I spent most of yesterday to read me up on submarine warfare. It looks like most of the subs were sunk by land based fighters and medium bombers using rockets. So its obvious from a historical point of view that planes should be able to sink subs by themselves, without a present destroyer.
I think the A&A Europe 1999 edition was the game that modelled the subs and convoys in the best way, too bad this mechanics were abandoned. Germany should start with lots of subs, and UK should start with lots of unprotected convoy zones. Then UK buy plenty of aircrafts and destroyers that sink the subs, faster than Germany can launch them. That is historical correct. That would work in a game starting in 1942, but not a global game starting in 1940, or 39.
Still not satisfied with the HR suggestions so far, and the rationale being what Toblerone77 says, the people I play with are not experts, and do not easily understand rules that are too complex. The way some of you wright rules is pedantic and great if you are a layer or judge, but not to my beer drinking friends. So I need a better HR than the present suggestions.
My suggestions so far, and with Raid rules where a damage marker are placed on the convoy box during the combat phase, and not during the owners collect income phase.
Sub cost 8, move 2, A2, D2, roll a preemptive first strike and may submerge after any finished round of combat.
Destroyer cost 8, move 3, A2, D2 and is immune to a subs first strike, so it rolls even if taken as casualty. Prevent a matching sub from submerging on a 1 to 1 basis
Tranny cost 8, move 2, D1 against air only. So it still needs escort protection against subs and warships.
Aircrafts and surface warships can attack and defend against subs even if no allied destroyer is present, but they cant prevent a sub from submerging.
Since trannies cost 8 and defend against air on a D1, they can now be taken as casualty any time. History has plenty of examples on trannies being used as blockade runners, thrown into minefields or coastal guns before the fleet comes, just to save the expansive capital ships. It should be the players choice what ship is fodder, not the rules
Should we read: “most of the subs were sunk by land based fighters using rockets and medium bombers”?
Based on my limited research, Fighters in itself were used to protect torpedoes bombers against Subs’ Flak or enemy’s planes.
The kill was done by the Tactical Bomber special torpedoes or by direct bomb drop.
“the A&A Europe 1999 edition was the game that modelled the subs and convoys in the best way”
Indeed, Destroyers were a combination of Cruisers and DDs, A3D3M2C12, plus anti-sub.
I will try to point out the critics I read on this OOB rule. (Which were one of the reason, there is a change in 1942.1 rules and 1940, 1st ed.)
Does your Subs get Surprise Strike on attack and defense?
For now, I suppose it is a YES.
In your examples, you forget to put Subs against Subs with fleet but not destroyers.
Most of the time, submarines will defend as well as a Destroyer against ennemy Subs.
With this Subs mechanics, both attacking and defending Subs can rolls at the same preemptive First strike phase.
It has virtually the same effect as the DD immune to a subs first strike, a Destroyer can roll before being sunk.
This virtually makes Subs more dangerous than Destroyer and able to be the real padding of the sea for costlier units, since both can be taken as casualty by planes.
Destroyer are better against planes, with a small fleet it is important.
With a bigger one, Subs can do the cannon fodder against aircrafts while planes and carriers are taking care of incoming planes.
And since, Subs can only Submerge after the first round, you can use Subs on a one time shot to destroy some of them before they submerge.
Maybe the 3 spaces move of Destroyer can be appealing but DD is not needed to block Subs. Subs can do the job.
This gamey-way of using Subs instead of DDs seems a problem, don’t you think?
With a M3 DD, it is historically inaccurate (compared to the range of Cruiser, BB and carrier) and your are not simplifying thing either.
On the other part, making the transport @1 against planes only is more historical but it is a complexification.
So, it goes for a better detailed Transport only but create some special situations which would need explanations.
Like using a transport unit as fodder but rolling for defense on and off, according to the composition of the attaking units.
A small correction: “sacrifice an 8 IPC sub in trade for an average 3 IPC damage”, 1+2+3+4+5+6= 21 /6= 3.5 IPCs
About the Convoy Box, I don’t understand what is the role of DD and if Subs can do something against DDs or only roll Convoy damage.
Finally, “The way some of you wright rules is pedantic and great if you are a layer or judge, but not to my beer drinking friends. So I need a better HR than the present suggestions.”
Sorry about my writing style, if english was my first language, I could do better to be simpler.
I wrongly supposed that using the OOB rules as a starting point was clearer.
I can just add don’t reject this HR because of how it is written (I would be sad) but for is substantial issues.
Once you understand it, if you don’t like some of his features or find it still too complex, it is all OK.
Just don’t kill the messenger but judge the HR for itself. It’s all I ask.