House rules and stories of pure luck.

  • If any of you all saw my previous post, then just skip to the last part of this one.

    I was wondering if any of you out there play with house rules, and if so, what are they?

    I have two house rules:

    (1) AA Guns CAN be destroyed, but don’t have to in order to win a battle. (In other words, they are still only able to shoot at the planes at the beginning of each round, but if a player desperately wants to keep a territory or make it a tough victory for an opponent, they can sacrifice the AA gun to save another unit (or units) with a higher defense for another combat turn…Of course, if everything else on the defense is destroyed except for the AA Gun, then the attacker gets the territory as is the case with the regular rules…Also, AA Guns cannot be lost in a strategic bombing raid).

    (2) IC’s can be built on ANY territory (with or without Production Points), just so long as that territory has been held by that player since the beginning of a turn.

    And the last part of my post:

    What is your luckiest A&A story? In other words, a battle that should have been extremely costly but your opponent kept rolling fives and sixes, or a battle where you only had a bomber for defense against several higher-rating attacking units, and you kept rolling ones while they rolled too high, to the point where you still lost the battle, but at such a tremendous cost to your opponent, etc. Or even an entire game?

    My luckiest A&A tale was when my opponent (playing Japan), who had just developed heavy bomber technology that very turn, did a strategic bombing raid against Soviet Far East where I had placed an IC and an AA (I was, of course, the USSR). He had five bombers, and this was just after I had just taken Germany, and I was not too happy about the prospect of losing most or even all of the money I had just won. (Ironically, things had been going pretty good for the Japanese Player…Every single island in the Pacific +Alaska+Western Canada was owned by him, and there was such a stalemate in the Asian continent that there were literally no more units left there, except for my IC and AA in Soviet Far East). Anyway, here he comes with five heavy bombers on a strategic bombing raid. So I do the AA roll first, and come up with FOUR successful rolls, so now he only has one heavy bomber left…He rolls a total of SIX, leaving me down six IPC’s, but him down four bombers. (On a side note, he went on to lose the game after several more turns…The USA player and UK Player did an island-hopping campaign in the Pacific and I liberated Asia).

    Well, that’s my luckiest A&A story, what’s yours?

  • Field Marshall can confirm that i have a transport that killed 4 of his planes (2 separate incidences, and once when it killed 2 planes). His 5th plane finally killed it.
    That was a pretty valiant transport.

  • :lol:

  • Yes CC, your valiant British transport crew had 3 Japanese fighters 1 Japanese bomber painted on it’s hull before my last Japanese fighter was able to sink it.

    I have a more recent one in club play. I’m the Allies and my German opponent just lost all offensive capability. The Japanese were strung out all over Asia with no real supply lines. My Japanese opponent was to attack Moscow, but was outnumbered and odds were he would lose. However, my Axis opponent rolled (Japan) all tech rolls for the critical turn, and picked up long range aircraft, industrial technology, AND heavy bombers !!! It was hard not to shed a tear. The attack on Moscow now with 4 “Heavy Bombers” won out.

    Now a few turns later, I have a sizable UK army with AA support in Egypt and Karelia. I have just taken Berlin as the USA, and have a good sized army there. Japan is stacking units in Moscow, destroying US production with various heavy bombers, and is threatening Washington in a 2 or 3 turns. I’m hoping Washington can hold out AND I can liberate Moscow - LOL !!! Now I need to be lucky…

  • My luckiest story huh? Well there are 2.

    The first one, i was US, and the Germany player desided to attack my transport in the EUS SZ and leave it there so i would have to take that out FIRST. So he declares his move and attacks. He missed. I then rolled and rolled a one! His sub was dead, the battleship was in gibraltar, and he had no sub!

    The second one is unbeleavable. I was germany and the US player went for a Japan-first strat. I preceded to take karleia and dig in, seeing that he had something like 16 inf in russia, and i matched him in Karleia. I devoted my airforce to attacking the navies, and desided i was gonn go for britain. I was gonna do an itial assult to scare then and maybe get pressure off japan. So i got 2 trans in south eur and loaded them up with 4 inf. I sent them out, but had to take a detour to avoid a british sub. I then found myself in an unbeleavable place. I was one SZ away from the us, and he only had an inf, a ftr, and a arm (besides the AA and IC), and he had no navy in the east (the british player was supposed to take care of that). “ok”, i thought, “lets REALLY scare the hell out of them”. I attacked the US. You should have seen there faces! The US player just stared at me, then the board, then me, then the board. I attacked, no covering, and not likely to win. I rolled all frikin ones. EVERY SINGLE DICE WAS A ONE! NO ONE could beleave it. The US then preceded to take out 1 of my inf with his ftr. I WAS IN CONTROL OF THE US CAPITAL!!! Never the less he knocked me out that turn with inf he was gonna send at Japan, but the blow was unfixable. I had the USA’s income and money for a turn. I had enough money to get bombers, and i raped britain and releaved pressure on japan. Needless to say, we had an axis vicotry with the fall of africa, moscow, and most of asia. Magic 84. It was crazy…there was so much excited yelling in that game…

  • @Rommel34:

    My luckiest story huh? Well there are 2.

    The first one, i was US, and the Germany player desided to attack my transport in the EUS SZ and leave it there so i would have to take that out FIRST. So he declares his move and attacks. He missed. I then rolled and rolled a one! His sub was dead, the battleship was in gibraltar, and he had no sub!

    The second one is unbeleavable. I was germany and the US player went for a Japan-first strat. I preceded to take karleia and dig in, seeing that he had something like 16 inf in russia, and i matched him in Karleia. I devoted my airforce to attacking the navies, and desided i was gonn go for britain. I was gonna do an itial assult to scare then and maybe get pressure off japan. So i got 2 trans in south eur and loaded them up with 4 inf. I sent them out, but had to take a detour to avoid a british sub. I then found myself in an unbeleavable place. I was one SZ away from the us, and he only had an inf, a ftr, and a arm (besides the AA and IC), and he had no navy in the east (the british player was supposed to take care of that). “ok”, i thought, “lets REALLY scare the hell out of them”. I attacked the US. You should have seen there faces! The US player just stared at me, then the board, then me, then the board. I attacked, no covering, and not likely to win. I rolled all frikin ones. EVERY SINGLE DICE WAS A ONE! NO ONE could beleave it. The US then preceded to take out 1 of my inf with his ftr. I WAS IN CONTROL OF THE US CAPITAL!!! Never the less he knocked me out that turn with inf he was gonna send at Japan, but the blow was unfixable. I had the USA’s income and money for a turn. I had enough money to get bombers, and i raped britain and releaved pressure on japan. Needless to say, we had an axis vicotry with the fall of africa, moscow, and most of asia. Magic 84. It was crazy…there was so much excited yelling in that game…

    man . . . (sniff) . . . that’s, like, beautiful man (sniff wheeze)

  • Z_,
    That wasn’t luck. That was STUPID STRATEGY on japan’s part. Take the Pacific isles, Alaska, and W CAN? GREAT! No pressure on USSR. Whoopie! :wink:
    “The doors of perception lead everywhere.” - Aldous Huxley

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