@aluraacker345 i am looking forward to Captain Marvel
And I’m not a big Johny Dep fan but that Pirate movie looks pretty cool.
Does look cool…I’m not a very big Johnny Depp fan either, lol but Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas was the coolest :D “Careful…this is bat country.” Ohhh yes! heh heh I love that movie. Don’t really know him from any other movies though…
Matrix Reloaded was awesome, liked The Italian Job too :) Edward Norton’s gotta be one of my fav actors.
The Italian Job was great!
But, Charlie’s Angels? Get real!!! They had NO GUNS, but THEY ALWAYS END UP KICKING BASS! If I was the Bad Guy in a CA movie it’d be over in one clip!
Lotsa target practice… :)
actully all the movies stated are pretty good, exept for the ones i have not seen yet. however i disagree with janus and agree with Yanman, CA doesnt look that bad i mean i wouldnt pay to see it i wouldnt mind watching it.
“Its up to you, not to act, the way you were brought up”
- The Clash
i disagree with you dasewok. CA will be a terrible movie. the first movie was ridiculously bad, and CA will probably be worse (thus, sequel). it is simply eye candy. its the kind of movie i would watch without any sound on, so i could just see the visuals and not listen to the pathetic dialogue. yanny, you great cow, i object to you altering my post, i would never call you a great guy. <slaps you=“” with=“” a=“” virtual=“” glove=“”>i challenge you to a duel!</slaps>
I saw FInding Nemo this weekend, it was pretty good. Di dI mention I have a 3 and 4 year old?
I was a great movie for kids but they through in some adult content that was over the heads of kids so I actualy enjoyed it.
The sharks in the 12 step group was hilarious.
Uh oh! Jan_ is a dead poster!
dzfish, I caught that in the commercial. Cannot wait to see it w/my kidz. :)
Anyone seen “League of extraordinary gentlemen”?
I would like to hear some commetns, it’s about to start here soon, and i liked the trailers and the comic…. so anyone know more? -
I saw a movie the other night that was quite fascinating. It’s called Equilibrium and was released late last year. It’s about a distopia that was formed after a third world war and the ensuing nuclear holocaust (kind of tried, I know). The novel part of it is that the war so moved the leaders of the post-war world that they decided to end war by ending the source of most human conflicts, emotion. The suppression of emotion is accomplished by taking a drug every few hours and anyone caught feeling is convicted of a sense-crime and summarily exicuted by an organization called the Grammatron Cleric. If you haven’t seen it I recomend it highly, it’s probably one of the best sci-fi films of the past few years.
LXG doesnt come out till july here Falk, so I havent seen it yet, but from the previews ive seen, and the website, it looks very good, i cannot wait to see it. Also, Sean Connery is god (not literally, since god does not exist) :)
Equilibrium rules….
gun katas …YAY :) -
indeed, F_alk. Gun Kata is amazing. The first scene is simply incredible. It made me wonder how big those clips were, luckily they explain that later.
I know that Matrix: Revolutions is coming out in theatres in November, but I think I’m going to be in jail by then :-?.. it’s a shame, cuz I was really looking forward to seeing that in theatres! So you think once they have all 3 released, maybe in the future they’ll have some kinda Matrix thing where they play all 3 in a row in the theatre?
I have seen “Requiem for a dream” yesterday. Even though this movie might be older than this year …. still… a movie that left me speechless. Impressive, though not nice at all.
Yes, Requiem for a Dream was very disturbing, but very thought provoking. Definately not something I would watch for fun. That movie wants to make me curl up in a dark corner, think about it for a few hours and then die.
You all must see “Gummo”…VERY disturbing
I saw 28 days later last weekend, has any one else seen it? I enjoyed it the way it was filmed kind of gives you a knot in your stomach. Kind of like The Blair Witch Project.
‘Equilibrium’ sounds great! I’ll check it out.
Sounds like a new med for a great ‘trip,’ dudes!'Requiem for a Dream ’ sounds good, too!
I need a little ‘downer’ every now and then to help level my mood swings.
Self-medicating is very empowering.But, 'Pirates of the Carribean!?! Come on, guys! A movie based on a Disney amusement park ride?!? I heard there are plans for a few more…Space Mountain… and the Spinning Teacups(a real horror.)
Again with the T3 carp! A Blonde T1000 with adjustable ta tas… how juvenile! Oh, that explains it.
Most of these movies come down to some great computer generated graphics. NO ACTING. It’s a lost art form. Let’s call back the great actors/actresses of our past… Madonna, Charles Bronson, Tony Danza, Ellen Degenerate(sp.?)
El Jefe, youve cited B-movie actors, and other inadequate performers. unless you are making a joke (which i do not doubt you are) you have a very skewed view of “great” actors. Who is a great actor? Robin Williams, Tom Hanks, Sean Connery, Edward Norton, Nicholas Cage, Ed Harris, just to name a few.
I forgot to add the “Ha-ha!” at the end…
Sorry!i agree with about half your selections, but this is all subjective idolatry. :D
How bout some great ladies…
Katherine Hepburn(da best)
Meryl Streep(sp.?)
Glenn Close
As you may guess I am not fond of many current actresses.
Who played the female lead in “My Cousin Vinnie”? She’s purty darn good!