• @Mallery29:

    I would still hit the two non-FTR China territories but give up Russia’s back door in order to crush India on J2 with your naval buys (entire Japan fleet at FIC on J1).

    See, you have to GIVE UP U.S. Chinese territory of Szechwan where the U.S. FTR is. And also as you said you have to give up Russia’s backdoor where I will have at least 5 INF on Buryatia + 2 INF on Yakut. That’s fun, for Russia and UK, not so fun for Japan.

    Of course you can try to move all your FTR and Naval Fleet in order to strike my Indian fleet on J2 turn. But don’t forget, it’s UK2 turn before J2 turn, I would once again build naval forces, another Battleship + Destroyer + INF or maybe 2 Cruisers + Armor on India. As you can see, I can as a UK player force you do to things MY WAY, just as I force “Cow” to do things MY WAY where he falls into my Russian traps all the time with Germany.

    Don’t forget that U.S. Naval Power is on it’s way in the Pacific both on US1 turn and US2 turn. Also if you forgot, I have a Cruiser + Sub + Transport on Australia to have fun with couple of Japanese Islands down there on UK1 and UK2 turn.

  • J1 3inf/FTR/Bomber vs. 2inf China North, inf/art/3FTR in Yunan, hold the line up North with 4inf, buy 2DD/2Trans
    5inf in Buryatia vs 4inf in Mancuria? Really? Ok, so hit me on the coast with your US FTR/2inf…tha’s why I have more trans/troops coming…
    4inf/2art/1tank/4FTR/1Bomber against India J2, and withdraw the fleet back to Japan to hit Russia (either Buryatia or Manchuria depending on your suicide maneuver).

    So you lost China, India, and Buryatia by J2, and J3 I will finish off your feeble US troops remaining…again, you’ve been countered…why not build your IC in Alaska too…I’m sure the Axis will love playing you.

  • @Mallery29:

    J1 3inf/FTR/Bomber vs. 2inf China North, inf/art/3FTR in Yunan, hold the line up North with 4inf, buy 2DD/2Trans
    5inf in Buryatia vs 4inf in Mancuria? Really? Ok, so hit me on the coast with your US FTR/2inf…tha’s why I have more trans/troops coming…
    4inf/2art/1tank/4FTR/1Bomber against India J2, and withdraw the fleet back to Japan to hit Russia (either Buryatia or Manchuria depending on your suicide maneuver).

    So you lost China, India, and Buryatia by J2, and J3 I will finish off your feeble US troops remaining…again, you’ve been countered…why not build your IC in Alaska too…I’m sure the Axis will love playing you.

    LOL, stop dreaming, please. You are like Cow regarding Ukraine, I can see that you have no comments on that one :)

    Really, you will attack India with all the FTRs and Bomber? LOL, good luck getting throught my UK Fleet with NO air support. What are you going to do, send 2 BB, 2 Carriers which suck at attacking, 1 Cruiser, 1 Sub and 1 DD �  V.S � My fleet which will have 2 Battleships, 1 Carrier with 2 FTR on it, 2 Destroyers and 1 Cruiser, GOOD LUCK on that one, man!

    When we talk about India, I already have 3 UK INF there from earlier + 1 UK INF from Iran, that’s 4 INF. I have built 2 INF, one each turn UK1 and UK2. Which means I have 6 UK INF on India. Furthermore, I will have 1 U.S. FTR on India. Oh and don’t forget, I can move 2 FTR from London to India by the UK2 turn. UK1 turn, 2 FTR to Arkangelsk, and on UK2, voila, they are guess where? In India! And I have AA-GUN, again GOOD LUCK on taking India OR my Indian Fleet, lol :)

    Oh, yes, I will hit the coast, which is Kwantung with the U.S Forces. Good that you have “more transports” coming through, you sure will need them, when I gather the whole U.S. Pacific Fleet by taking Iwo Jima already on US1 and while I take New Guinea from you on UK1. � Those transports of yours will sure need some back up right there :)

  • i like it. then on us2, on to the philippines with the jap fleet pinched or running north.

