“Soldiers of the Western Front! Your great hour has arrived. Large attacking armies have started against the Anglo-Americans. I do not have to tell you more than that. You feel it yourself. WE GAMBLE EVERYTHING! You carry …the holy obligation to give everything to achieve things beyond human possibilities for our fatherland and our Fuhrer!†–-Von Rundstedt
stated so well by him at the onset of the great gamble in the west dec. 16th 1944. Very inspiring.
“Now is the winter of our discontent
made glorious summer by this son of York…” spoken from Sir Laurence Olivier as Richard III the entire opening soliloquy of act one scene one. Its the greatest thing i ever heard coming from any actor.Its so intense and perfectly done for such a hard bunch of lines setting the tone of where Richard III’s ambitions are. I love that entire movie.