I served 3 years in the Army and have been out for 11……
My reasons for joining sound pretty similar to yours. =)
I graduated from H.S., tried a few semesters in college and was floundering around, not sure what to do with my life. I’ve always loved the military, so I gave it a shot. Best move I ever made! Worst move I ever made was leaving!
It sounds like you’ve passed the Army entrance test? IIRC, that will determine which jobs you are qualified for. Hopefully something you like.
When I joined, I picked the MOS that qualified me for the College Fund, yet had the shortest enlistment time. (I did want to finishschool, eventually)
Not just the GI Bill, mind you, all qualify for that, make sure it gets you the College Fund too.
You’ll have to find out which jobs qualify, but I’d make that a requirement, in case you do decide to go on with school.
The other great thing about it - you can get a lot of free and cheap schooling while you are in. You should be able to get a GED, they have free CLEP tests for college credit, and most bases offer classes as well.
I regret not taking more of an advantage of it, so don’t pass that by.
That’s all I can think of at the moment, good luck with whatever you choose!