• Regardless, the violence that Palestinians are using will not get them anywhere. They are still too primative and need to realize that the Israeli’s are not simply going to “leave.”

    Well, i think it’s an evidence than Palestinians kamikaze are not helping the cause of their people. But saying they are primitive is very exagerated, there was less hate towards the jews in palestine than in europe some time ago, and israeli governement is’nt clean either. There is just not ONE people faulty in this conlict, sure you can think one is a little more guilty than the other, but they are still all guilty. There is no excuse for kamikaze nor for israeli attack.

    No matter what you try and give them, they’ll keep coming up with an excuse as to why it is a bad deal for them.

    Same thing for the Israeli.

  • @EmuGod:

    There’s also another problem with giving hte Palestinains their own state: the fact that they are living in such bad conditions that some people have predicted that they’ll fight a civil war if they get their own country. The current corrupt leadership had to somehow be ousted.

    Both countries are in a bad condition. If they don’t stop their bloodshed, then they will really soon be fighting for a wasted strip of land (with the main reason for the economic collapse in the palestinian terretories coming from the israeli blockades and not allowing palestinians to leave their towns/villages.) Israel fights not only with military means(though the economic means are harder to see).
    For the leadership…. i think whoever is corrupt or a religious fundamentalist in any government should not be allowed to rule. That includes ultra-orthodox Israelis!

  • That’s why the ultra-orthodox aren’t in control of the government. BTW, Israel isn’t a religious country. In fact, there are some elements about it that are more secular than the USA.

    Oh BTW, FinsterniS, I’d like you to name one for Israel becvause if wwe start listing how the Palestinians keep on complaining no matter what they are offered, we’d have a whole list…

  • Emu, then what do you call Sharon?

  • Oh BTW, FinsterniS, I’d like you to name one for Israel becvause if wwe start listing how the Palestinians keep on complaining no matter what they are offered, we’d have a whole list…

    It’s easy to say they are complaining, they did’nt get real chance for their indepence with the Ottam Empire, with the Brits nor with Israel, it’s their lands at least as much as the lands of the israeli. And don’t say the israeli did’nt complain in 47, or when they say palestinians are too disorganized, just after destroying their infrastucture.

  • Well, i think it’s an evidence than Palestinians kamikaze are not helping the cause of their people. But saying they are primitive is very exagerated, there was less hate towards the jews in palestine than in europe some time ago, and israeli governement is’nt clean either. There is just not ONE people faulty in this conlict, sure you can think one is a little more guilty than the other, but they are still all guilty. There is no excuse for kamikaze nor for israeli attack.

    Maybe I should clarify myself. :-?
    By “primitive”, I’m referring to their un-called-for use of suicide bombers and acts of terrorism, rather than directing that energy to solve their problem peacefully. I’m not even sure that was the right word to choose.

    I’m sure there’s not just one people guilty in this conflict, but when push comes to shove, I’d be more apt to sympathize with the Israeli’s. They DO have a right to defend themselves and retaliate against acts of terrorism, just as the US does. If Native Americans started murdering regular citizens, do you think we would actually consider giving them their land back? C’mon, this is modern day. Border’s change and so do countries. The Palestinians have had plenty of opportunities to live a decent life, but through the rotten leadership they’ve gotten, they’ve been getting the short end of the stick by being led by Arafat.

  • Exactly why this situation is spinning out of control. The Palestinians have bad leadership, who benefit from increased conflict. The Israelis are too (for lack of a better word) ignorant to realise that they are the only ones who can stop this. I don’t support what the Israelis or Palestinians are doing, however I know that it is Israel’s responsibility to end what they started.

  • @Yanny:

    Exactly why this situation is spinning out of control. The Palestinians have bad leadership, who benefit from increased conflict. The Israelis are too (for lack of a better word) ignorant to realise that they are the only ones who can stop this. I don’t support what the Israelis or Palestinians are doing, however I know that it is Israel’s responsibility to end what they started.

    of course this may be applied to the American’s/western world’s (we can only blame the British for so much . . .) dealing with the middle east . . . .

