Clinton Visits Aircraft Carrier…

  • @Anonymous:

    Bush is not alone…

    In March 1996, Independence was called upon to provide a stabilizing presence during heightened tensions between Taiwan and China. Upon returning to Yokosuka in April 1996, the ship was visited by President Bill Clinton as part of an official state visit to Japan.

  • That was me…
    I think!?!

    In addition,

    Standing on the flight deck of the USS John Kennedy, Clinton watched as Attorney General Janet Reno administered the oath of citizenship for 20 immigrant, including Navy Seaman Rosa Norales-Nunez, who came from Honduras seven years ago as a teen-ager and now serves aboard the Kennedy.

  • How touching :roll:

  • So is it safe to assume that you also knew the following about our former shit-face president?

    Clinton wanted to divert an entire carrier group from down by New Zealand and bring it up to the Phillipeans…just for a photo op! :o Never mind that the taxpayers would bear the burden of mere millions to do this, and the potential drawbacks for the military for a stupid diversion like this.

    Thank God the powers that be convinced his administration that this would not be worth it. :evil:

  • I really hate the defense “Clinton did it so Bush can”. Both politicians are scumbags. Both wastes millions of dollars to make an appearance onboard a carrier. Both had campaign commercial crews filming on site.

  • D:S, i didn’T knew that the US still has a non-nuclear propulsed carrier group….

  • Look what Drudge found…

    Click on the picture of Sen. Leahy found in the left column
    or go to…

    Yanny, you are assuming that President Bush will use the photos in his campaign. Whereas, if I remember the dates of the Clinton photo ops they were after his second election. Besides, Clinton would not use the photos in his campaign as Democrats see the US military as a Great Evil!

    I, for one, do not recall then-President Clinton ever thanking the then current US military for their service, courage or the like(except, possibly during his SOU speeches.) President Bush, has repeatedly thanked and visited the various branches(and individual units) of the military. He was thanking sailors and airmen who were completing the longest naval deployment in the last 30 years.

    Did you see the any footage of the reception they gave him? I saw some sour faces, but an overwhelming amount of cheering. A good # of sailors/airmen got into group pictures with President Bush. They appeared to be grateful for the positive suport that Bush gave them after 8 years of insults from the Clintons. Cruise missile wars, forbiddding saluting the president and banning the military from wearing their uniforms in the White House did not leave a good aftertaste for President/Mrs. Clinton with the military.
    OH! Do not forget that the Democrats blocked the counting of overseas military ballots during the 2000 election. They have never been counted!

    Anyone remember the trip the Clintons took to Africa with 3 USAF transport jets? They invited guests. Only a small # of which had any political or business interest in Africa. I believe the cost of that was over $500,000!

    What grounds do those who were in office during the
    Clinton era have to complain about Bush’s little trip?

    Kennedy, Schumer, Clinton(yeah, her too!), Inouye, and
    Byrd(now there’s a man who knows how to waste money!)
    just to name a few.

    What the F_alk!
    Are you referring to a national policy of NZ or the Philippines
    banning the entry of nuke ships or nuke weapons in port or in country?
    Please, clarify your statement.

  • '19 Moderator

    Well, I know there aren’t alot of millitary people, former or present, on this site, but I am one. I am a veteran of the first gulf war and am currently in the National Guard.

    If my Commander in Chief took the time to personaly come to where I was and thank me/my unit for a job well done, I would be damn proud. I say screw the expence, alot of money gets wasted on crap in our government, I for one do not see the showing of gratitude to soldiers/sailors that risk thier lives for our country as a waste. As for turning it in to a media event I say good then the rest of us who have offered our lives can experience and apreciate the gesture. If this helps Bush get re-elected I say good again. I finaly have a president that for the most part represents my intrerest.

  • @F_alk:

    D:S, i didn’T knew that the US still has a non-nuclear propulsed carrier group….


  • I for one believe Bush is sincere in his love, devotion, and gratefulness of our armed forces. However, I’m sad to say I can’t say the same for a great majority of left-wingers out there.

    Their comments seem to just isolate themselves further from the majority of Americans. I don’t know what their motivation is, or if they even think about the crap they spew out their mouths, but they seem to do disservice to themselves, their party, and the people who happen to be listening to them.

    I don’t give 2 shits if it cost a million to land the president on an aircraft carrier. Has anybody remembered that we’re AT WAR? :o Not only that, but it was a huge morale booster for those sailors who were out on deployment for so long.

  • D:S,
    you mentioned a carrier group coming up from NZ during Clintons gov’t.
    So, if it ever visited a port there then, it had to be non-nuclear propulsed.

  • To: US Rep. Henry Waxman(CA 30th Dist.[Los Angeles])
    and US Sen. Robert Byrd(WV),

    Thank you!
    For showing America, as leading members of the Democrat Party,
    how picayune you are.

    Mr. F_alk,
    the carrier group might have been operating in International waters outside NZ’s territorial waters. This would account for Deviant:Scripter’s “…from down by New Zealand…”.

  • True, El Jefe. Seems like i misread the statement of D:S.

  • It seems NY Sen. Hillary Clinton visited a USN aircraft carrier to commemorate the fiftieth anniversary of D-Day. See…

    Who’s a bad little Democrat!?!

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