@goldplasma I’m in Charlotte, looks like there is a decent group in Raleigh you might be able to connect with.
Raleigh, NC
Adult player of original A&A, always interested in finding out if there are other adults nearby that might enjoy a good game or 3.
Make that both Classic AA and AA Revised :-)
Developing a strong preference for Revised…
Hey switch, just went from reading accounts of some of your games to finding out you live in Raleigh. I’m in downtown Durham. I’m 27 and had played probably 20-30 games of Classic and have owned Revised for about one year but have only played 3-4 times. Relatively speaking, I’m a newb, but a gamer at heart, and I would love to try my hand against someone face-to-face once more before I start playing by email. I am off every Sunday and usually one other day which varies (next week is Tuesday). If you are jonesin’ for a game as much as I am and are interested in coming to Durham this Sunday (sorry I ride a scooter, but maybe could train in to Raleigh if you are also carless) I would be happy to host a game. This is my first post, sorry if it’s a bit long or missing any important information you would like about me or my playing style. Hope to hear from you soon, even if you are a State fan!
Am occupied this weekend, and need to figure out how to keep my better half entertained during a several hour face-to-face session, but will definitely keep it in mind!
Glad to know there are others nearby :-)