Joe gets Germany, which means Charles gets the U.S.
Joe = Germany
Ty = Japan
Brett = UK
Charles = US
Chris’ friend = Russia
I’m from Bulgaria
germany and bulgaria are tied with 1 vote each!
added USA for ya :)
hehe USA is winning :P
now its a 3 way tie between-germany,bulgaria and the US-all with one vote.
funny… what if I was born in a colony that really isn’t a country?
I guess you should then click the country that owns that colony.
realley? what if u were born in a colony of USA but it changed hands and got its independence? i mean would u consider your self a Yank or Country-X
then clicl the country your from
the what?
I guess you should then click the country that owns that colony.
Ewwww… I rather not… :x Then, I guess it’s good ol’ California for me. :wink:
the US is clearly winning with 8 votes
realley? what if u were born in a colony of USA but it changed hands and got its independence? i mean would u consider your self a Yank or Country-X
I don’t think Guam is going to gain her independence any time soon.
communist revolution?