I’ll throw in my 2 cents about good/bad board games I’ve played.
Win, Place, Show Horse Racing (great atmosphere and some good strategy needed)
Cranium (all out fun across many genres)
(these aren’t really board games, but close enough!)
Boggle (time tester, vocabulary builder, and makes people analyze data quick)
Wordthief (a fun game combining Scrabble and Rummy)
Trivial Pursuit (more boring than watching paint dry)
Stock Ticker (zero skill needed. A 2 year old can beat anyone)
Borderline Call
Scrabble (too much luck in getting the right letters and learning cheesey Scrabble Dictionary words ruins all the fun. WOW! The words “xi”, “xu” and “ka” are words. You don’t have a scrabble dictionary? Too bad! I do! Those words count!