Day of Defeat (the Half-Life Mod)

  • “/me slaps TG moses with a large Trout! the MP40 rules man u just suck”

    “Yeah, unlike that wimpy, pea-shooter of a gun we call the MP40.”

    No name calling! ^_^ And I thought you were friends? :(

    “They’re action figures - not dolls! - for crying out loud!”

    There my cute, little dolls, and I will not let them into any ‘action’ that might end up hurting them!

  • haha off course were friends TM but were also Guys :) this is how guys bond ;)

  • so what are u guys and gals favorite maps?

  • “They’re action figures - not dolls! - for crying out loud!”

    There my cute, little dolls, and I will not let them into any ‘action’ that might end up hurting them!

    but dont they ever get bored?

  • me slaps TG moses with a large Trout! the MP40 rules man u just suck

    Tssskkk… <slaps ewok=“” with=“” a=“” bag=“” of=“” californian=“” oranges=“”>I wouldn’t trust a wooden nickel to a MP40 - lousy piece of garbage. 8)

    but dont they ever get bored?

    Pssst… that’s what I said. All they do is stand around all day in funny poses and collect dust. :-?

    haha off course were friends

    I wouldn’t know of that… :wink:</slaps>

  • I’d like to ask everyone a question, who thinks DoD is awesome and CS is noob? :-?
    Fist of all theres way too many hackers, and I dont feel likes waiting for the round to end after ive got wasted by some noob who playes CS like is his only meaning in life! :x
    At least in DoD if I get wasted I don’t have to waste an hour But Yeah I’d have to agree thet DoD is God. :wink:
    Oh yeah my favorite class is either german grenadier or the unterofizer, it really depends on the level :)

  • thanku for defending the Mp40 man ;) Pea shooter my ass!

  • I’d like to ask everyone a question, who thinks DoD is awesome and CS is noob

    I find DoD better, though CS is a great game on its own right. It just depends on your taste. :-?

    thanku for defending the Mp40 man Pea shooter my ass!

    Compared to all the other weapons (except for the Grease Gun), the mp40 is a dead fish outta water.

  • the mp40 is awsome

    lets change the topic to maps?

    i like DoD_Feldfur DoD_Fabrik DoD_Thunder DoD_Avalanche

  • Caen I and II, D-Day! 8)

  • Caen I? Is that really a map? Wow, I’ve never played that before. :o

  • No, it’s the original Caen. Not the updated version.

  • Over Lord sux hahahahaha :wink:

  • That’s cause you sux. :wink:

  • naw its just that overlord is so Capitalist! the Snipers and the MG gunners have high ass scores while the good old grunts are in the negatives ;)

  • hahahaha… this game is about TEAMWORK — not every man getting “what’s mine” (ie the highest score)

  • it is a team game but the Axis have a huge advantage and its unfair and a bad map. how ever i do like Dog1 though but i never played that with over 15 people so i dont know how it realley is but Over lord is just dumb. but i do enjoy playying it sometimes. u know just taking it for the team to save liberty ;) yea Overlord is the only map were i play Allies all the time ;)

  • How many people on each team?

  • well imo Overlord is Fun when u have a full server of 32 peps but its cool if the allies have more guys on there team cus it gives them a slight advantage although a 2 man difference aint much its the closest u can get ;)

  • Usually when I play D-Day, allies get 2-1 or 3-1 odds. Over 30 at once using that format. Lots of fun. :)

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