Great replies, guys. I agree and concur with them all.
The New Game On The Block
Russian Revolution happened.
the RR can be postponed indefinately by abandoning moscow
how did ottomans take india? aren’t the british spending their entire income there?
In our games when the CP is doing well it’s not uncommon to have India fall.
Happened playing OOB rules, the 2-move rule, and the Tournament rules as well.
Once Russia is knocked out, the Turks have free hand to go all out vs Egypt/Africa and India. UK cannot defend the two fronts in the Middle East even with everthing going to India and the Turks start making enough IPC’s to get the edge.
Also, Austrian and/or Germans that have just knocked out Russia can be diverted towards India to help as well.
all out, with a country making 20 at best VS country that makes about 45? i would let russian revolution never happen, much better for allies to make germany kill every russian, takes about 6 rounds (very pro-central estimate, can easily be 8)
Frontovik, in my game I believe that the Central Powers controlled all the surrounding territories around Moscow so leaving Moscow was impossible. The revolution happened with Moscow contested.
Unless I am messing up one of the rules? -
Frontovik, in my game I believe that the Central Powers controlled all the surrounding territories around Moscow so leaving Moscow was impossible. The revolution happened with Moscow contested.
Unless I am messing up one of the rules?they controlled all five territories? if that’s the case, it’s possible. but if it isn’t so, the russians could hve moved all to karelia/tatarstan, leaving moscow central controlled
I agree, that is definitely the correct move with them. They will cause trouble longer assuming they have enough men to go a few turns without building.
Russian Revolution happened.
the RR can be postponed indefinately by abandoning moscow
Not sure what kind of plan that would be? You abandon Moscow allowing the CP to capture it and the IPC’s? Then try to fight a guerrilla war with the remnents of the Russians? In a couple of our games the CP did capture Moscow straight on, and within a couple turns mopped up the remaining Russian resistance. the IPC swing from Russia to the CPs was decisive in going for Paris then.
For example if Germany comes to Moscow with some units and the battle goes bad for Germany but Moscow is still contested. The Russian’s can wipe out what Cp are left but then the Revolution will happen.
On Russia’s turn the Cp will have the three surrounding territories and Moscow will be contested so the revolution will happen.
However, if Moscow is taken over, then the revolution can’t happen.
The Russian’s can remain on the board and destroy the units that took Moscow due to their retreat as well as one surrounding territory so that they stay in the game.
This makes it more difficult for the Cp and makes them send more units east instead of focusing on France England and America.
Of course this can only be done if the Cp only have units in Moscow, if there are big amounts of infantry still on their way to Moscow then this would not be effective. This is simply a way to take out the last of the Central Power’s units and keep Russia in the game. -
Russian Revolution happened.
the RR can be postponed indefinately by abandoning moscow
Not sure what kind of plan that would be? You abandon Moscow allowing the CP to capture it and the IPC’s? Then try to fight a guerrilla war with the remnents of the Russians? In a couple of our games the CP did capture Moscow straight on, and within a couple turns mopped up the remaining Russian resistance. the IPC swing from Russia to the CPs was decisive in going for Paris then.
even if 50+ brits are coming through sebastopol? and by then the french are also making a lot of IPC, from spain and such.
even if 50+ brits are coming through sebastopol? and by then the french are also making a lot of IPC, from spain and such.
50+ Brits?? Never seen that many units on the board ever in the Mid-east. Not saying in your games that didn’t happen (unless your just talking theorectical), but if the UK sends NOTHING into France early on, then Germany and Austria can usually push on to Paris and if not capture it, severly weaken the Allies while increasing their IPC count enough to fight on two fronts.
We have found that the once the Turks and Austrians secure the Balkans, the Turks can either press into Egypt and or towards India. Britain can’t get enough troops into Egypt quick enough do to lack of transports in the Indian ocean and the Turks can push into Africa gaining vital IPC’s if things go well. Enough to pin down UK troops in India.
Don’t get me wrong, the CP has a tough road to victory in this game, but if the IPC count goes their way early on and Russia can be knocked out (revolution or capture) then the UK MUST send resources to France to assist (along with the US) or the French will get overwhelmed.
Have you tried the Tournament rules?
even if 50+ brits are coming through sebastopol? and by then the french are also making a lot of IPC, from spain and such.
50+ Brits?? Never seen that many units on the board ever in the Mid-east. Not saying in your games that didn’t happen (unless your just talking theorectical), but if the UK sends NOTHING into France early on, then Germany and Austria can usually push on to Paris and if not capture it, severly weaken the Allies while increasing their IPC count enough to fight on two fronts.
We have found that the once the Turks and Austrians secure the Balkans, the Turks can either press into Egypt and or towards India. Britain can’t get enough troops into Egypt quick enough do to lack of transports in the Indian ocean and the Turks can push into Africa gaining vital IPC’s if things go well. Enough to pin down UK troops in India.
Don’t get me wrong, the CP has a tough road to victory in this game, but if the IPC count goes their way early on and Russia can be knocked out (revolution or capture) then the UK MUST send resources to France to assist (along with the US) or the French will get overwhelmed.
Have you tried the Tournament rules?
i say no to tournament rules. the brits have enough forces to send to france without rebuilding. and they can never hope to hold paris should it be taken (russia is quite vivid at killing austrians and taking eastern europe), and the US cn throw 8 inf (spain taken) every round at it. by the time CP should take rome (or god forbids it, moscow) Paris is again contested and ottomans have been wiped out. and 50 brits, that’s only bout 4 rounds of production.
even if 50+ brits are coming through sebastopol? and by then the french are also making a lot of IPC, from spain and such.
50+ Brits?? Never seen that many units on the board ever in the Mid-east. Not saying in your games that didn’t happen (unless your just talking theorectical), but if the UK sends NOTHING into France early on, then Germany and Austria can usually push on to Paris and if not capture it, severly weaken the Allies while increasing their IPC count enough to fight on two fronts.
We have found that the once the Turks and Austrians secure the Balkans, the Turks can either press into Egypt and or towards India. Britain can’t get enough troops into Egypt quick enough do to lack of transports in the Indian ocean and the Turks can push into Africa gaining vital IPC’s if things go well. Enough to pin down UK troops in India.
Don’t get me wrong, the CP has a tough road to victory in this game, but if the IPC count goes their way early on and Russia can be knocked out (revolution or capture) then the UK MUST send resources to France to assist (along with the US) or the French will get overwhelmed.
Have you tried the Tournament rules?
and IPC balance in france, even with entire western front taken that’s still like 8 IPC. important yes, but not life threatening. and it’s probably round 4 at least till you reach that.