• Customizer

    +1 YG. This is a great project!

  • Sponsor


    +1 YG. This is a great project!

    Thanks Toblerone,

    Of course the real test is how they hold up during an actual game… do you have the type of fellow players willing to test something like this for me?

  • '17 '16



    R1 - Germany / UK / Russia / Japan / USA / Italy / ANZAC / France

    You use “R” for Round, but it is a player’s turn, so I believe it is better with a “T”.
    Usually, “round” is for combat rounds during Combat Resolution.

    Don’t you think?

    All Strategic Advantage decisions were meant to be made at the beginning of each game round (before Germany’s turn). Therefore, the game would begin with every nation (accept China) choosing from the first pair of advantages (R1), and thus becoming effective immediately for everyone. This is true for all strategic advantages, although… in the alternative rule section, some are specific to certain phases and are described accordingly. Although it may be confusing because rounds are usually used during combat, in this case the “R” refers to a single game round. Have you found any circumstantial loop holes that would make this timing problematic Baron?

    Instead of using the term “game round”, I think it is less confusing to use the term “start of a game turn” or “after a complete game turn”. Because in the forum, a player’s turn is referred to his own letter: G1, UK1, R1, J1.

    So, you can start with T1, G1, etc. T2, G2, etc.

  • Sponsor




    R1 - Germany / UK / Russia / Japan / USA / Italy / ANZAC / France

    You use “R” for Round, but it is a player’s turn, so I believe it is better with a “T”.
    Usually, “round” is for combat rounds during Combat Resolution.

    Don’t you think?

    All Strategic Advantage decisions were meant to be made at the beginning of each game round (before Germany’s turn). Therefore, the game would begin with every nation (accept China) choosing from the first pair of advantages (R1), and thus becoming effective immediately for everyone. This is true for all strategic advantages, although… in the alternative rule section, some are specific to certain phases and are described accordingly. Although it may be confusing because rounds are usually used during combat, in this case the “R” refers to a single game round. Have you found any circumstantial loop holes that would make this timing problematic Baron?

    Instead of using the term “game round”, I think it is less confusing to use the term “start of a game turn” or “after a complete game turn”. Because in the forum, a player’s turn is referred to his own letter: G1, UK1, R1, J1.

    So, you can start with T1, G1, etc. T2, G2, etc.

    I suppose I could use GR for “game round”, but “start of a game turn” or “after a complete game turn” seem like long terms to use for a list in point form.

  • '17 '16

    I suppose I could use GR for “game round”, but “start of a game turn” or “after a complete game turn” seem like long terms to use for a list in point form.

    Just GT#1, GT#2 was enough.

    I think everybody see what you mean.

    So, it is semantics here. it is just the expression “round” doesn’t seems to fit to the usual convention (rounds and phases are shorter than turns, in most games).
    When all players have done their turn. Then a game turn is complete.
    Just weird that the sum of players turns become round #1, etc.

  • Sponsor


    I suppose I could use GR for “game round”, but “start of a game turn” or “after a complete game turn” seem like long terms to use for a list in point form.

    Just GT#1, GT#2 was enough.

    I think everybody see what you mean.

    So, it is semantics here. it is just the expression “round” doesn’t seems to fit to the usual convention (rounds and phases are shorter than turns, in most games).
    When all players have done their turn. Then a game turn is complete.
    Just weird that the sum of players turns become round #1, etc.

    I couldn’t quite connect with the different uses of “game turn” that you have been suggesting, so I looked in the G40 Europe rule book and at the top of page 12 under order of play it reads… “Axis and Allies is played in rounds, a round consist of each power taking a turn”.

  • Customizer

    YG, these are great ideas. I look forward to trying some or all of them in my games. You definitely get a +1 from me.

    By the way, I understood completely what you meant when you use the term “round”. I don’t understand why Baron wants to quibble over what word you use for round, turn, or whatever. With all the ideas you are proposing that can change how the game plays out, fussing over what word to use to represent what game round each advantage takes effect seems really silly.

  • @Baron:

    I suppose I could use GR for “game round”, but “start of a game turn” or “after a complete game turn” seem like long terms to use for a list in point form.

    Just GT#1, GT#2 was enough.