  • And leave Russia to itself with no UK or US assistance?

    New Guinea?  I’m worried about losing New Guinea AND Iwo?

    And that sea battle?

    Japan: 2DD, 2BB, 2CV, 4FTR, 1 Bomber, CA, SS vs UK: 2BB, CV, 2FTR, 2DD, 1 CA?

    http://www.dskelly.com/misc/aa/aasim.html    looks like 99.1%…yep…I’m the one needing the luck!

  • Oh, so you want to take the Phillipines with the US fleet next?

    2DD (the ones I built), 4FTR, 1 Bomber, 1 CV, 2BB vs. 2DD, CV, 2FTR, 1BB?  yep…that’s 99% as well ( I take into account loss of my sub, both DDs, one CV, CA on the UK attack).

    Next question?

  • Oh hell, I forget my J2 build on that US fight as well….who’s going to be doing the running now?

  • @Mallery29:

    Oh hell, I forget my J2 build on that US fight as well….who’s going to be doing the running now?

    jump to 3:27 and you’ll find out where I stand…


  • i have to see the board at this point lol. it’s at least a threat to u so u must buy more navy J2, precisely when u need to buy more asia army. it helps russia by keeping nips outta their arses and keeps alot of fighters that can rush to russia in 1 turn. and britain’s $$ is good still, no africa for germany.

  • I don’t need Africa to win…who the hell conquers the world by focusing on Africa? NOBODY.  The key for Germany is Moscow…Egypt is a nice have, but I’m not going to sit there and pour resources into that damn continent…and as Japan, I can afford to by navy for awhile…I’ll have Russia’s 3IPCs for the back door, China’s 4IPCs, and AT LEAST Burma for 1 more…do I care about New Guinea and Iwo…no…but I just proved in the post you come for the Phillipines, and your fleet will get smoked…and all that effort to stop Japan, now give Germany a free pass to poop on the Russians…Game, Set, Match.

  • If you go so quick with the Allies, you will fail…quick victories are for the Axis, long games favor the Allies…

  • @Mallery29:

    If you go so quick with the Allies, you will fail…quick victories are for the Axis, long games favor the Allies…

    i certainly agree with that but KGF lets nips go beastmode!

  • @Slackaveli:


    If you go so quick with the Allies, you will fail…quick victories are for the Axis, long games favor the Allies…

    i certainly agree with that but KGF lets nips go beastmode!

    Completely disagree…with a combined effort by the UK to wipeout the E. Indies fleet and a controlled buildup at India, you can create a stalemate with Japan at India.  Japan will be forced to build to match/attempt to outproduce Indian builds, but to do so allows the US Pac Fleet to hit Solomons as a stepping stone to Phillipines/protect Austrailia (not a real target for Japan, but hey, have to give the Aussies some comfort).  The goal for UK2 (assuming you have just the CV and 2 FTRs left) should be to use the FTRs/transports to cause additional reinforcements from Africa and Austrailia to India and hold the line.  Japan will either have to defend to prevent crazy Brits from gutting them or risk a battle that they may not win, which will result in the gutting of Asia.  The Japanese should not go past China/Russian backdoor…the hope here is for India to attack Japan…whomever is the aggressor will most likely lose the battle.

  • @Mallery29:

    And leave Russia to itself with no UK or US assistance?� Â

    New Guinea?�  I’m worried about losing New Guinea AND Iwo?

    And that sea battle?

    Japan: 2DD, 2BB, 2CV, 4FTR, 1 Bomber, CA, SS vs UK: 2BB, CV, 2FTR, 2DD, 1 CA?

    http://www.dskelly.com/misc/aa/aasim.html�  �  looks like 99.1%…yep…I’m the one needing the luck!


    And leave Russia to itself with no UK or US assistance? Â

    New Guinea?  I’m worried about losing New Guinea AND Iwo?

    And that sea battle?

    Japan: 2DD, 2BB, 2CV, 4FTR, 1 Bomber, CA, SS vs UK: 2BB, CV, 2FTR, 2DD, 1 CA?

    http://www.dskelly.com/misc/aa/aasim.html    looks like 99.1%…yep…I’m the one needing the luck!

