True, but dont forget that there are some clear statements in the Koran that talk of how horrible the Jews are and how Allah should curse them. Islam, though it claims to accept Judaism and Christianity’s prophets, does not particularly accept the followers of the religions. This is probably due to the fact that Mohammed’s new religion was rejected by the Jews living in Arabia and he felt sour, sour enough to go to war with all of them and exile many…
(No offense intended) This is complete bullshit. There were few Jews in Arabia. Arabia was inhabited (hence the name) by Arabs. All Mohammad did was unite the Arabs. Very little of this involved war. Most of his time was probably spent teaching and influencing people like Jesus.
Lets list some Jewish/Christian religious atrocities.
Extreme religious percecution around the birth of Christ. Eventually led to the torture of Jesus, and hunting down of his followers.
Christians (oh this could be a lot longer…)
Spanish Inquisition (Millions killed by fanatical and church-endorsed murderers, who had the complete support of the populous).
Salem Witch trials (see Spanish Inquisition, but 19 dead)
The complete anihilation of every civilization in South America by Spanish Zealots.
The Crusades
need I go on?
Religion itself is a deadly force. Every single religion in the history of the world has caused death, destruction, and has left a lasting scar upon this planet.
Muslims, for a thousand years, were the only real force behind peace, education, and the advancement of mankind. Singling them out as a violent religion is nothing short of hipocracy.