@djensen I’ll be looking forward to it!
Compiling an FAQ
I’d like to put together an FAQ to help out newbies to A&A, and this site. I’ll be putting one together probably this weekend (if I get over this damn Flu), any help would be appreciated.
Help could be:
From vets, actual questions and answers, well written and emailed to me (or posted in this thread).
From newbies, any questions you have, or had. Post any major rules problems you had (How does Artillery work? Subs Submerging? ect).
There is an Axis & Allies FAQ out there but I don’t know if it has been updated recently or not. Search the web for it.
I recommend making the website FAQ different from the game FAQ.
BTW, thanks for the effort. This is a cool idea.
I’m sick and snowed in, not much else to do :)
First few questions (Axis and Allies)
- Where do I place the British Sub off Egypt?
A) In the Med. Sea
- Where do I place the German sub off Western Europe?
A) In the Bay of Biscay, the sea zone to the West.
- What does I.P.C stand for?
A) Industrial Production Certificate.
- What is an I.P.C?
A) 1 IPC stands for a million man hours of work.
- If I liberate Persia (one of Britain’s provinces) with Russia, does the province go to Russia or Britain?
A) Britain.
- If Germany holds Moscow (Russian Capital), and Britain liberates Karelia (Russian province), does the province go to Russia or Britain?
A) Russia
- Can I place an Industrial Complex in a neutral country?
A) Yes, however it will only produce 1 unit / turn
I’ll post more as I think of them )
Maybe it should be divided into sections. One for newbies one for more experienced players.
Q: What is a “bid”?
A: uh…dun wanna type it…but you could put it there lol.
Q: What is “RR”?
A: Stands for Russian Restriction. It means Russia gets no combat movement or combat phases on the first turn (everything else works normally). It’s used to balance the game.
Yes,. plleeeeeeeeeesssee explain the bid thing.
It might be something simple but nowhere can you learn what it is.
- If Germany holds Moscow (Russian Capital), and Britain liberates Karelia (Russian province), does the province go to Russia or Britain?
A) Russia
Really? Are you sure?