Yanny, you are being a hypocrite when you talk about America letting a province leave because what your are proposing would make the Palestinians the equivalent of an American state, which cannot cede from the union.
Americans in these states that cannot cede are given complete and total American citizenship, including the right to vote. The Palestinians do not have these rights.
About how the Palestinians learn in school, have you not seen any videos of their schools? A movie called “Promises” shows a bit about the Palestinian schools.
Never heard of it, but if they’re math classes are like you claim, it’s all propoganda.
The problem with making the Palestinians into full citizens is that they will take control of the government and then there would be another Holocaust.
So your afraid of Democracy slapping you in face? The age of Imperialism ended with WWII, get on with the times.
Also, let us not forget that Israel obtained these areas in a defensive war, and that according to the Geneva Conventions, a country may keep territory captured in a defensive war.
If you could link me to a copy of the Geneva Convention, I could find half a dozen Israeli violations of it in the past year. And lets not forget, Israel is the only western democratic nation where torture is widespread.
Israel has been willing to negotiaite, but no matter what deal they seem to give the Palestinians, they rejected it. They got two great offers at Camp David and at Taba and they rejected them both.
Both of which would of given Israel complete Military power over the Palestinians, and at their whim they could have tanks in Ramallah, as we see now.
How can you talk about letting them cede, when they wont agree to negotiate nor do they want the part they are being offered, which all in all totals up to 100% of the territory they want.
They negociate, but since Israel kicked out their only leader to want peace, the Israelis have been negociating with guns. Is your country ignorant enough to think going into Ramallah and destroying Yassar Arafat’s compound is going to help fight terrorism? Your just giving terrorists more ammunition.
The PLO does represent the Palestinian people. It was turned into the PA, which is the Palestinians’ leadership. Yasser Arafat headed the PLO and now he heads the PA. It’s the same friendly service under a new name.
The PA has no way to Govern it’s people because every time Europeans give money and resources to build up their infrastructure, Israel destroys it.
East Jerusalem by no means belongs to the Palestinians. It was supposed to be an international city according to the original UN partition of the land but the Jordanians captured it and held it. The problem with returning it to the Palestinians is that most likely no Jews will ever be allowed to visit the holy sites there. The Jews were supposed to be allowed to visit East Jerusalem according to the 1949 cease-fire agreement with Jordan, who never kept up their end of the bargain but rather would fire on West Jerusalem. East Jerusalem is very controversial. I believe it should remain in the hands of Israel as it is now open to all people under Israeli control. Why risk it being closed off.
Simple enough, Make Jerusalem it’s own, independant, country. Like the Vatican.
BTW, the peace with Egypt is a very cold peace. At best, Israel would gain a cold peace with the Arab countries but even this is unlikely.