  • Well, I’m not so sure about that. :-?
    In order to solve a conflict peacefully, both sides have to be willing to proceed without violence. We’ve tried the peaceful way with Saddam, and I think we all know how far that got.

    Besides, Saddam is funding Palestinian terrorists, big time. Taking out Saddam will also cause a major hit against Arafat.

  • Heres the problem:

    The Palestinians kill 3 Israelis
    The Israelis respond and kill 5 Palestinians
    The Palestinians respond and kill 10 Israelis…

    And so on.

    It gives the Palestinian radicals cause to keep killing. And it empowers the Israeli radicals to keep killing more Palestinians than Israelis are killed. Its a cycle, and if the Israelis don’t take it upon themselves to realise that they are the only ones who can stop it, it is going to culminate with the Palestinians getting a stray Nuke and obliterating Tel-Aviv from the map.

  • @Deviant:Scripter:

    Well, I’m not so sure about that. :-?
    In order to solve a conflict peacefully, both sides have to be willing to proceed without violence. We’ve tried the peaceful way with Saddam, and I think we all know how far that got.

    Besides, Saddam is funding Palestinian terrorists, big time. Taking out Saddam will also cause a major hit against Arafat.


    that’s comforting. Glad to know the next one to step up in Iraq is such a moderate.

  • Iraq funding Palestinians terrorists? Well if thats cause for war, Saudi Arabia should kiss it’s ass goodbye.

  • @Deviant:Scripter:

    C’mon, this is modern day. Border’s change and so do countries. The Palestinians have had plenty of opportunities to live a decent life, but through the rotten leadership they’ve gotten, they’ve been getting the short end of the stick by being led by Arafat.

    Borders change… except the border is one of the US friends, allies or lackeys… then it won’t change, and the countries leadership won’t change as long as they keep “being humble” to the US.
    For the plenty of opportunities: …hmmmpf…

  • @Deviant:Scripter:

    Well, I’m not so sure about that. :-?
    In order to solve a conflict peacefully, both sides have to be willing to proceed without violence.

    Unfortunately, no side seems to be willing to be peaceful.

  • Iraq funding Palestinians terrorists? Well if thats cause for war, Saudi Arabia should kiss it’s ass goodbye.

    Hey, I didn’t say Saudi Arabia was any less innocent. And, Yes, funding terrorism is definetely cause for war. One step at a time, however. As far as I’m concerned, you are a terrorist if you’re funding terrorism.

    Unfortunately, no side seems to be willing to be peaceful.

    That’s my point. :P

    Borders change… except the border is one of the US friends, allies or lackeys… then it won’t change, and the countries leadership won’t change as long as they keep “being humble” to the US.
    For the plenty of opportunities: …hmmmpf…

    Well, sort of. :-? The US just called for full recognition of a Palestinian state by the Israeli’s…

  • @Deviant:Scripter:

    Borders change… except the border is one of the US friends, allies or lackeys… then it won’t change, and the countries leadership won’t change as long as they keep “being humble” to the US.

    Well, sort of. :-? The US just called for full recognition of a Palestinian state by the Israeli’s…

    Well, that would only be following UN-resolutions, wouldn’t it ? I mean, defying UN-resolutions repeatedly brought us close to war in that area……

  • I’d like to say that this conflict receives far too much media attention.
    I don’t really support either side, I don’t know much about what their fighting about.
    I will say that it must be hard to negotiate with people who are willing to strap bombs to their bodies and throw themselves at crowds.
    I far as I’m concerned, people like that just want to kill.
    Killing is all they want and they justify it by perverting the Islamic religion.

  • I’d like to say that this conflict receives far too much media attention.

    Too true. :o

  • @F_alk:


    Borders change… except the border is one of the US friends, allies or lackeys… then it won’t change, and the countries leadership won’t change as long as they keep “being humble” to the US.

