My thoughts on the differing styles of topic introduction: while both ways are equally valid, I think that LJ’s style is better, for the following reasons.
Very often, in these forums, discussion breaks down into liberal/conservative lines. What this means is that sometimes, debates are started along these lines without any in-between viewpoints being considered. (After all, there are generally more than the L/C versions of something) Now, I’m going to use some regular posters as an example, so please don’t be offended.
Let’s say F_alk, a known liberal, starts a thread and posts his thoughts on the matter. Now, his statements are perfectly valid. But then, Janus comes along, and being a conservative (or possibly just being Janus) :wink: , automatically rebuts F_alk’s opinion. So now we have a debate going on that everyone else is likely to weigh in on one side or the other, without any alternative opinions cast in.
On the other hand, if a thread is started without an opinion, we have the freedom to make our own opinions, and it is possible that someone will come up with something that hasn’t been considered.
That’s all I have to say on the subject, it probably could have been more coherent, but I came up with it right before I went to sleep, for some reason.