Cystic crypt If you think cutting down some of our forests being cut down, rivers and streams being polluted, jobs being sent overseas so CEOs can make tons more money, cigarete companies hooking people to those cancer sticks and Enron are not crimes commited by rich then you need to rethink about your position.
impressive. you managed to make it look like i said something completely different than what i said. let me requote some of what i said:
“wealthy people get this way far more often by thinking long term. True, some of them do not care who they step over to get the money, but this does not make them worse than the poor, but rather in many cases just smarter, more far-sighted, and more able.”
Now by reading over this, i am having a lot of trouble finding the part where i say that cutting down trees, polluting streams blah blah blah is not a crime being commited by the rich. And i actually have little trouble with forests being cut down as long as they are replanted. Most people know my position on smoking. The fact is, what i said, i believe to not be in error. The wealthy may make more opportunities to do wrong on a bigger scales, but this does not make them more fiendish, just more able. Next time you need to go after me, try not to need to do it by imagining things i did not say.
I have no problem with Capitialism. I do believe it is better than Marxism but extreme Capitialism is not good for most people. If the Rich people keep commiting crimes of those that I have stated it will be their down fall. You can only screw over the middle and poor class before it comes back to bite you back.
you are new to this forum. I am not an extreme capitalist by any means. I think that capitalism needs to be moderated by a somewhat sociallistic government with a social conscience.
And using yourself as a example was in poor taste, I have never stated that people who earn a good wage should be taxed into the poor house.
For the what evertimes this is I will state this: Small business owners or even small time millionaries I have no problem with. But billionaries who go around looking for tax loop holes cause for them a billion wasn’t enough is wrong.
from what i recall, you said something like this:The problem with the rich is that they only think short term. They seem not to care about the people they hurt over unfair job cuts, having things over priced, ruining the envoriment, and taking advatage of others. I don’t mean to say all rich are like this I’m just saying that people who do these things tend to be rich.
My point was that this is an unfair generalization about wealthy people, and sociallists do it all the time - paint the wealthy with an evil brush in pushing their agenda. So we push back a little.
Do you understand what is happening in this country?? Slowly 2 types of people are growing rich and poor. It’s the middle class that is being attacked. Do you understand how a Capitialist system works.
I’m not attacking it. I am defending it. A good Capitialist system takes care of the middle class. How will it help the middle class if large numbers of jobs are sent out of the country. How will it help if the top 1% of the country takes more and more of the wealth.
well, now i have been properly rebuked. I will go and learn about how a capitalist system works. Fortunately i live in a country where the middle class is not as screwed over as it is in the mighty US of A, so maybe i may be saved at long last.