollar signs on. Well, that are worth the 10 or 15% you save after what are starting to become huge shipping costs. Rock bottom prices are not always the best determiner of value in my opinion.
I bought my AAR at Toys R Us. It cost around $40 (about a year ago).
I don’t think I could afford all of the different A&A games… I hear A&A Revised is the best tho… and now that I know I have a place to play people, I might go buy it.
Bought AAR from Tory-R-Us around Christmas, after joining this site in November. My Classic board I bought when I was in college, no longer remember where.
I downloaded a Map program that I use for 2nd Edition but I am very curious to play Revised. Is there a map tool for it as well that I could download along with a rulebook so I could start playing Revised online? I don’t want to spend the money on the actual board if I’m never gonna play face to face. My friends say my dice rolls are too lucky, even tho I always bring more than enough pieces into battle to win… oh well.
You can download Abattlemap at
When you first launch the program it will display the original, select New from the pull down menu and select Axis & Allies Revised it will switch you to the revised game (it also contains the maps for AA: Europe & AA: Pacific plus a bunch of others.
Larry Harris Tournament Rules (LHTR) can be downloaded at
It requires the Adobe Acrobat PDF Reader.
thanks for the info jsp.
revised looks WAY more in depth than classic. i think i’ll play a game after DM and I are done my game of classic
Revised is a great improvement over the original. If you’re use to playing classic be aware there are a lot of rule changes (things you couldn’t do in classic but can in revised and vise-versa) plus new units and technology. I found that I had to throw everything I knew from classic out the window and start from scratch. If you’re interested, the guy who was in charge of redisgning the game wrote a series of articles explaining some of the changes and the reasons behind them. You can find them at (they’re at the bottom of the page):
great little online store called funagain games…
wow jsp, thanks for the link… good stuff!
i downloaded ABattlemap and its way better than what I was using. the revised map looks sweet and i can’t wait to play. since most of my games are gonna be played over the intrenet, ill probably save some money and have more fun playing you guys on here.
When you’re done with your current game of classic, let me know & I’ll play you a game or Revised.
Toys-R-Us for me too.
IMHO, you lose alot while playing online.
I admit online play is still fun. But it is just not the same feeling as a FTF game. One can take hours to return a PBEM turn. One has to make more “split-second” decisions FTF.
Additionally, tournaments are really fun and you get to meet alot of nice people.
do they still hold tournaments? a thread I was looking at had a tournament in Sterling, VA (about 1.5 hrs from where I live) but that was some time ago and I hadn’t joined this site yet. I love FTF games but no one ever wants to play me.
im thinkin about lookin around for the actual board game tho, just so i have it.
I got mine at my local game store. The owner gives good deals.
do they still hold tournaments? a thread I was looking at had a tournament in Sterling, VA (about 1.5 hrs from where I live) but that was some time ago and I hadn’t joined this site yet. I love FTF games but no one ever wants to play me.
im thinkin about lookin around for the actual board game tho, just so i have it.
You should go to Origins next week (June 29-July ) in Columbus, Ohio. Or Gencon in Indianapolis in August.
Go here for details
wow, that’s this weekend. can’t make that one, its technically july 4th weekend and i have a disc golf tournament. but i did finally go to toys b us and got the last axis and allies board game and opened it up last night. i was amazed! but there were no trays to keep the peices separated. i guess i will just use ziplock baggies?
Now that you have the Revised game you’re probably going to want to toss the Operating Manual (or at least bury it at the bottom of the box :wink: ). Replace it with the latest LHTR (v1.3 i think) here’s the link to a pdf version:
Have fun!
p.s. looking forward to our first game