It’s pretty fascinating to me how splitting up forces over different fronts really hampers the CP.
100 Austrians and 100 Germans (to use nice round numbers for the sake of clarity example) attacking the French (100 inf) in a territory is far weaker than 200 Germans or 200 Austrians
Austrians 100@ 3= 50 hits
French 100@ 3= 50 hits
50 Austrians, 50 French lost
Germans, 100@3= 50 hits,
French 50@3= 25 hits
That’s 75 on the CP, whereas if a force of 200 had attacked instead of 2 100’s, the casualties would have been 50.
It’s worse to have a multinational army since the defender gets to fire at you twice. At first I thought that this was silly, but then I realized that there was a lot of disunity and lack of coordination between powers in WWI, so it is actually pretty cool (although then I guess it is a bit weird that there is no penalty for defending, but whatevers)
This isn’t really news to A&A, but it seems in our games players are tempted to have multiple powers attack one territory more often than in other versions, which makes it pretty salient in WWI A&A.