This makes no sense. Japan controls Philippines at start. The only US forces are in Hawaii. This is Milton Bradley Edition, not global
Scenerio: Would you take Kar in Rd 1?
I posted J1. It went well to say the least.
My intention was to attack Yak from the onset. But I could aford a ftr to spare in LL as 19 vs. 16 in attacking power is still 3 hits. So the last ftr went to China instead.
I took Yak, Sfe, Chi, and Ind.
I went Pearl Heavy and escaped with only one hit. So I have 2 BB’s, 1 AC and 2 ftrs there.My initial goal wasn’t to necessarily take Moscow, but to absolutely devestate the Russians and then as Germany to just survive long enough for Japan to pressure Moscow and take the Russians if possible.
could you post a map?
I don’t know how or where I could post it.
I can email it to ya if you’re interested.