What would you do with a month off?

  • @Wargaming_nut:

    Wow, CC, could you possibly sound more vindictive and childish? :-?


    Was that a good one? 'Cuz i really wasn’t trying.


    Cripes, you pick some bad ways to spend your time off.

    are you saying that warrented a more appropriate response?

    If you’re going for total vacation, I stand by the Caribbean, or possibly touring Australia.

    tix from Winnipeg to Sydney - $1500 round trip. Now what to do when i get there . . . ?

  • To start off, I would host a three day paintball war. :D kegs would come after that. :)

  • I voted Aust/ NZ hike/walkabout…

    I would lean more to the NZ hike as I have seen documentaries that showed NZ has mountains, deserts, cliffs, great seasides plains…
    for an island its got a lot of beauty.

    Of course America hasn’t reallly littered it with tourists and trash yet.

    As for my ideal vac…

    1. Washington, DC(heritage) and surrrounding vicinity for Am. Civil War history.
    2. Philly, NYC and New England states for Revolutionary War history.
    3. A Mediterranean cruise, spend a week in Espana(Hola, chica! :) ), a week in Italia(Caio, bella! :) ) some time in Morocco and Egypt(Support your local Mullah! :o ).

  • @marine36:

    To start off, I would host a three day paintball war. :D kegs would come after that. :)

    there is a travel agency in alabama with an opening for you.

  • @El:

    I voted Aust/ NZ hike/walkabout…

    I would lean more to the NZ hike as I have seen documentaries that showed NZ has mountains, deserts, cliffs, great seasides plains…
    for an island its got a lot of beauty.

    that’s what i’m talkin’ about

    1. Washington, DC(heritage) and surrrounding vicinity for Am. Civil war history.

    been there, done that. Loved Harper’s ferry . . . .

    1. Philly, NYC and New England states for Revolutionary War history.

    in January? Are you INSANE?? I might as well . . . well,
    i guess that’s not soooo terrible. but No.

    1. A Mediterranean cruise, spend a week in Espana(Hola, chica! :) ), a week in Italia(Caio, bella! :) ) some time in Morocco and Egypt(Support your local Mullah! :o ).

    more of a spring/fall thing for me.

  • Come to Rhode Island. Theres lots to do here… really.

  • @Yanny:

    Come to Rhode Island. Theres lots to do here… really.

    LOL,…. okay, Peter Griffen… LOL

  • Moderator


    Come to Rhode Island. Theres lots to do here… really.

    Thought you were in Jersey… 'sides we are already flooded by Bostonians and Nyorkers… Before you suggest someone visit please push Legislation to apply a toll for entering are state so they will stop walking all over us and costing us taxes to deal with the roads…


  • I’d say anything in NZ or Aus. Not many people can say they have visited that corner of the earth.

  • Sorry c c,

    I wasn’t meaning you or being January specific.

    Hey! I heard a few years ago about a train ride IN CANADA
    straight north from somwhars around Michigan (Sorry for the USan ref, but…you know.) that was scenic. The photos I saw were autumn weather…leaves changing!! No short ride either… it was 100-150+ miles one way. Granted it ain’t a monthlong trip, but it sounded like a good way to show FAMILY the beauty of Canada(before you ruin it completely!) Hard to keep the kids interested for long without a boyfriend, phone, amusement park, computer/Xbox/Nintendo games or fav TV show.

    Kids! Nothing personal against anyone under 30 and single reading this. :)

  • Thought you were in Jersey…

    Attending Providence College right now.

    Why, are you from Rhode Island GG?

  • Moderator

    actually no… I am a Transplant from Calif.; but been here 13 yrs…

  • @Imperious:

    Good lord … these are the choices??? if i have to choose between this id take Austrailia. But id really goto London and visit the Imperial war museum and a dash with the eurorail to Germany and visit the Bunker ,the Reich chancellery and Heydrichs house at Wannsee. October is here and Spaten Beer flows. Just dont eat anything in england the food is poison! Their is good Sauerbraten in Berlin and southern Germany and dont forget the SCHNITZEL!
    If you want to see a bunch of feces then i suppose you can head for france and visit the “Parasites” er paris sites. just watch where you step. In our Germany the streets are cleaned with soap and water and huge trucks do it at night.

    lol leader. joke for you…

    Why do birds fly upside down over France?

    Because there is nothing worth crapping on.

    Didn’t know that stuff was still standing. Would be kinda interesting to see. Closest I got to eating German was in the German pavilion at Epcot last month.

  • actually no… I am a Transplant from Calif.; but been here 13 yrs…

    Where in the state?

  • To each his own cystic. Call me a tourist or whatever, but I don’t want to hitchike or study on my vacation. I want to be taken care of. I can wander around aimlessly and read at home and not spend any money. And although not as beatnick, a library card works just fine for me and is a lot cheaper than a plane ticket. I can forgo the scenery while I read. As far as hitchiking is concerned. I want a cab. Didn’t some chick get grabbed in the Carribian not too long ago?

    But hey, like I said. To each his own. Have not been to vegas yet, so would like to check it out. Cirque de solei, gambling, legal prostition (oops, did I say that last one out loud? lol). Not now of course, but mardi gras would kick some ass. That and the places that leader mentioned in Germany. World war 2 junky and all. Be kind of cool to see some of the places in Russia where major battles were fought, but the place looks like a real dive to me. The places in Germany aren’t all that great. Kind of like “and here is yet another city that got bombed”. Not too epic, more sad than anything.

  • Okay - again. This vacation is in JANUARY!!! Not a time that i want to spend freezing my butt off in Europe (especially when i could spend it in . . . anywhere!!).

    Anyway, the ticket is purchased - i’m going to Aus.

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