The Germans have no destroyer present, therefore the defending air units can not hit the sub, and of course the sub can never hit planes. Think of it in terms of the combined arms rule, air units can only hit subs if they are combined with at least 1 participating destroyer, the difference with this particular combined arms is that it works while attacking and defending. In the scenario that you described, the sub would destroy the remaining transport without rolling and the defending fighters can do nothing.
Sub question
Playing Global, my fleet is being attacked by all planes, i have a sub, i want to leave the sub unsubmerged so i can take it as a casualty, can i do this?
Playing Global, my fleet is being attacked by all planes, i have a sub, i want to leave the sub unsubmerged so i can take it as a casualty, can i do this?
Not unless the attacking force has a destroyer with their planes in order to spot your subs - if not then hits from planes CANNOT be assigned to submarines. The danger of using subs as naval fodder is that a full air strike MUST ignore them.
you’re going to have to cite Krieg or somebody like that because planes can hit subs it’s only the submerge capability that prevents it and if i choose not to submerge that shouldn’t be an issue
Planes cannot hit subs unless a destroyer is present.
Check the rulebook under Subs, under Destroyers, and under planes.
For example, page 30, bottom left, of the Pacific 1940 rulebook which is available online at the WOTC site.
Cannot Be Hit by Air Units: When attacking or defending, hits scored by air units cannot be assigned to submarines unless there is a destroyer that is friendly to the air units in the battle.
Whether you submerge or not is totally irrelevant.
Garg say true,
You’re going to have to read the rule book! :-P -
you’re going to have to cite Krieg or somebody like that because planes can hit subs it’s only the submerge capability that prevents it and if i choose not to submerge that shouldn’t be an issue
“submerge” is ONLY a way for submarines to disengage from battle but not retreat from the seazone. Once a sub submerges, it cannot choose to come back to the battle after a few rounds, nor is that how planes not being able to hit them is determined.
Also, not to toot my own horn, and I generally try not to, but… I AM someone like that, as is Gamerman. Krieg may step in to correct something we say, or to clarify something we say, but the “Rule Deputy” line under our avatars does actually mean something.
This rule is why sometimes players leave their surface vessels out of attacks and opt for a 100% air attack. To render your subs useless in defense.
If they would ever come up with a definitive rulebook and not one that was superceded 2 seconds later by 400 changes i would memorize the thing but they don’t seem able to do that
If they would ever come up with a definitive rulebook and not one that was superceded 2 seconds later by 400 changes i would memorize the thing but they don’t seem able to do that
Hyperbole notwithstanding, this sub rule has been the same since 2008 (AA50).
i wasn’t refering to that specific rule i was pointing out how difficult is to keep up with the rules when they constantly change making it seem useless to keep up with any rules. I’m a tax accountant and i can tell you many of the areas of the tax code i refuse to memorize because they are subject to change every year and i would rather re-read the information each year and make sure i don’t make an error than memorize something and be wrong because i missed a change.
Where is “Axis & Allies for Dummies”, does it exist?
From new A&A Europe Rule Book, reprint and purchased this week.
Page 30, last paragraph under Air Units: Air units can hit submarines only if a friendly destroyer is in the battle.
Page 32, Submarines: Unit Characteristics: Can’t Be Hit by Air Units: When attacking or defending, hits scored by air units can’t be assigned to submarines unless there is a destroyer that is friendly to the air units in the battle.
Page 32, Destroyers: Unit Characteristics: last paragraph … cancels the following characteristics of all enemy submarines in that battle: Surprise Strike, Submersible, and Can’t Be Hit by Air Units. …