It’s a typical fiscal liberal reponse from someone who doesn’t understand history or the US government.
A couple of points…
1)These deficits were always there. However they were hidden in the budget. The best known example is the Social Security Fund “lock box” which has been empty for years due to the spending of a liberal Democrat majority US Congress.
It is through the efforts of a conservative Republican majority US Congress that there is one budget(the General Accounting Office[GAO]) rather than two budgets(the GAO and the Office of Management and Budget[OMB])as worked with by a Democrat majority US Congress for many decades. (Regretfully they both(GAO &OMB)still exist, but thankfully only one budget is used.)
- “Reagan gave us the largest deficit ever” has been proven false since the day it was first uttered almost 20 years ago. The US President proposes an annual budget each year shortly after a rough outline is presented at the State of the Union Address. The US Congress debates, compromises and passes an annual budget when they can come to an agreement(passing extensions of the previous budget to bridge the gap.) Therefore, the US Congress makes/spends the budget/your taxes. It was a Democrat majority US Congress that made the deficit.
Look at the increase in tax income created by the Reagan tax cuts. From 1982 to 1988 THE TAX INCOME DOUBLED WITH LOWER TAXES. But the Democrat majority US Congress outspent the raise that the Reagan tax cuts provided.
What’s not to understand?
Yanny, every president has made decisions that have come back to haunt future administrations. Monroe, FDR, Carter, Reagan, and Clinton just to name a few that I could quickly tag. Try it and you will see.