OK, most of what is on here is political/military. But there are some other great issues that are facing us in the US, including some critical financial issues.
As most folks know, the US stock market has been on an upward run since the early 1980’s (excluding the hick-up of Black Monday and 9-11). That upward spiral has been largely fueled by one thing: 401(k) contributions… people buying a set amount of stock, every month, no matter what the market does. The result of 401(k)'s has been a continuous “buy” pressure on the market for decades that has forced prices higher.
What most folks don;t realize is that the lion’s share of those continuous buy orders are funded by the 401(k) contributions of Baby Boomers. There are a LOT more Boomers than there are Rabies and Gen X’ers. Boomers also earn far more than their younger working counterparts (on average).
Now, as the Boomers reach retirement (or shortly before retirement they can withdraw their 401(k) funds and put them into “secured” and “safe” holding accounts) that creates SELL pressure on the market. And sell pressure drives prices DOWN, in short order. As more and more Boomers hit retirement, that sell pressure increases, eventually ovwhelming the buy pressure of the younger Boomers and the Rabies and Gen X’ers.
What you may not have realized is that you can withdraw from your 401(k) penalty free startign at age 59 1/2. The Baby Boom ran from 1946 to 1964. That means that the start of the Boomer 401(k) sell-off starts…
It is already begun!
And here is the kicker… Why do you think GW Bush REALLY wanted to privatize a portion of Social Security contributions? Was it for our benefit? Nope! It was to provide a cash infusion into the market to COUNTER the sell off of the boomer’s 401(k) sell-off!
But alas, Social Insecurity Reform is dead. And Wall Street will follow suit in short order. I figure by 2011 we will be in the start of the longest bear market ever seen. Dow 3,000 anyone?