I get mixed answers when I ask that question, most to the left will concede that a man should have that choice. But there are some that are fanatical that think that it is all the womans say (I DESPISE when someone says “when a man can get preg. than he can have a say”). Somehow a man not wanting to become a parent is not relavent. Most to the right think a man should have a say, (even if they are pro life, they would like to have some say… even if they will never use it). But there are those who think that this (and it probably would) lead to more abortions. Also consider that if this was made law, the scenerio of a woman getting preg to try to hold onto a man in a relationship that is dead would not happen nearly as much. Just about all “relationships” that come about because of pressure of an unwanted baby end very badly.
I believe that abortion in the first month is ok. That is before the child has brain waves. That is when I think it is human (yes, all animals have brain waves and are not human, but using that standard than you could “abort” after the baby is born because it is no more inteligent than a chimp). If a woman wants one than I don’t think anyone has the right to stop her.
You may think a month is not enough time to decide to have one, or even to know if you are preg. To that I say first… tough, you need to make a decision quickly - a human life is at stake. And about not knowing, if you are gonig to take on the resp. to have sex than you should you should have to take on the resp of knowing if you are preg. You miss a period, test yourself and decide.
I am pro life, but I am not insane with it. My sister died because she gave birth. She didn’t know it would kill her. And I fully support a woman who wants to abort if her life/health is at stake no matter how far along the preg. is.
If the morning after pill works, and is SAFE… it should be made legal IMO. I think that pill would solve a lot of the problems.