My turn 1 strats seem different than all the others….

  • Hey, this is my first post (as you all can see).

    I’ve been looking through most of the strategies here, and I didn’t find the one I use:

    Russia Turn 1:
    purchase 3 tanks, 3 infantry (eventually all placed in Karelia)
    attack finland, ukraine, east europe and the the jap country under yakutsk

    If all goes well, I’ve wiped out most of Germany, leaving me only a few places necessary to bolster. I leave the western country of moscow undefended, maybe landing my planes if they survived. And I’ve allowed the US provinces in China to survive maybe the first round. I then move my Moscow AA into Karelia and the Karelia AA into East Europe (depending on how many troops I have surviving).

    Germany Turn 1.
    Purchase 6 tanks (2 left over)
    Worst case is having lost the East Europe, Ukraine and Norway to russia.
    take africa with a sea assault, all air units engage in fighting allied ships, and I try to take back eastern europe (no choice really if russia succeeded in the above), kinda have to with that sitting on your doorstep.

    Britain Turn 1.
    I don’t see the point of purchasing a carrier, the sea fleet is far too easy pickings for Germany, but if Russia DID wipe the eastern side, then I’ll consider it, but I usually just purchase 2 fighters and two inf.
    I’ll usually try to assault the zone next to india, and then send the india transport down to australia. Africa usually is lost by now, with 1 inf in persia, the other in south africa.

    Japan Turn 1.
    a fighter and 4 inf
    i usually have full pacific control after my turn 1 for japan (including wiping out the british transport in australia)

    usa turn 1.
    pick up the pieces, rebolster the airforce by purchasing 3 fighters, which is what i eventually use to hammer away on the pac fleet. if by chance my transport survived in the atlantic, then sending troops to africa is necessary.

    i use all the china forces to take back either india or the southern jap province.

    Dice rolls aside, if russia does that much of a devastating attack on the first turn, I USUALLY can have the game won by turn 5 for the allies. If they don’t, it turns into a slug fest between russia and germany, with britain to harass the western europe.

    The USA is pretty much rendered useless for quite a few turns until they can beat back the japanese fleet from the air.

  • your amazing… how do you possibly take all three EE, N-F, U ssr in T1 being russia?.. I have never done that before. what is your secret…

  • The secret is to win these battles, and then get ripped to shreds by Germany and Japan for spreading yourself to thin. Unless this is a conventional game with no bid.

  • play online here by forum or at a club such as try your strategies and see if they really work

  • Moderator

    With Russia going all out like that, they are speading themselves too thin. I’m assuming they take Fin, EE, Ukr with maybe 2 units max left over in each, probably 1 if they even take them. I’ll even assume Russia took out the German ships in the Baltic.

    G1 buy 9 inf, 1 arm or 10 inf save 2
    Take back EE with (inf and arm from Ger and WE) and Ukr (with 2 inf from SE, BB and tran in med) or drop the 2 inf in an empty cauc.
    Sink the Brit trans with 3 remain planes (bom to Lab sz, 2 ftrs to uk sz). Don’t worry about the BB.
    Take what you can in Afr by blitzing.
    Leave only 1 inf in WE and land planes in Ger. Dare the US to take WE.

    Ger now has 10-11 inf, 1-3 arm, 1 ftr, 1 bom for turn 2 plus 3 inf (minimum in EE) and 2 inf in Ukr or Cauc and collects around 32.

    UK can’t get troops to Europe or Kar and US is no threat till rd3.
    Russia is thin and has no help coming.

    Japan buys 2 trns, 3 inf
    takes back Man and takes out China and Pearl.

    At this point it doesn’t matter if Ger and Jap forces are thin because Russia has no reinforcements and has to worry about the Germans who could have 10+ inf in EE on rd 2 plus you might still own Ukr or Cauc.
    You can even let the allies have WE on rd 2 as you dance around Africa in make up for it. They won’t be able to seriously threaten Berlin till rd4 or later and you’ll be placing 10 inf there a turn and then pushing those troops to the Russian front as needed.

  • I can win better being Russia by defeating Finland-Norway and Fortifying Keraila in T1 plus sinking atlantic sub and the baltic fleet… By the beinning T4 I might have the troops on Keraila to counter-attack so I buy tanks… then I hit EE with a deluge of
    25-30 inf. and 4-6 tanks and 2 fighters… bye bye axis… that is much easier then spreading thin… this is not saying your strat is bad, maybe I just don’t understand it…

  • Pole

    I played one of my first games the way you’ve got it laid out and

    USSR cannot win, against an experienced player as you have laid out, with Germany producing 10-11 inf the first 3 turns using the available armor judiciously. With Japan shipping 4 inf & 6 inf(or 4 inf/1 arm) & 8 inf(or so) to Manchuria the first 3 turns using its ftrs (as very mobile armor.)

