Axis and Allies 1914 FAQ/Question and Answer Thread

  • Do defending artillery in an amphibious assault always hit on a three or less during their first dice roll, or is that increased to a 4 if they have air superiority?

    Also, those first hits by defending artillery DO NOT get to roll dice when the attacker rolls correct?  Hits by battleship bombardment DO get to roll defensive dice right?


  • Official Q&A


    Do defending artillery in an amphibious assault always hit on a three or less during their first dice roll, or is that increased to a 4 if they have air superiority?Â

    They always hit on a 3 or less.  There is no air supremacy in artillery pre-emptive strikes.


    Also, those first hits by defending artillery DO NOT get to roll dice when the attacker rolls correct?

    Casualties from the pre-emptive strike are removed immediately and do not participate in the battle.


    Hits by battleship bombardment DO get to roll defensive dice right?


  • Minefield question:
    A naval unit remaining in a hostile sea zone with a naval port and mines does not have to roll mines every time.
    Germany buys a transport and invades Poland on turn 1, then on turn 2 does an Amph Assault on Finland.
    On turn 3 the German player loads troops from Poland and lands them in Finland.

    1.  Does the transport roll for mines on turn 3?
    2.  The only way the turn 3 transport would be illegal is if Poland was contested and Finland was controlled by the allies.  If Finland was contested or controlled it would be ok?

  • Official Q&A

    1.  No.
    2.  It would be illegal if Poland was contested and Finland was neither controlled by Germany nor contained German units.

  • Apologies if it has already been answered in this forum but here is my question.
    I can’t seem to get the mines rule quite straight.
    My Navy moves into an enemy controlled mined port to fight a battle in that seazone.
    I know that going into the seazone we would roll for the mines (one at a time) at the end of the movement phase.
    Now I fight the battle in the sea zone and win (the port is still controlled by the enemy) and leave my navy there at the end of the turn (obviously).
    On the next turn I move my navy out of the mined sea zone, do I now have to pass through the mine field again and roll for each ship?

  • Official Q&A

    No.  You only roll for mines when you enter a mined sea zone.

  • Great thanks, that is what I thought, oh you also roll for mines when you pass through a mined sea zone correct?

  • Customizer

    Originally you rolled for each mined zone moved into, so yes.

    But under potential tourneyt rules you must stop on entering an enemy mined sz.

  • Thanks Kreighund for all your timely responses.

    Flash, let’s not mix the OOB rules this thread is for with the proposed tournament rules from a different thread.

  • That’s is really cool and I like the picture also my board game is coming in tomorrow

  • A couple of fighter rule questions.

    Fighters can move 2 spaces and ignores whether the 1st space is friendly, hostile or contested.  What if it is neutral?  Can a British fighter fly from India, over neutral Persia and land in Sevastopol?  Would the Persian units mobilize and make the fighter battle in Persia?

    When retreating from a contested territory, do fighters have to move to an adjacent territory or can they fly 2 spaces away?

  • Official Q&A

    Fighters can always move up to two spaces, regardless of where they begin the turn.  The only exception is when they begin the turn on a transport, in which case they may only be offloaded.  They may never fly over neutral territories, but they may attack them along with land units.

  • First time on the forum! Long time having played Axis and Allies! I have a question about the new 1914 release as it is much different from the others.

    A disagreement my Father and I have come across is multinational contested territories. The situation land or sea is if the territory/zone is contested say Germany/France and the British want to jump into the contested territory and fight is this allowed? Combat/Attacking is of course separate to each nation and casualties can only be suffered from the current aggressor.

    I also understand that if you are the defender and it is say German attacking French/British then they both defend “together”

    Also if this is true and I can attack a already contested territory with a separate nation, upon wiping out the opposing force, to which nation does the IPC go to.

    Thank you for any help!

  • My son had 1 more fighter related question.  He wants to fly from an contested territory to an enemy territory to initiate a battle.  I told him no unit could do that, exit a contest to start a new fight, but he wanted an official ruling for fighters.

    alexstrov; page 19 the next to last paragraph says if you are attacking in a contested territory and eliminate the defender and survive, you get control.  If you both die, your buddy in there gets it if they are the only power left.  If multiple allies are left, they are to decide amongst themselves.  If they can’t YOU decide.  Precisely who “you” are is not clear.  It could be the defender that was eliminated, or the owner of the game.  I think it is the first, but Krieghund can say for sure when he gets here.
    Otherwise it sounds like you got multinationals figured out, yes Britian can jump in, the more the merrier.  They can chose to reinforce you and not attack.  Or they can wait until you have all but 1 or 2 enemy left, attack and kill them and claim the territory.

  • Official Q&A


    My son had 1 more fighter related question.  He wants to fly from an contested territory to an enemy territory to initiate a battle.  I told him no unit could do that, exit a contest to start a new fight, but he wanted an official ruling for fighters.

    Fighters can do it.  It is only land units that are prohibited from doing so.


    Precisely who “you” are is not clear.

    Just as in the rest of that section, “you” is the attacker (the power whose turn it is).

  • hello, going to be Germany this weekend and I was wondering if the unrestricted sub warfare rules have been adjusted (in OOB) like the russian revolution rules. sry if this has been asked but can’t seem to find it :) thanks.

  • Official Q&A


    hello, going to be Germany this weekend and I was wondering if the unrestricted sub warfare rules have been adjusted (in OOB) like the russian revolution rules. sry if this has been asked but can’t seem to find it :) thanks.

    No, they have not.

  • Hi. I had a couple questions about the U.S. before they enter the war:

    1. Can transports load/unload in a sea zone with U.S. surface warships? I would say they can since they are not enemies with anyone. But it’s not clear.
    2. Similarly, can ships from other powers move through a sea zone with U.S. surface warships (including CPs)? Or do they block their movement? I guess these 2 questions come down to whether a sea zone containing only American ships is “friendly” to both sides.
    3. Conversely, can the U.S. move through a sea zone containing surface warships? Since they are neutral I would think there is no such thing as an “enemy warship” and therefore they could.
    4. If a sea zone contains Allied ships and American ships, can a CP attack the Allied ships and ignore the Americans? E.g. if the British and Americans have ships in sea zone 8 and the Germans attack it, I would think the German player can choose to either attack only the British, or attack the British and Americans (in which case the Americans would enter the war immediately).
    5. If a power moves into sea zone 1, do they hit a minefield?
    6. If a U.S. ship moves into a sea zone with a port, do they hit the minefield? I would think not, but if so, and an American ship is damaged/destroyed, does this cause the Americans to enter the war?

  • Official Q&A

    1.  Yes.
    2.  Yes.
    3.  Yes.
    4.  Yes.
    5.  No.
    6.  No.

  • @Krieghund:

    1.  Yes.
    2.  Yes.
    3.  Yes.
    4.  Yes.
    5.  No.
    6.  No.

    In respect to the answer to “1”, I thought the U.S. could NEVER load transports before being at war?

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