    I think everybody see what you mean.

    So, it is semantics here. it is just the expression “round” doesn’t seems to fit to the usual convention (rounds and phases are shorter than turns, in most games).
    When all players have done their turn. Then a game turn is complete.
    Just weird that the sum of players turns become round #1, etc.

    Actually you have it backwards. Well, in most cases anyways. Rounds are not shorter than turns. Rounds are generally considered Rounds of Play, meaning an entire series of Players Turns that have been completed. Think of Turns, as in your turn, my turn, etc… Phases are shorter than Turns, meaning a Player Turn consists of different phases(i.e. combat phase, combat move phase, non-combat move phase, etc…). In most games, phases are shorter than turns, turns are shorter than rounds. I have never heard differently. In my 27+ years of  game playing and play testing, it has always been this way. When I did play testing for a game called Advanced Third Reich and Rising Sun, a much more complex WWII game than A&A Global 1940, we always made sure to use this language to define phases vs. player turn(s) vs. rounds of rounds of play. Otherwise, people would get confused. Young Grasshopper, it really comes down to how much effort do you really want to put into this? If this is just for fun and is going to be some house rules to have fun with, then I wouldn’t change a thing. I agree w/Knp. I believe most people understand what you mean. If this is going to be something official you release to the public, then I would put some  more effort into being definitive. Just my two cents…  :-D

  • @Young:

    Hello everyone,

    Here is a one stop view of all the Delta house rules for A&A 1940 Global including Strategic Advantages, Strategic Objectives, and G40 Alternative Rules. I wish to extend a special thanks to KNP7765, Toblerone77, CWO Marc, Ben_D, Mattsk, Imperious Leader, and Baron Munchhausen for all their help with the development of these rule modifications.


    Here’s how it works… at the beginning of each round up to the 10th, a predetermined nation will automatically gain a “Strategic Advantage”, but may only choose from the 2 advantages available at the time. That nation will benefit from their chosen advantage for the remainder of the game, however, once an advantage has been passed, it will never again become available.

    Nations will have 2 predetermined advantages to choose from, as well as a predetermined game round in which they may choose. Nations may never gain advantages offered to other nations (except for rounds 1 & 10), and they may never gain advantages during game rounds not assigned to them.

    Advantages are chosen at the start of each game round (before Germany’s turn), and become effective immediately. Also, nations must be in control of their capital city in order to choose a strategic advantage, and once a nation’s capital city has been captured, they must forfeit all previously held strategic advantages permanently.

    Here are the available strategic advantages, and the game rounds (GR) they are eligible to be chosen in…

    GR#1 - Germany / UK / Russia / Japan / USA / Italy / ANZAC / France

    Airborne Assault Troops
    Up to 2 infantry units from a friendly operational airbase may attack an enemy territory up to 3 spaces away provided that the territory is also being attacked by land units coming from an adjacent territory, or sea zone via an amphibious assault.


    War Time Production
    Major factories may now produce a maximum of 12 units, and minor factories may now produce a maximum of 4 units. The maximum damage that can be applied to these factories has not changed.

    GR#2 - Germany

    German submarines now attack at 3 or less, and now receive 3 dice each when conducting convoy disruptions.


    Each German mechanized infantry can now blitz alone, and transport an artillery unit up to 2 spaces. Also, German tactical bombers now attack @4 or less without needing the support of fighters or tanks (not applicable in sea zones).

    GR#3 - United States

    War Bonds Campaign
    America now rolls 2 dice every round during their collect income phase, and may collect the amount shown in additional IPCs


    Uncle Sam Campaign
    America now receives free infantry units every round during their place new units phase (1 in Eastern United States, 1 in Central America, and 1 in Western United States).

    GR#4 - United Kingdom

    All AA fire from both AA artillery units, and built in AA guns now defend at 2 or less. Also, all operational airbases under British control may now scramble up to 4 fighters in defense of an adjacent sea zone.


    Commonwealth Aid
    All units produced by British minor factories are now $1 cheaper.

    GR#5 - Japan

    Long Lance Torpedos
    All Japanese destroyers now receive a 1st round “surprise strike” (like submarines) when defending against, or attacking enemy warships.