    As suggested go online and play at an A & A site.

  • russia can only play a deffencive game it cannot play the offensive until it has support in china fom the usa and support fromthe uk in the western front until that happens PLAY A DEFFENSIVE GAME ! THATS HOW IT WORKS FOR ME WHEN I PLAY MY BROTHER

  • You will change your mind in regards to oppenings as time goes on … these oppening you state are not all that good, but it would be silly of me to try and explain … you will learn why … the hard way :wink:

  • Can’t, my plans survive on paper, byte and in my mind to return another day!

    Polaryzed, try…RR(Russia Restricted-no attack on R1)

    Purchase: 8 inf
    Combat Moves: none
    Noncombat Moves: 1)Kar sz - trn & sub to UK sz,
    2)Rus - 1 inf to Eve(east) remainder to Kar, arm/ftr to Kar,
    3)Cauc - all but 1 inf to Kar,
    4)Eve - 2 inf to Yak,
    5)SFE - 1 inf/arm to Yak
    Placement: 1 inf in Russia to be move east each turn, 7 inf in Karelia

    Purchase: 8 inf & 1 trn
    Combat Moves: 1)E Can sz - W Eur ftr v 1 trn(UK),
    2)Gib sz - W Spn sz sub, Ger bmr v BB(UK),
    3)UK sz - Nor/Fin ftr, Ukr ftr, E Eur ftr, Ger ftr, Bal sz trn & sub v BB(UK), trn(UK), sub® & trn®[[i]NOTE: trn may wait to move either 1 arm or 2 inf to E Eur or Alg],
    4)FWA - Alg 1 inf(walk in),
    5)E Med sz - C Med BB, C Med trn(2 inf from S Eur) v 1 sub(UK),
    6)FEA - Lib arm(Blitz),
    7)AES - Lib 1 inf, FEA arm post-Blitz, S Eur 2 inf(if survived naval battle in E Med sz) v 1 inf, 1 arm.
    Noncombat Moves: 1)Ukr - all arm/inf (but 1 inf) to E Eur,
    2)E Can sz ftr to W Eur,
    3)Gib sz bmr to Ger[[i]NOTE: maybe W Eur to hit EUS trns],
    4)UK sz ftrs(1 ftr to W Eur, 3 ftrs to E Eur - if only 3 ftrs left 2 ftrs to E Eur),
    5)W Eur - 2 arm to E Eur,
    6)S Eur - arm & AA to E Eur,
    7)Ger - 2 inf to W Eur, 2 inf to E Eur
    Placements: trn in C Med sz, 6 inf in Germany, 2 inf in S Eur.

    Purchase: It depends(open to others alternatives…)
    Combat Moves: 1)
    Noncombat Moves: 1)

    **J1:**Try figuring this out…
    Purchase: 2 trns & 3 inf
    Combat Moves: 1)Kill US fleet in Haw sz,
    2)kill Chi(US) units & take Chi,
    Noncombat Moves:

    US1: It’s all yours…

  • Dat was me dambit! :evil:

    Seez you! :roll:

    Who sed dat!?! :o

  • I see no point in Japan attacking US at Pearl Harbor. It’s better to retreat the fleet to japan to support the tranports you’'ve got there, plus having the fleet with you if you plan to go against alaska.

    Japan should also try to get a IC on mainland for better speed in their attacks.

    UK should also try to get a IC in India to keep Japan busy so russia can focus on germany together with US.

  • I agree with Gorion on the following:


    Japan should also try to get a IC on mainland for better speed in their attacks.

    However, I don’t agree with:


    UK should also try to get a IC in India to keep Japan busy so russia can focus on germany together with US.

    It has been in my experience that India is usually taken out by Japan on turn 1. Everytime that I have ever built an I.C. on India (with U.K. on turn one) – it has fallen into Japanese hands. India only has 2 infantry and 1 fighter. All Japan has to do is attack it with the following:

    2 infantry and 1 fighter from French Indochina-Burma (fighter lands back in French Indochina-Burma);
    2 infantry (via transport) from Phillipines;
    1 bomber from Japan (bomber lands in French Indochina-Burma);
    and if Russia didn’t eliminate or playing RR – 1 fighter from Manchuria (fighter lands in French Indochina-Burma).

