Sweet. Enjoy!!!
D-Day Dicetruction Style
The boys got together and played this game last weekend. It was our first time and I think I broke it by rolling 50% with my fighters every time. Either way we loved the pace as there was not much time for head scratching and delaying. Why did we wait so long to try this one? Episode 39 of the Dicetruction Podcast deals with our first and second round efforts. check out the blog link below for how to get a hold of the episode.
Episode 40 is up wherein Allied planes frustrate the Hell out of the Germans. D-Day with Dicetruction can be heard at dicetruction.blogspot.ca
lol I am looking fwd to listening to this.
It was only 2 episodes. I read off Eisenhower’s bulletin to the troops at the beginning. I really liked the game though we felt that the Allies planes were overpowered. I rolled 1’s like a motherfucker, Mugzy was not pleased. We didn’t get a lot of downloads for those episodes. I’d love to break that game out again.
Whats your most famous episode in your opinion?
Well I don’t know about famous as we don’t get a ton of feedback but the first round of our game of Global from Remembrance Day was our most downloaded.