• I dont know if anyone realized, but 544 members of the forum have 0 posts, and 204 have only 1. Oh the things I do when Im bored.

  • Page seven was the best. :wink:

  • Page seven was the best

    …Which is a lovely page with some smashing acting. Oh sh*t! This isn’t my narrating job!

    Question: where did the lovely page w/ smashing acting come from? The first person to answer correctly wins the GI Award for Answering the Question correctly. 8) (Trophy is being ordered…or not)

  • sounds like a monty python quote

  • Eh, good enough…I’m too lazy to be specific, however, extra credit goes to the person who can name the specific scene. :roll:

  • oo, it was Monty Python and the Holy Grail, Scene 23!

  • Janus here could quote the entire movie, straight through, without missing a beat.

  • :wink:

  • Love that MP & the Holy Grail!

    Still trying to find a way to watch it at 1 and 1/2 times normal speed(Xi said it was great… everybody talking like the chipmunks and women so high pitched you had to be a Jan__ to understand.

    Anybody know if it can be done at a faster speed on a computer with DVD?

  • Anybody know if it can be done at a faster speed on a computer with DVD?

    No, but I’m sure we can find somebody wise in the ways of science to make it work.

  • Life of Brian is another smashing movie.

    Wasn’t crazy about The Meaning of Life though…

  • @Yanny:

    Janus here could quote the entire movie, straight through, without missing a beat.

    Even the “Knights of the Round Table” song?


    Life of Brian is another smashing movie.

    I read somewhere that some group voted it the funniest movie of all time, or something.

  • Were knights of the round table,
    we dance whenever were able
    We do routines, and chorus scenes,
    with footwork impeccable
    We dine well here in Camelot,
    we eat ham and jam and spam alot
    Were knights of the round table,
    our shows are formidable
    But many times, were given rhymes,
    that are quite unsingable
    Were opera mad in Camelot,
    we sing from the diaphram alot
    In war were tough and able,
    quite indefatigable
    Between our quests, we sequin vestsand impersonate Clark Gable
    Its a busy life in Camelot
    I have to push the Pram alot

    with some breaks in the singing for dancing, and abusing the servants :wink:

  • clapping, various noises of applause Bravo!

    “On second thought, let’s not go to Camelot. It’s such a silly place.”

  • takes a bow thank you, thank you

  • Yeah, but can you quote the Declaration of Independence forward and backward?

    An old teacher’s method of teaching the importance of the DoI. If I discussed it more often I’d still remember it backwards.

    Just thought of a new thread…

  • i cant recite it forward, let alone backward. I can do the greek alphabet forwards and backwards however, since 5th grade. cant make the symbols though, never learned them.

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