• So, what do you USies think, having voted for your Congress and Senate?
    Happy? Unhappy?

  • Turned out badly. Republicans now control our congress. This means President Bush can bully his way into passing more facist laws.

  • half and half. Republicans took both the House and the Senate 8), but they lost every race in California… :-?

  • TG-your a republican eh.

    If I could vote (im not the age and I dont live in the country) I would vote for the democrats.

  • I couldn’t have asked for a better outcome.

    I know Yanni’s not happy with it, but YAY! We now control both the house and the senate! Woohoo! Now maybe we can make those tax cuts permanent, and get everything else accomplished that the Democrats were stalling on…

    I’m not really concerned about California, it doesn’t really surprise me that we lost there.

    If I could vote (im not the age and I dont live in the country) I would vote for the democrats.

    I’d never vote for a Democrat. First, I don’t agree with their policies. Second, I don’t agree with their sleazy tactics.

  • TG-your a republican eh.

    I believe on some of their Conservative values, though I disagree to a point on their economy.

    I’m not a Republican (in fact more of a libertarian) but… it seems to me all Democrats do is resort to ad hominem attacks, while lacking any real issues. (Paul Wellstone’s Funneral, Torricelli’s Dropout, use of the race card, Bush trying to destroy Social Security, ect) truly despicable… :-?

  • well all I want is not to have the republicans in power and if I would have to vote for the democrats so be it.

  • heh… I will remain faithful to the CCC, and Conservative is one of them. :)

  • @GeZe:

    well all I want is not to have the republicans in power and if I would have to vote for the democrats so be it.

    The United States consists of one right-wing party, the Democrats and another even mroe right-wing party, the Republicans.

  • I would bet the farm on 2 things.

    1. Now, America will suffer from more terrorist attacks as a result of increased pointless war. President Bush can threaten to repeal funding to Republicans if they do not vote his way.

    2. Saddam Hussein can kiss his ass goodbye.

    3. My college fund is leaving the Stock Market and going into an IRA.

    4. Everyone else’s college and 401ks are dead.

    5. Enron executives are moving back to Texas.

    6. America is going to keep edging toward a totalitarian, Mcarthist, and Facist place. Goodbye Democracy.

    7. Terrorists won’t be punished.

    8. 2 years from now, America will wake up and smell the coffee.

    On the good note, the Republicans in my town went down. They were in office, each and every one of them, for 16 years straight.

  • Yanny,

    If you are so certain that Republican control spells disaster for democracy, then I’m sure you won’t be afraid of some hearty discussion…
    First of all, when we speak generally, our democracy is protected when we put power into the hands of THE MANY, NOT THE FEW. This means that THE FEW ( Government officials) need to have their power severely limited. What are some things that could make those officials more powerful? Laws that would allow them to tax you more heavily? :o Decide for you what health care you need? (Hillary Care, 1993, received only 7 votes in the Senate :P ) Laws that regulate your own private business? Laws that restrict or regulate what you can do on your own private property? :evil:

    These sorts of bills really tweek my shorts. :x I just want the government, by in large, to leave me alone. It only needs to fix my roads, and call me up when I need to defend it… little else is necessary, because, unlike many liberals would like you to think, we are capable of running our own lives! :D These bills that I so abhor are all things that Democrats unashamedly support. They want Congress and the President (when it suits them) to have more power and control. THAT IS WHAT I CALL FASCIST!!! :o

  • @EmuGod:


    well all I want is not to have the republicans in power and if I would have to vote for the democrats so be it.

    The United States consists of one right-wing party, the Democrats and another even mroe right-wing party, the Republicans.

    egxactly so I would choose the less right wing party

  • I choose to less corrupt -> Republican Party

  • The Democrats are not right-wing. They are defiantly left of center. Pro Labor, Pro Bigger Government, Pro Social Welfare Progarams, anti-gun.

    NOw, partially because this is America, and partially because we have a two party system, they are less radical than left wing parties in countries like Germany. That does not at all mean that they are right of center.

