They can lose. Even mildly careless behavior can cause either team to lose—even with a huge bid or starting advantage. That’s just what kind of game this is. Have a great player play until Turn 6, then put a first time player in their seat and give them control of the other side to watch how quickly this swings.
Rocky Mountain Axis & Allies Meetup game groups table # 1
a close look at the UK Pacific unit tray and tweaked half of the map.
I’ve observed players since this game came out, new and veteran players alike have been doing the same thing from day one this game was released - they get confused on UK Europe IPC income and UK Pacific IPC income - so I put stickers on the map and made Canada roundels into UK Euro roundels and all UK Pack roundels I stuck with a union jack, the same roundel sent with the game to track their separate income. it works great and there is nerve a question now when new players sit down to the table where the income for UK Pac is coming from.
air base and navy base tokens we use, got rid of those cheap ass thin cardboard crap things that come with the game and replaced them with cool etched ones that are small, easy to see and easy to pick up. got them from Litko Games, just Google Litko. they have tons of cool stuff like this for aa and other games.
and the ICs with the 3 and the 10 and the city landscape on them are just the old ICs from previous games that I took and stuck labels on that I created using a “bothers P-touch” labeler that I picked up from office depot, its already got the city scape label option built into it ant I just reduced the font until it aligned onto the IC piece the way I wanted it to.simple and (imo ) looks cool and is way better than those dumb cardboard things. anyway, that’s a look at what we use for those pieces.
You gotta include at least one ‘action’ shot. I did find one with both tables 1 & 3. And I do prefer the big table, everything else feels cramped by comparison.
We’re pretty lucky in that one of the devoted members of our little group is an office manager for some office suites. So there’s always some empty office that’s open for us to game in. I tried finding a group shot and I think the last one was back in March of last year. Oh and we have 1914 as well, so stop by if you ever swing through Denver.
I can attest that these game boards are awesome to play on. Chris has done an amazing job, and we really appreciate it!
Might be worth a road trip to Colorado :).