• I’m brand new to computers, but have been playing A&A for over 30 years with maybe 5 or 6 hundred games under my belt. Any tips on going from the boardgame to the computer? Do I need to buy a game cd or something? If your’e a grandmaster at the board game, will it take much to become a grandmaster on the computer? Are the rules and map the same? Once I get this computer crap down, I’ll give anyone in the world a serious run for their money!

  • Moderator

    Which Game? Atari released a RTS style game under that title but it is nothing like the game from what I have heard… Then their is Iron Blitz, which requires a Kindergarten Diploma with the way the AI acts…

  • Guerilla guy, your’e an idiot! I say that lovingly so don’t banish me O forum masters!

  • Hey G GUY. Sorry for that last comment if you weren’t making fun of me. If you were , then it sticks!

  • Im seeing the error of my ways G GUY . Please forgive me!!

  • Someone please point this new member toward some forum rules, etc. and restrict his posts for a few days until he has had a chance to read them…

  • Hey, my humblest apologies, especially to G GUY. I just assumed that we could play each other somehow. Now I sense that all we do is talk about the game. I’m sorry for crying out loud!

  • Moderator

    Forgiven (second day on the job and there already flaming… this is the life :-D ) You can play PBEM (Play-by-Email) in the Games forum… I think we have a FAQ their to get you started with Online Stuff like Dicey…

    BTW no flaming allowed… So keep it civil with the other posts please


  • '19 Moderator

    What GG was trying to say is If you play the computer game against the computer you will get bored fast.  If you want to be humbled learn how to play in games furum. :)

  • @dezrtfish:

    What GG was trying to say is If you play the computer game against the computer you will get bored fast.  If you want to be humbled learn how to play in games furum. :)

    Darn Skippy!  Tri and DM taught me a few things in short order…

    But I am getting better… won the last match (though unfortunately by default, but was in a much stornger position when my opponent disapeared…) and I am in a good position in my current game with Tri after G5.

  • Thanks for the info fellas. Just one thing. In Axis & Allies, I do not get humbled! I am the humbler. I am not the pupil, I am the teacher. I suppose that I can’t prove it, oh well. But thanks!

  • There are a lot of ways to play online.

    You can use the Triple A version (Java intense which is why I do not use it) to play online.
    You can use one of the map/dicey programs to play by e-mail
    You can use physical boards by each player with a dicey, such as Tri and I are using now, and like I used with Ezto and Darth.
    And when all else fails, straight low-tech boards and real dice on the honor system (like Tri and I used in our first 2 games).

    So, the “proof” is yours to offer…  Just pick your method, post to the boards looking for an opponent, then strut your stuff.

  • Moderator


    Thanks for the info fellas. Just one thing. In Axis & Allies, I do not get humbled! I am the humbler. I am not the pupil, I am the teacher. I suppose that I can’t prove it, oh well. But thanks!

    Thou may be a teacher, but thou talketh with cop and citizen alike. Thou must respect both alike. :wink:

  • So is that supposed to be words of wisdom or something? I’m not too concerned about the cops and the citizens can kisseth my butteth. Would ye care to playeth thee? I’ll take the axis, give ye free supersubs, and beateth ye for the sheer funneth! Come on GG, it would be a great match. Let’s do the dicey thing or something. :-D

  • Since we’re discussing Pseudo-flames I’m going to trash talk about my upcoming game with DM(only with a playful intent).  First of all its not if I will beat him but how bad.  Everyone knows I was the one that turned DM to the Dark Side and that I taught him everything he knows, but we are going to once again see that the student cannot beat the master and he is still my apprentice.  After I beat him for his incredible audacity to challenge me I will take on a new more powerful apprentice to do away with him once and for all. There have I hyped up this game enough yet.

    I’m brand new to computers, but have been playing A&A for over 30 years with maybe 5 or 6 hundred games under my belt. Any tips on going from the boardgame to the computer? Do I need to buy a game cd or something? If your’e a grandmaster at the board game, will it take much to become a grandmaster on the computer? Are the rules and map the same? Once I get this computer crap down, I’ll give anyone in the world a serious run for their money!

