• :-? Is it safe to not go after china at all in a≈? :-?

    I think it is a waste of resources to go after them becuase there is virtually no ipc gain involved. the only problem is that the chinese soon become so numerous that they can almost drive you rite off of the continent!

  • The problem whit A&AP or A&AE is the axis players loneliness so all of the allies are after him so you have to crush them all or be be eaten in a sweet sandwiches full of mayoneese :wink:

  • As the Japanese you cannot allow the Chinese to get out of hand, those 2 or 3 infantry every turn begin adding up and they can easily be used as fodder in a US assualt or in the defense of India. But conversely, you should not enter china in any significant way, with so many territories to defend the Chinese can stall you as long as they want; with all the forced you would have to commit to prevent the assualt from bogging down, it would not be wise, especially considering the meager economic gains China offers. Therefore, the Japanese must keep China supressed without sacrificing forces from more important operations.

  • At some point you may need that one more IPC to get 1 more VP, this often comes from China but not until round 4-7 or so. On turn #1 I ignore China for the most part, but do hit them in 1-2 places in overwhelming numbers so as to decrease my losses. It’s no good to trade 4 to kill 2 then lose the 2 left in a counter-attack of 2 INF and 1 FTR. Try not to even let the allies use their offense to attrit your Jap units.

    As the game progresses you might see opportunaties to use overwhelming power to attrit the chinese forces, and here is the key, overwhelming power that isn’t being used or doesn’t hinder your ability to project power against the advancing US fleet. I love to keep 6 or so fighters and 2 bomers on Formosa. If the US moves up to within 1 space of the Caroline Islands where the combined Jap fleet sits then those air units fly out to attack and land on the CVs. The fighters on the CV attack then land back at Formosa. Otherwise they can still fly in 2 territories inland (3 with bomber) which exerts heavy offense over a wide swath of territory.

    There is no sense going deep into China if it takes away from your offense against the incoming allied fleet again, unless you need that 1 more IPC to get that precious VP.


  • I agree with BB.
    That 1 VP is helpful and you must work on China to get it.
    You must hit China(1-2 teritories each turn)with
    enough to take it and hold it. This stops the build-up
    which leads to the dreaded Chinese offensive.

  • What the Japanese need to do is to cut off the Burma Road so the Chinese only get 2 Infantry per turn.Then,with your forces in Machuria,slowly pick-apart the Chinese defenses to keep the Chinese busy.

  • @bossk:

    As the Japanese you cannot allow the Chinese to get out of hand, those 2 or 3 infantry every turn begin adding up and they can easily be used as fodder in a US assualt or in the defense of India.

    The American player can not use Chinese troops as fodder since the US has no offensive control of Chinese forces!

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