    Tokyo Express
    Japanese destroyers may now transport up to 1 infantry unit each. Destroyers carrying infantry may still attack during the sea combat step of an amphibious assault before unloading their cargo.

    GR#6 - United States

    Boeing Fortresses
    When American strategic bombers attack weather in a battle or SBR, they now receive 2 dice each and the attacker may select the best result. Also, American strategic bombers now hit at 2 or less when defending against interceptors, and are now immune to built in AA guns during SBRs.


    Essex Class Carriers
    All American aircraft carriers now attack at 2, and may now carry up to 3 American and/or allied fighters / tactical bombers.

    GR#7 - Germany

    Jet Fighters
    Both the attack value and movement of all German fighters has now increased by 1 (including escort and interceptor missions).


    During the SBR step of each combat movement phase, a single rocket attack may be launched from each operational airbase under German control at an enemy factory, air base, or naval base up to 4 spaces away. Each rocket attack will cause an automatic 6 damage points on the targeted facility, however, Germany may not launch more than 1 rocket attack per target during the same round.

    GR#8 - Japan

    Banzai Attack
    If Japan attacks an enemy territory with only infantry, those infantry will attack at 2 or less.


    Code of Bushido
    All Japanese infantry on islands now defend at 3 or less.

    GR#9 - Soviet Union

    During their place new units phase, Russia will now receive 3 free tanks on the territory of Samara (if under Russian control).


    Trans-Siberian Railway
    Any number of Russian infantry, artillery, and/or AA artillery units may now move from Russia to Novosibirsk, Timguska, Yenisey, or Yakut S.S.R (if under Russian control) within a single non-combat movement. There may only be one destination per turn, and all such movements must originate from Russia.

    GR#10 - Germany / UK / Russia / Japan / USA / Italy / ANZAC / France

    Long Range Aircraft
    The movement value of all air units has now increased by 1 (“Jet Fighters” can now reach 6, or 7 from an airbase).


    Modernized Shipyards
    Sea units are now cheaper to build:

    Battleship = $17
    Aircraft Carrier = $13
    Cruiser = $9
    Destroyer = $7
    Transport = $6
    Submarine = $5

    G40 Strategic Objectives

    These new strategic objectives have been created to replace the original national objectives in an A&A 1940 Global game. “Home Lands” (original territories) are specific to the roundels printed on each territory, and the Japanese objective “Trade with USA” is the only objective to be collected during peace time. Also, Calcutta is considered an enemy city, rather than an enemy capital for the purpose of economic balance (see the city clarifications listed at the end of Strategic Objectives).


    Enemy Capital
    $5 - Per enemy capital captured

    Enemy City
    $3 - Per enemy city captured

    Home Land
    $5 - Germany controls all their original territories

    Oil Fields
    $5 - An Axis power controls Caucasus

    Africa Korps
    $5 - Germany has 3 or more land units in Africa.

    Soviet Union

    Enemy Capital
    $5 - Per enemy capital captured

    Enemy City
    $3 - Per enemy city captured

    Home Land
    $5 - Russia controls all their original territories

    Lend Lease
    $5 - The allied powers control Archangel and there are no axis warships is sea zone #120

    National Pride
    $5 - There are no allied units on originally owned Russian territories

    United States

    Enemy Capital
    $5 - Per enemy capital captured

    Enemy City
    $3 - Per enemy city captured

    The North
    $5 - America controls Alaska and the Aleutian Islands.

    The Americas
    $10 - America controls Western, Central, and Eastern United States, as well as Mexico, Southeast Mexico, Central America, and West Indies

    The Outer Perimeter
    $5 - America controls Midway, Wake Island, Hawaiian Islands, Johnston Island, and Line Island

    The South Pacific
    $5 - The Allied powers control The Philippines, Borneo, Sumatra, Java, and Celebes


    Enemy Capital
    $5 - Per enemy capital captured

    Enemy City
    $3 - Per enemy city captured
    (including Shanghai, even if not at war with the Pacific Allies)

    Home Land
    $5 - Japan controls all their original territories

    Trade With USA
    $10 - Peace with FIC, and the Pacific allies.

    Chinese Capitulation
    $5 - Japan controls all Chinese original territories

    The South Pacific
    $5 - Japan controls the Philippines, Borneo, Sumatra, Java, and Celebes.


