I think you need 10 posts; it is to stop spamming.
Welcome to the forum!
Thx wittmann :)
but I had to spam another 3 post to arrive at 10 :-D :-D :-D
I decided to convert to new message board software. It has all of the feature of phpBB and more.
The look and feel is a little different but I’m sure you all will get used it it.
Let me know what you think.
Dave Jensen, Founder of Axis & Allies .org
Good work!!
I like the new SMF forum. I miss the look and feel of the phpBB but the SMF seems to have a lot more functionnality.
Like u said I’ll have to get use to it :)
Very cool, I like it muchly :D.
Yeah, its pretty sweet. Just need to get used to it.
I remember the switch to the previous style and how there was a period of getting used to that. Funny thing is, now I can’t remember what the style before that looked like. I have vague memories, but that is about it. So given time, I’ll get so used to this I won’t even remember what the php looked like. :-D
I think the biggest transition problem has been that all the imported messages were marked as “new.” But that should go away after a few days.
Also over the next few weeks I hope tp change the look to be more like the main website. However, I’ll probably leave the feel alone. Look meaning images, colors, and graphics. Feel meaning placement, organization, and flow.
Dave Jensen, Founder of Axis & Allies .org