    Yes, you are the one needing luck, as I said, I am STILL waiting for comments regarding Ukraine, or do you admit I was right? If not, do tell us all how it’s not right, lol.

    Oh, NOW you want to take on my Indian Fleet, NO problem there, however, explain to us all how do you TAKE INDIA by taking out my fleet, while I still have at least 5 INF and 4 FRT + AA-gun on India? Where are your 4 little INF with 2 art and 1 tank which are supposed to take out my 5 INF and 4 FTR? Can’t see them anywhere, lol.

    Doesn’t matter if you odds at “winning” are high, Japan will still suffer HEAVY losses, and that is the point, and India still lives, you DID NOT take India, that did NOT happen.

    I still haven’t experienced you countering anything yet. US Fleet on Iwo Jima is there ready to strike on US2. Whatever survived of your fleet on India, can’t get to Japan in one move. Which means, U.S. can dump forces again in East Asia, or support Russia furthermore, or attack whatever you buy outside Japan on J2. Because rest of what is left of your fleet is on India.  When you move that away from India, I can once again, just start bying Naval power, why ? Because you are too weak ON LAND to take India, you just can’t take it. To much to think of, U.S. guys taking East-Asia, Russia having 7 INF in the north, and India bying units all the time. Not to mention that US will build units on their 1st and 2nd turn, making it impossible for Japan to handle it.

    Since Japan is to weak on land to take India, I would reconsider what I would buy on UK.

    UK1 = Save 31 IPC
    UK2 = I have at least 62 IPC to buy for, I could buy 3 Battleships and place them on India.

    Guess where my fleet will merge on UK1 ? On SZ30 with my fleet from Australia. I’ll have 1 Carrier + 2 FTR + 2 Cruisers + 1 Sub. You can attack with 3 FTR + 1 Carrier which sucks + BB.

    TRY TO RUN THAT ON YOUR CALK, LOOOOOL, guess odds are a LITTLE bit different? :)

    Now India and the UK have a lot of possibilities, you never now if I will build 3 BB on UK2. But I will have a merged UK Fleet near by, which will be constant threat to Japan. You just CAN NOT sink it on SZ30 with 3 FTR + Carrier and BB. This is FUN :) I don’t even need to mention India, I will have another 2 FTR there from Arkangelsk, 1 US FTR from Tibet, 1 UK FTR from Egypt, that’s 4 FTR on land on India. I can build a lot of FTR or Battleships, whatever I like, just looking at what you bougt on J1. When we play, you never know what I will decide to do, building a fleet on UK or India, because I saved IPC from 1st round and you do NOT know HOW I will position myself on UK2.

    Oh, I forgot also that I can take with me 2 INF from Australia and dump them in India on UK2, making India have 6 or 7 INF with 4 FTR.

    Yes, Russia will be more alone against Germany, but if some who do argue to send German tanks into Caucasus so I can slaughter them so easy on R2 turn, then Russia will be all fine, when 9 Artilleries + 4 Armor + 1 FTR and a lot of INF says hello to Germans on either Caucasus or Ukraine on R2 turn. And the fun part is, in a real game, you will never know if I will build anything on UK or not, so most German players will put their fighters on Western Europe, making it easy for Russia to strike hard. If you move them to Ukraine, then it’s easier to build UK fleet on London instead of India. Pretty simple actually.

    See, you just CAN’T take India that easy!