    The Burma Road
    $5 - The allied powers control the Burma road.

    Home Land
    $5 - China controls all their original territories

    United Kingdom (Pacific)

    Enemy Capital
    $5 - Per enemy capital captured

    Enemy City
    $3 - Per enemy city captured

    Home Land
    $5 - The UK (Pacific) controls all their original territories

    The Burma Road
    $5 - The allied powers control the Burma road.

    United Kingdom (Europe)

    Enemy Capital
    $5 for control of each enemy capital

    Enemy City
    $3 for control of each enemy city

    Home Land
    $5 - The UK (Europe) controls all their original territories

    Operation Ultra
    $5 - There are no German submarines in the Atlantic


    Enemy Capital
    $5 - Per enemy capital captured

    Enemy City
    $3 - Per enemy city captured

    Home Land
    $5 - Italy controls all their original territories

    The Mediterranean Coast
    $5 - Italy controls 3 of the 4 following territories, Gibraltar, Southern France, Greece, and/or Egypt.

    Naval Superiority
    $5 - There are no allied warships in the Mediterranean.

    The Middle East
    $5 - Italy controls Iraq, northwest Persia, and Persia.

    North Africa
    $5 - Italy controls Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya, Tobruk, Alexandria, and Egypt.


    Enemy Capital
    $5 - Per enemy capital captured

    Enemy City
    $3 - Per enemy city captured

    Home Land
    $5 - ANZAC controls all their original territories

    The South Pacific
    $5 - The Allied powers control the Philippines, Borneo, Sumatra, Java, and Celebes


    Enemy Capital
    $5 - Per enemy capital captured

    Enemy City
    $3 - Per enemy city captured

    Home Land
    $5 - France controls all their original territories

    Clarification of enemy capitals, and cities

    Axis Capitals


    Axis Cities


    Allied Capitals


    Allied Cities

    Hong Kong
    San Francisco

    G40 Alternative Rules

    Base Support
    Strategic Bombers conducting SBRs only receive a +2 damage bonus if they have departed from an airbase.

    Russian Winter
    During the purchase new units phase of their 6th turn, Russia may roll 1 die, and Germany must remove from the board that many infantry units currently on original Russian territories (their choice). +1 for every 10 German infantry units on original Russian territories (rounded like so… 24 infantry units =+2 / 25 infantry units =+2 / 26 infantry units =+3 etc…).

    Atlantic Wall
    The defense value of all German infantry, and AA artillery units on Normandy, Holland/Belgium, and/or Denmark has increased by 1 during enemy amphibious assaults from an adjacent sea zone.

    Around the Clock Bombing
    At the beginning of any game round (before Germany’s turn), the United Kingdom may announce once per game, an “around the clock bombing campaign” which will last for one complete round. This means that any American strategic bombers (including the “Boeing Fortresses” SA), and British strategic bombers stationed on London upon the announcement, may conduct a SBR on the turn of their respective ally, as well as on their own turn.

    Military Morale
    China may purchase as many artillery units as they like, whenever they like, as long as they still posses the American fighter plane.

    Enola Gay
    During the SBR step in the combat phase of America’s 12th turn, they may use 1 American strategic bomber (including a Boeing Fortress) to drop an atomic bomb on 1 enemy territory within range of the chosen air unit. If the strategic bomber passes all air defenses (using same rules as SBRs) than that bomber will have successfully dropped it’s payload with the following damage: All facilities on the targeted enemy territory immediately sustain maximum damage, and the IPC value of the territory has now been reduced to zero. Original facilities of that territory may be repaired and used later, however, new facilities may never be placed on a that territory for the rest of the game.

    Kamikaze Tokens
    Japan may now use their available kamikaze tokens in designated kamikaze sea zones during any combat situation (not just defense).

    French Resistance
    France may immediately place 5 free infantry units on Paris every time it is liberated.

    Political Sovereignty
    Strict Neutral territories in South America have no influence over Strict Neutral territories anywhere else, and vise versa.

    Mutual Allies
    In the event of a 6 player group game, the United Kingdom will play France, the United States will play ANZAC, and the Soviet Union will play China.

    Before I comment on these, how much playtesting has been done on this?

