My map isn’t heavily distorted to fit too many kind of units. I am favour to add new units if only absolutely needed. But Italy and China have units with similar Mech stats to diversify their options.
German submarines that were sent to AH by rail.
This: Flashman like.
Also, Flashman like SZ20, Sevastopol, Trans-Jordan, Mesopotamia & Arabia divided in 2 thusly:
I dont think making a bunch of map changes falls under ‘simple balancing(no special rules)’
1914 there were ZERO German submarines in the Med. They were sent there 1915 to not further provoke USA after the Lusitania sinking.
AH had only 6 submarines at the start of the war.
Add 2 German Cruisers (East Africa, Istanbul) 1 battleship (Kiel). It forces the Allies to actually pick a spot to focus navally, rather than having its cake and eating it too in all areas.
Von, there is no historical justification for adding German 2 cruisers off E. Africa or Istanbul. There IS justification for another Battleship off Kiel, provided you also give one to England. The Germans also had subs in the Med, so starting one in SZ 17 would be reasonable.
Not 2 each, 1 e Africa, 1 Istanbul
Italy enters war R2 without collecting income or doing anything R1
US enter war R6 (collecting 40 IPCs from that turn on to represent their superior economy)
From Round One on 1 french and 1 british Art were shipped with an additional US transport to each France and GB to
represent the munition the Entente received from “neutral” US and to have something Germany can attack with USW
Give GE and the BE each one more Battleship and one additional Transport (German Battleship and Transport were
added in SZ 11 to make it impossible to invade Scotland in R1)
Besides the 6 additional Russian Infantry in Sevastopol and Livonia add 6 Inf and 1 Art to Ruhr and 3 Art to Hannover
to represent the strong right wing of the German army that crushed into Belgium (In every game I played untill now
France was able to hold back the Germans on its own without any help of the BEF) maybe remove 3 Inf and 1 Art from
Tirol and 3 Inf and 1 Art from Triest (AH is far too powerful imo)
USW is possible in SZ (2),3,4,5,7,8,9,15,16,17,19 (mark theses SZs with a little red label) with every Sub rolls for 1-4
to hit the BE/US income
Add 1 British Inf to Nigeria and to Gold Coast so that the Germans can not move around in Africa as they unhistorical
Good points except 5.!
Germany declared a very specific area as “Kriegsgebiet” so that everybody knew where attacks could happen and where not.
(pretty fair for a war, if you ask me!)
Which means in a WWI game certain SZs!
You are right I�ve corrected it to SZ (2),3,4,5,7,8,9,15,16,17,19 with help of this image:
Note that it is the 1917 declaration and not the 1915 one!
The first declaration did not include the Med.
Additionaly to point 5)
**At the beginning of each Round Germany can declare USW.
USW will take place in SZs 2,3,4,5,7,8,9,15.
If Germany has moved at least one Sub into an USW-SZ, and that SZ doesn`t have an enemy Cruiser in it, it is allowed to roll the special USW 12-SIDED DICE (makes it more dramatic to bring that big one into play but you can also throw two 6-sided Dice nevertheless there will be no results of 1).
The result will be split (if uneven US will lose less than GB) and is taken away from the IPCs of the British Empire and the US.
If US loses income because of USW at least 2 times it will declare war on Germany.**
I tried out several Rules for USW in the last weeks but this one really makes the Germany player declare USW at least very often, also Cruisers are more important in the game and the USW has finally the historical impact it deserves.
(Sorry for the overshoot of the Thread Subject. :roll: )
We have pretty much found in our group that any USW rules are not worth the bother. All the German subs are lost during round one and nobody builds anymore during the crucial early turns. Simply put, given the choice of say adding 3 subs to the fleet or 6 infantry to send to the front, the infantry is way more valuable.
Unless subs survivability are improved, they will usually be killed off quickly and for very little return.
UNLESS (as suggested elsewhere) Battleships cannot fire at subs, in which case subs become a bigger threat to the big ships which forces the enemy to build more cruisers to protect them from your subs…
But as it stands, the die rolls for USW would have to INCLUDE rolls over 3 to be worthwhile.
If a sub is being attacked it has the chance to submerge BEFORE combat.
Roll one die. Only if you are unlucky and roll a “1” the enemy ships are allowed to attack.
In all other cases the sub managed to submerge intime!
See, before ASW (Anti-SUbmarine-Warfare) was introduced comprising of hydrphones and depth charges UK with all its over 200 cruisers and destroyers swarming the sea only managed to sink 3 German submarines (1914/15). Submarines were virtually unattackable for the first 2 years of the war. Later with ASW and even more important the convoy escort system the picture changed.
Perhaps this is the future of subs in Axis and Allies - much harder to destroy, but only ever get one shot per combat.
Therefore, there’ll be a lot more of them around, but they won’t be able to win the war on their own.
The danger is that eventually there’ll ONLY be submarines at sea, with nothing to do but take pot shots at each other.
In this game the introduction of destroyers could represent anti-sub techs.
This way opens the door for economical warfare as it is supposed to be:
Subs raided merchant ships in WWI and WWII!
They ATTACKED them directly so this move ought to be in the sub’s owners turn!!!
New submarine rules and destroyers are the way to go for 2nd edition or if not there in a hopefully coming BIG Anniversary edition like WWI game with TECH and DIPLOMACY.
ASW would be a destroyer tech including hydrophones (for better detecting) and depth charges (allow one shot after submerging at 1)
Btw cruiser don’t battle submarines.
Well, if not, I have my own WWi game and there all this is properly implemented! :-D
I like how this thread was started in an attempt to find a way to balance the game without special rules…
and yet everyone is posting their own made up special rule that may or may not balance the game, and in some cases may or may not even be relevant
bunch of ignoranuses lol
bunch of ignoranuses lol
At least I apologized for that…