My wife commented on this subject with her answer, What Dreams May Come.
I loved Robin Williams as a bad guy in One Hour Photo.
Bare Naked Ladies!
i saw them many moons ago at the University of Winnipeg. We just referred to them as the “fat jigglers”.
some of them lost weight since, i guess . . . .
have any of you heard the new wilco album "yankee hotel foxtrot’'? i was really dissapointed that it wasn’t nominated for a grammy (or whatever the music awards are called) it has a great story behind it too; the record album hated it so much that they dropped wilco off the label entirely, and after a year no record companies would pick them up, so they just put the album on the internet, and over 100,000 copies were downloaded. some cheapo record company picked them up, and now the album has sold hundreds of thousands of copies, and it’s getting pretty popular. i reccomend that you go pick it up next time you drive by the closest CD store, its REALLY good
OLD Metallica!
And don’t forget Sabbath!!!
they can be forgotten as long as radiohead is the band that made the person forget about them
I doubt that would happen. Who’s gonna remember Radiohead 20 years from now?
#1 the beatles
#3 the doors
#4 creedance clearwater revival or the cream
I don’t like the angry pissed of rich as heck youth thing musics going thru right now. - what …. did I just offend some one else??? jeez.
sorry that’s sopposed to be pissed OFF, not pissed OF.
and that’s supposed to be supposed not sopposed.
i can see it now… 500 years from now people will still be collecting radiohead albums beacuse they are such masterpieces… beethoven and mozart will be gone forever… replaced by thom yorke…
here it goes……again
No order here.
Stone temple Pilots
Monster Magnet
Rage Against the Machine
White Zombie
I do not listen to much band music… :(
thats too bad… but if someday you just walk over to the local CD store in L.A, remember to pick up some CD’s… “the bends” by radiohead, “ok computer” by radiohead (rated 4th best album OF ALL TIME BY ANY BAND by rolling stone) and “yankee hotel foxtrot” by wilco, which is in my opinion by far the best album of 2002.
Even though I do not get much time to listen to band music, I can agree with some of your choices. My favorite from RadioHead is Kid A and I have listened to Summer Teeth from Wilco. I am not an expert, so I do not know how compare, but good music is good music. ^_^
Kid A is very good, but for radiohead i prefer the Ok computer and the bends albums. i hear their new album coming out will be alot like the bends, so i’m happy about that. to tell you the truth, i’ve never heard any songs from summerteeth, as i am a new wilco convert, but i have $50 worth of gift certificates to Tower records (our CD store chain in northern VA) from christmas and my confirmation, so i might buy summerteeth or one of the mermaid sessions from wilco next time i stop by Tower records
Wilco is very suitable because I think it presents that much needed gap in between my classical and country music. ^_^
their newest album is a little less country, but it’s just 100% pure genius. there are a few tracks which are just amazing (especially 1 and 5) i strongly reccomend that you buy it
After I finish listening to a compilation disc of romantic-classic older brother made for me. ^_^
i just finished writing a report on a romantic composer ( i was assigned Johannes Brahms) it was kinda a pain, but in the process i had to listen to this one piece he wrote called piano concerto in D minor( i’m almost certain thats what its called) and it wasn’t bad… there was one part of it called “Rondo” (i’m pretty sure thats what it was called) and it was pretty good… i might start listening to classical/romantic music more often…
OooOooO… I enjoy listening Johannes Brahms too! Always be open to new types of music. ^_^