  • Please don’t quote the whole first post, it is kinda weird when you have to scroll over that much to read a single sentence.  :wink:

    To answer your question: probably not much, since it’s fresh and to fully playtest you need half a day or so, add up the usual time eaters like sleep, eat, work/school, rest… weekend is coming though  8-)

  • Sponsor


    YG, these are great ideas. I look forward to trying some or all of them in my games. You definitely get a +1 from me.

    By the way, I understood completely what you meant when you use the term “round”. I don’t understand why Baron wants to quibble over what word you use for round, turn, or whatever. With all the ideas you are proposing that can change how the game plays out, fussing over what word to use to represent what game round each advantage takes effect seems really silly.

    Thanks KNP,

    And actually I find Baron’s sugestion quite positive, because I take it to mean that there’s not much in the rule set he has a problem with.

  • Sponsor


    Please don’t quote the whole first post, it is kinda weird when you have to scroll over that much to read a single sentence.  :wink:

    To answer your question: probably not much, since it’s fresh and to fully playtest you need half a day or so, add up the usual time eaters like sleep, eat, work/school, rest… weekend is coming though  8-)

    Yes, hopefully Brando will remove the quote from his post, and to answer Brando’s question without inserting a quote… it’s just meant to be a fun alternative for G40 players looking for a change. However, I will design a deck of cards that players can print and use in order to keep track of who has what advantages and objectives.

  • Sponsor

    Made changes today to the"Tankograd" strategic advantage, the “Russian Winter” alternative rule, redused the bonus for the “enemy cities” strategic objectives to 2 down from 3, and added an important note to “city and capital clarifications”.

  • Customizer



    +1 YG. This is a great project!

    Thanks Toblerone,

    Of course the real test is how they hold up during an actual game… do you have the type of fellow players willing to test something like this for me?

    My games are with family and visiting freinds around the holiday season nowadays so games are very occasional and pretty loose. However I will try these rules out at the soonest opportunity.  Other than that, my Axis & Allies arsenal is huge and I do run solitare campaigns as well as occasional games with my wife.

  • I love the feel (historic immersion) of this set of HR’s! Really brings the game that extra level of depth and even more role playing fun!
    The advantages all seem to have major effects on balance but since all Major Powers have some, it is hard to tell the final balance. If testing reveals an unbalance the advantages can easily be tweaked to fix that.

  • Sponsor


    I love the feel (historic immersion) of this set of HR’s! Really brings the game that extra level of depth and even more role playing fun!
    The advantages all seem to have major effects on balance but since all Major Powers have some, it is hard to tell the final balance. If testing reveals an unbalance the advantages can easily be tweaked to fix that.

    Thanks LeClerc,

    That was what I was hoping to achieve, the strategic advantages and alternative rules combined should provide more of the story as each layer (game round) peels away.

  • I will design a deck of cards that players can print

    Use Artscow for that, reason is they print a 52 card deck with whatever info you want and you create a link that players can just buy this deck for really cheap. But make sure all the changes are final before.

  • Sponsor


    I will design a deck of cards that players can print

    Use Artscow for that, reason is they print a 52 card deck with whatever info you want and you create a link that players can just buy this deck for really cheap. But make sure all the changes are final before.

    Thats great advice, I was just gonna work on illustrator but I like your idea much better.

  • '14 Customizer

    Very good job!

    Definitely like the initial advancements with players choosing between Airborne and Production.  I have always thought that one or both of these should be enabled after turn 1.

    Blitzkrieg is really going to change the way you play Germany with using mechs to transport artillery.

    I really like the whole idea and cant wait to play test with my group.

  • Sponsor


    Very good job!

    Definitely like the initial advancements with players choosing between Airborne and Production.  I have always thought that one or both of these should be enabled after turn 1.

    Blitzkrieg is really going to change the way you play Germany with using mechs to transport artillery.

    I really like the whole idea and cant wait to play test with my group.

    Thanks Cyanight,

    • You’re right, a choice between two of the lamest G40 techs for all, is a nice way to start the game.

    • Blitzkrieg is a good advantage, but you’ll have to pass on Enigma to get it.

    • Thanks, and be sure to share your findings with us after your first play test.


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