@Krieghund ok tks
This game or the first one?
2 players are playable with both… depends on the pro’s and con’s of both…bells and whistles or world conquest…
Just tell me whisch one is best for 2 people
I would say go for the original in that case, that way it will be more equal(Having to run 3 vs 2 instead of 3 vs 1) as to the amount of thinking you have to do.
yep then the original
Yeah well guess what?, Ima get europe. I don’t care. Hey if you play 2 people, does one have to be Germany, and the other person has to be USA, Britian, and USSR. or do they choose one?
Well, first of all, if you’re going to ask for advice and then ignore it, why bother asking in the first place? Second, if you have two people, one person is Germany and the other plays all 3 Allies.
Well, first of all, if you’re going to ask for advice and then ignore it, why bother asking in the first place? Second, if you have two people, one person is Germany and the other plays all 3 Allies.
well put GI…
If you’ve got 3 I would say Europe as one plays the Germans, one as the Russians, and the others as the Anglo-American forces.
For 2 or 5 I’d say World, 4 is good for either.
if you are a beginner i would choose the original when you get use to the game and know the rules well than you can try europe.
history is boring without war
-joshost -
Europe uses all the world rules and then a bunch more. Pacific uses all the europe rules then a lot more also.
So I think you should get world, europe, pacific in that order…