How about that Bill Clinton! He goes into office in 1992. The Dem’s. control the Presidency, House of Rep’s. and the Senate. He loses the House in 1994, so his budget and politics take a step to the center. He loses Al Gore’s presidential bid (with a little help from Al [and possibly with an eye to getting Hilliary (Clinton II) into the U. S. Presidency sooner.] Then the morally corrupted, Clinton directed, Dem. Party loses the Senate in 2002.
Not a bad plan. However, if the Republicans mess up quickly Hillary won’t be in a good position to run in 2004. But, if things go sour for Bush in a second term … if Hillary stays in office long enough (I seem to recall she got booed at the benefit for the firefighters 8) .) … if 60 percent of the regular voting public forgets who she is (polls have shown that Republicans and Independents will, almost unanamously vote against Hillary, now and forever … of course, forever is a very long time.
Hillary in 2008!
Usama bi Ladin , you can kiss my royal Irish ass!