Word, ima try without this time, and hopefully surprise attack his next time im axis :-P.
Question on SBR's
As I learn more about Revised and try to work out strategies, I am finding that I have a few questions.
One notable one regards SBR’s
A single SBR on an IC can only destroy as many IPC’s as the territory with the IC generates.
So for example, Caucuses being bombed can at most cost Russia 4 IPC’s while Moscow being bombed can cost at most 8 IPC’s.My question is this…
Is that limit per round (i.e. for a given country’s move) or per turn (all country moves in a single turn)?The reason I ask is this:
If Germany were to build a fleet of say 3 bombers and bombed Caucuses with 1 and Russia with 2 and rolled slightly above average and destroyed the maximum 12 IPC’s, could Japan then also bomb Russia and/or Caucuses and destroy up to 12 IPC’s more?Or can UK and US set up a CBO and hit Germany and Southern with a 1-2 punch destroying up to 32 IPC’s in a single turn (16 IPC’s for UK, and 16 IPC’s for USA?
Yes the limit is only per “round”, not per “turn” (where “round” is one country’s moves and “turn” is a full cycle of all country’s moves). Therefore, as outlined in your example, you can bomb Russia for 8 IPCs in Moscow using German bombers then on Japan’s turn bomb him for another 8 IPCs in Moscow.
Thanks for the info :-)
Heading over to see the end of Allied defense rolls and close out my G3 move…
Are you seroiusly considering building enough bombers to do ~24 IPC damage to Russia from both Germany/Japan? 8-)
Are you seroiusly considering building enough bombers to do ~24 IPC damage to Russia from both Germany/Japan? 8-)
Actually no. Was trying to figure out if, for example, Germany could bomb Caucuses for 1-4, and Japan follow up also bombing it (since Japan will be able to reach Caucuses for SBR before it can reach Russia).
Did not want to waste either starting bomber if the max that could be done in Caucuses was 4 for the whole turn.