    Well, sort of. :-? The US just called for full recognition of a Palestinian state by the Israeli’s…

    Well, that would only be following UN-resolutions, wouldn’t it ? I mean, defying UN-resolutions repeatedly brought us close to war in that area……

    The UN resolutions have been very anti-Zionist and in some cases anti-Semitic. You have Libya with her fellow Arab countries running the UN Humanitarian Aid, and you expect Khaddafey to look at things from an objective point of view? The UN calls Zionism racist, which is not possible because Jews aren’t a race. Zionism cannot be racist because it does not discriminate against anybody.

    May I also remind you, Yanny, you keep claiming it is Israel’s responsibility. Israel did her part of “the deal” in 1948 during hte population exchange when it absorbed all the Jewish refugees from the Arab world, which may I add, were not supported by ay part of the world. No one complained when they were kicked out of their homes and in some cases, tortured by the Arabs. The Palestinians left their homes willingly. The Prime Minister of Syria in 1949 in his memoirs discusses how they left willingly, so F_alk, don’t point to your website saying that the Americans and british didn’t pick up and radio broadcasts of that kind. If they didn’t, then they are deaf because the Arab countries have even admitted it. A census in Beirut claimed that 57% of all the Palestinian Arab refugees left without even seeing an Israeli soldier. The Arabs have been swelling the numbers from the beginning and they didn’t absorb their fellow borthers from the population exchange. Iraq and Syria could have used them, and to make the deal even better for the Arabs, they got all the Jewish homes and property in their lands where they could have placed these refugees. The UN even went as far as to change the definition of a refugee for the specific case of the Palestinians. They made a refugee any Arab who had left Mandate Palestine after living there at least 2 years. Let us not forget that the British promised the Jews the land in the Balfour Declaration of 1917, after they had captured the land from the Ottoman Turks. The British should have kept their word and they tried to compromise by giving the arabs 75% of Mandate Palestine, which they called Trans-Jordanian Palestine, which is modern day Jordan.
    The Palestinians received many offers to get land within modern-day Israel but they rejected them. They never complained under harsher rule by Egypt and Jordan. King Hussein of Jordan even killed several thousand of them and there was no complaints. The world didn’t say anything. But the minute Israel gets them and true, their lives haven’t been good, the world starts to complain and condemn. These people are a weapon of the Arabs, aimed to achieve their goals. I can give you some harder proof if you like, just feel free to ask. A good book on the subject is “From Time Immemorial” by Joan Peters. She came to Israel to protest the cruel treatment of the Palestinians and to find evidence that they were not getting the land that was their homeland but after researching for 7 years, she found out the opposite and changed her book accordignly. A third of it is footnotes, ehr bibliography and her resources.

    Now, anybody have any other arguements?

  • Wanna know why it’s Israel’s job to end it? Its a simple moral we learned before age 6. With great power comes great responsibility (well, some of us didn’t learn it till we saw Spiderman :)) Israel is the most powerful, democratic, and civilized nation in the region. They are the only ones who are going to settle this. In addition, Israel is most effected by this.

    In America, as well as every real democracy, debates always end with a compromise. Israel is a democracy. Israel must compromise. There is no denying Yassar Arafat is not leading the Palestinians. Instead of dwelling on that like a spoiled child, Israel should just work around him.

    I don’t care what you think, if Israel is a democracy, Palestine should be a free and independant state. There is no doubt that if it came to vote, over 70% of Palestinians would choose to cede from Israel. Canada made that offer to Quebec, America gives that offer to all of our commonwealth provinces.

    So tell me, why does Israel not let Palestine cede? It would be in the interest of Israel’s economy, national security, and credibility as a nation. Saudi Arabia, and many other Arab states, already said that they would establish diplomatic relations with Israel, as well as reconition of Israel as a true Nation, if Israel were to give Palestine it’s independence.

    If Israel does not do this, she is going to see the radicals on the Palestinian side slowly gain more power. This means more dead Israelis, up to the day where the Palestinians aquire a weapon more deadly than a bomb strapped to their chests.

    And, Israel’s continued stupidity will keep costing American lives. The best thing we could ever do to improve our national security is make Israel get it’s own weapons.

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