  • @yourbuttocks:

    The Democrats are not right-wing. They are defiantly left of center. Pro Labor, Pro Bigger Government, Pro Social Welfare Progarams, anti-gun.

    NOw, partially because this is America, and partially because we have a two party system, they are less radical than left wing parties in countries like Germany. That does not at all mean that they are right of center.

    sigh You don’t even consider that different people might put the centre-point at different locations?

    And if i compare your “left-wing” party with our “centre-right” party in germany… i am not sure that your party will appear “left” of mine.

    1. Now, America will suffer from more terrorist attacks as a result of increased pointless war. President Bush can threaten to repeal funding to Republicans if they do not vote his way.

    I’m willing to bet that we’d be a lot more vulnerable had the Democrats stayed in power. :roll:

    1. Saddam Hussein can kiss his ass goodbye.

    It’s about time. 8)

    1. My college fund is leaving the Stock Market and going into an IRA.

    You’re one smart cookie. :D

    1. America is going to keep edging toward a totalitarian, Mcarthist, and Facist place. Goodbye Democracy.

    Hmm…typical accusations from the left. How many times have we heard this rhetoric?

    1. Terrorists won’t be punished.

    Can’t get more punished than dead, can you?

  • @Deviant:Scripter:

    1. Now, America will suffer from more terrorist attacks as a result of increased pointless war. President Bush can threaten to repeal funding to Republicans if they do not vote his way.

    I’m willing to bet that we’d be a lot more vulnerable had the Democrats stayed in power. :roll:

    1. Saddam Hussein can kiss his ass goodbye.

    It’s about time. 8)

    1. My college fund is leaving the Stock Market and going into an IRA.

    You’re one smart cookie. :D

    1. America is going to keep edging toward a totalitarian, Mcarthist, and Facist place. Goodbye Democracy.

    Hmm…typical accusations from the left. How many times have we heard this rhetoric?

    1. Terrorists won’t be punished.

    Can’t get more punished than dead, can you?

    how often have we heard this rhetoric?

  • Someone, please, note Yanny’s 2 things (though I count 7[seven]) for future reference! (They evolve from the DNC playbook. :roll: ) I’m sure it will be a hoot later (in about 6 years and 3 months … after King George’s reign … or will it ever end!? :wink:

    From what little I’ve read on this site, shouldn’t Finwhoever (sorry!) and Xi chime in on the political position of the American fascist parties about now?

    The Republicans now have a couple of years to destroy the mess created by the Democrats who held the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives for most of 60 years (late 1930’s to 1994.) The Democrats also held the Presidency for 40 of the last 70 years if my memory of history is intact.

    Nobody to blame, but Republicans (and philiblustering :P ) Democrats now.

  • How about that Bill Clinton! He goes into office in 1992. The Dem’s. control the Presidency, House of Rep’s. and the Senate. He loses the House in 1994, so his budget and politics take a step to the center. He loses Al Gore’s presidential bid (with a little help from Al [and possibly with an eye to getting Hilliary (Clinton II) into the U. S. Presidency sooner.] Then the morally corrupted, Clinton directed, Dem. Party loses the Senate in 2002.

    Not a bad plan. However, if the Republicans mess up quickly Hillary won’t be in a good position to run in 2004. But, if things go sour for Bush in a second term … if Hillary stays in office long enough (I seem to recall she got booed at the benefit for the firefighters 8) .) … if 60 percent of the regular voting public forgets who she is (polls have shown that Republicans and Independents will, almost unanamously vote against Hillary, now and forever … of course, forever is a very long time.

    Hillary in 2008!

    Usama bi Ladin , you can kiss my royal Irish ass!

  • Hillary is not going to win a presidential election.

    First, her last name has already been tarnished. I don’t think the American people feel like putting another Clinton at the helm of this country.

    Secondly, this country isn’t ready for a woman president yet. It may sound sexist, but it’s the truth. (No, Yanni, I don’t have any statistics to back this up :wink: …but I still feel I’m correct 8))

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