    I would say there is a huge learning curve btwn playing and home and the human talent online.  This is largely b/c the AI in all versions is weak and the game is very unbalanced under 2nd Edition rules against the Axis with the regular and RR ruleset.  To compensate for this clubs started allowing pregame “bids” to be made for the Axis which is basically an extra allotment of units that is added on the board prior to R1.  For example in my game against DM I bid 24 to be the Axis and am placing and additional 8inf on the board from the startup.  This is broken down as 2inf added to Manchuria, 2inf added to EEuro, and 4inf added to Libya so every square on the board is the same as the original startup but for those three squares which now look like this 5inf ftr-Manch, 5inf arm-Libya and 5inf arm ftr-EEuro.  Making this kind of alteration to the basic game allows the Axis to achieve much greater initial might which makes it harder for the Allies to take advantage of them early and it forces the allies to concentrate their attacks thereby protecting some places that might otherwise be attacked.  For example a standard move in non bid no RR 2nd Edition games has Britain attacking Kwantung on B1 from India with 2inf ftr, however, I will almost guarantee that DM will not do this now b/c I’ve added to Manchuria.  Also b/c I’ve added to Manch and EEuro he probably will not be able to attack Germany in Europe and Japanese Manchuria on Russia1.

    I’d say the most difficult thing for new players to understand is the ramifications of a bid, how to use it and where the appropriate amount is to bid to be the Axis.  Too little and you won’t do much to help your cause, too much and a skilled player will under cut you and defeat you with the Axis.  Although, I would say a general problem for new players is bidding too low like under 20ipcs of units which should not win with the Axis against skilled opponents.  Often times though this is a product of a inability to adjust to playing the Allies against a bid and therefore low bidding to avoid having to play them.  That is in most no bid games it is so easy for the Allies to win that there is no need for those who play them to make critical decisions with the understanding that it will mean making a sacrifice.  An example of this is playing the Russians with the understanding that you will lose Sfe and Yakut but that you want to make sure you do not lose Novo.  This means retreating a lot so as to focus on Germany early but switching back to Japan later on in the Mid game when the other Allies are positioned to pick up the slack for Russia in Europe.  Or another example is giving up Asia on turn 1 as the Western Allies US and UK so as to guarantee you can hold on to Africa in the long run.  These are critical but tough decisions to make which require a lot of experience and patience but also the recognition that every game cannot be played the same.

    The general rule of thumb is that it takes about 3-5 games to really start to get it and another 10-15 to really master your play.  So if you really push yourself you can easily made a huge improvement after 5-10 games.  The key is to find good players, play them, and learn from your mistakes.

  • Or he could give GG Allies with an advantage and see the slaughter. That might be pretty fun to watch.

  • AgentSmith: The part you are not acknowledging is that a lot of people, especially those that play at home, do not acknowledge that the axis have an extreme disadvantage. I have spent many a game convincing friends that I play with locally that it is the case. It works, but it usually takes a helluvalot of games to do so. Most people coming from a home environment see no disparity. Maddog certainly does not.

  • Moderator


    So is that supposed to be words of wisdom or something? I’m not too concerned about the cops and the citizens can kisseth my butteth. Would ye care to playeth thee? I’ll take the axis, give ye free supersubs, and beateth ye for the sheer funneth! Come on GG, it would be a great match. Let’s do the dicey thing or something. :-D

    Me don’t like playing online… me like seeing real people… :evil:

    Besides if you want an opponent you need to post for one in the Games Forum. Just start a thread stake your conditions (game wise) and press post… Their are a majority of fun loving folks that will fry your rear…


  • AgentSmith: The part you are not acknowledging is that a lot of people, especially those that play at home, do not acknowledge that the axis have an extreme disadvantage. I have spent many a game convincing friends that I play with locally that it is the case. It works, but it usually takes a helluvalot of games to do so. Most people coming from a home environment see no disparity. Maddog certainly does not.

    I’m aware of that which is why a while back I played a couple of 2nd Ed games here as the Allies against no bid.  Both were won pretty easily.  In one I played extremely conservatively making almost no attacks as the Allies to prove the point they could be either super aggressive or super passive against no bid and win, and the other is the infamous game where the Russians attacked Manch, Ukr,Baltic and Spain on R1 and by the end of turn 2 Germany was on its last legs and Japan was no better having lost its fleet.  The game simply isn’t a challenge w/o a bid but for weak(timid) allied play.

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