    Japan can then reinforce French Indochina-Burma with 2 infantry from Japan (via transport), 1 fighter from the aircraft carrier in the Caroline Islands sea zone and 1 fighter from the Phillipines.

    This will leave French Indochina-Burma with 2 infantry (possibly 4 – see below), 3 fighters (or 4 if Manchuria’s fighter survives Russia’s attack or playing RR) and 1 bomber.

    China only has 2 infantry and 1 fighter. Japan can also attack China with the following:

    2 infantry from Kwangtung;
    3 infantry from Manchuria (if playing RR);
    and 1 fighter from Japan (fighter lands in French Indochina-Burma.

    NOTE: If not playing RR … Japan should move 2 infantry from Kwangtung to French Indochina-Burma to boost up defensives and prepare for attacking China and/or Sinkiang on turn 2.

    If Japan bought an I.C. (and places it on French Indochina-Burma) and saves the rest (10 I.P.C.'s) or buys a transport (and saves 2 I.P.C.'s) … look out in turn two!

    It doesn’t matter what U.S. does – Japan will eliminate them from Asia in turn 2.

    This is a Japanese victory in Asia anyway you spell it.

    Mista Biggs

  • Well, if UK leaves africa to US and UK moves some of his tropps from africa to idia, he should have enough troops to atleast deal a great amount of damage to japan when he attacks india and if it falls, US can retake it for UK if japan doesn’t put lal his forces against the US i china.

  • I think Gorion and MistaBiggs should duke it out via a one on one game and demonstrate to all of us how it works.

  • BEST case scenario:

    U.K. survives Germany’s attack of Anglo-Sudan Egypt without losing a single unit (VERY unlikely). This would allow the transport from India to pickup the infantry in Anglo-Sudan Egypt and the infantry in Syria-Iraq and drop them back into India. The only other U.K. unit that could reach India is the bomber. This would give India a total of 4 infantry, 1 fighter and the bomber. Japan could have a maximum of 4 infantry, 1 bomber and 2 fighters (if Russia didn’t eliminate the fighter in Manchuria or playing RR). I still think Japan wins – however, they probably won’t have any ground units to take the territory unless they sacrifice a plane.

    But this is the BEST case scenario, so …

    If U.K. keeps the I.C., U.S.A. moves both infantry from Sinkiang and the fighter from China to India on it’s first turn, the tank from Anglo-Sudan Egypt (moved to Persia on turn 1) moves to India and (let’s say U.K. moved both fighters to Russia or Karelia on turn 1) U.K. moves the two fighters to India … and on turn 2 U.K. buys 2 fighters and an infantry for India – this would give India 3 infantry (2 U.S.A. and 1 U.K.), 5 fighters (1 U.S.A. and 4 U.K.), and 1 U.K. tank.

    This would definitely allow U.K. to hold India in turn two; however, this will 85% NEVER happen.

    Germany will probably win in Ango-Sudan Egypt. This will only enable U.K. to pickup 1 infantry in Syria-Iraq and fly the bomber over to India. India will have 1 fighter, 1 bomber and 3 infantry. Japan will win and take the territory. U.S.A. will retake India, but Japan will then retake India and eliminate U.S.A. from Asia on turn 2. The rest is history!

  • In the scenario where Germany takes AES, it may be more effective for the UK player to non-combat move the India TRN to the Burma SZ, thus blocking the 2 INF from Phil.

    Other things to consider is

    • Russia could send a FTR or two to India as well
    • There is a chance the UK sub in the WMD retreats to the Red SZ which could also act as a blocker in the Burma SZ allowing the India TRN to pick up the INF from Syria

    If the Allies really want to hold India for the first couple of turns, all it takes is a little planning.

  • I agree … it is possible (very hard though) and it would take the cooperation of all 3 of the Allies to hold India – but, this would leave Russia at Germany’s mercy. I would love to be the Axis in this situation.

  • @MistaBiggs:

    I agree … it is possible (very hard though) and it would take the cooperation of all 3 of the Allies to hold India – but, this would leave Russia at Germany’s mercy. I would love to be the Axis in this situation.

    First of all, if the Allies do not work together, then the Axis will win anyway. The Allies have to work together!

    If the Russians try to stack Karelia AND non-combat move the FTRs to India, then yes you are correct. However, the Russians could move into the Caucasus in force and set up Karelia as a dead zone for Russia 2. The FTRs can get back to Karelia for a R2 attack if needed.

  • Correct…

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