  • dump 2 inf into Asia?  Really? That’s your forces you plan to get into Asia?  You only have 1 transport to work with at the start…it will take more than that to make a difference…my fleet can get back into position to hit your fleet after you hit Asia/Japan with your 2inf.  Fail again.
    This is my previous quote: “Japan will either have to defend to prevent crazy Brits from gutting them or risk a battle that they may not win, which will result in the gutting of Asia.  The Japanese should not go past China/Russian backdoor…the hope here is for India to attack Japan…whomever is the aggressor will most likely lose the battle.”
    If you land your planes there, fine, you make it so much easier to take Russia with no reinforcements from UK. You have to make a choice…at some point with the Russian lines collapsing because all your UK money is going to India.  Eventually you either have to pull out your planes to defend Russia/Caucus or let it fall.  My losses from attacking the UK fleet as stated will be 2DD, Sub, CA most likely…possibly 1 CV…but that’s all replacable with J1/J2 buys.  You want to hold India, fine, I can build up just as easily there as you can in India…I’ll play the stalemate while Russia falls to Germany.
    Ukraine IMHO HAS to be done from my Allied strat…does it have to be done for everyone else…nope…you can all in at W. Russia and go from there…but all in at Russia can have a fall back if the German player does it right…there is a way to beat the all in without attacking, but dice rolls can make it back fire…I’m not going to fight on the Ukraine topic because Allied strat can easily vary…I say attack Ukraine, but I have to have the US/UK KGF for it to work…

  • Correct me if wrong.
    J2: 1 Bomber, 6FTRs (forget the one in Japan), 2BB, 2DD, 1CA, 1SS, 2CV vs 3BB, 2CA, 1SS, 2FTR, CV….

    Odds still say 98.8% for Japan…but let me know if I’m wrong cause it is quite confusing…  are you saying after UK1 you would move fleet south and buy 3BBs on UK2?  So then on UK2 you move back up?  It’s still 98.7 for Japan, but ok…I guess I’m in trouble.

  • @Mallery29:

    dump 2 inf into Asia?� � Really? That’s your forces you plan to get into Asia?� � You only have 1 transport to work with at the start…it will take more than that to make a difference…my fleet can get back into position to hit your fleet after you hit Asia/Japan with .
    Ukraine IMHO HAS to be done from my Allied strat…does it have to be done for everyone else…nope…you can all in at W. Russia and go from there…but all in at Russia can have a fall back if the German player does it right…there is a way to beat the all in without attacking, but dice rolls can make it back fire…I’m not going to fight on the Ukraine topic because Allied strat can easily vary…I say attack Ukraine, but I have to have the US/UK KGF for it to work…

    I am not going “all in” in West Russia only, I will also take Belorussia, instead of Ukraine. That’s the point. � I build 6 Artilleries on R1 or 6 INF + 1 Tank, there are a lot of good options. Seems like this is the “fear” some here promote, that " Caucasus will “fall” to Germany, which is NOT the case at all, at the contrary, Germany will lose 30-33% of it’s armor very easy. � Even if Germany does not choose to take Caucasus, they are still to weak on Ukraine to stack anything there on G1, or else R2 will destroy whatever is there which is from my count 7 German INF, 6 Armor.

    Russia will not collapse, because I will always pick my fights very carefully with Russia, that’s very important, I will NEVER let Russia lose artilleries or tanks if Germany doesn’t lose a LOT more. � You would buy like 5 German INF, 2 art, 1 tank and 1 Bomber on Germany? I don’t consider that as a threat at all. On R2 Russia can just buy 8 INF and another 1 Artillery. That’s a potent counter-offensive force, Germany will have some serious problems if they want to get to Moscow or Caucasus.

    Yes, your count is right, however the point is, once again, you don’t know what I am saving money for regarding UK2. In order to win naval battle against me, you practically have to move everything Japan has, without not knowing if I will build anything on India or on the UK.

    Regarding India it self, you can’t take it that easy as already pointed out. UK having a fleet in SZ30 will make you wonder HOW MANY ships or FTR you will have to move to FIC on expence of territories which USA can strike.

    So we have two options. UK can attack Japanese fleet on E.Indies or the UK Fleet can be merged, and save the money for UK2 where some serious Naval buys can be put on either India or the UK. Point it, in order to have the upper hand in the naval battle, you need to move basically everything down to FIC. Making USA having more options from Iwo Jiwa and onwards.

    Even if I don’t build anything on India and decide to build everything on the UK with 62 IPC, UK still have a merged fleet in the Indian Ocean and as pointed out, taking India itself is not that easy.

    Regarding Ukraine, it should be pretty clear by now, that Germans die like dogs if they try to stack anything on Ukraine or take Caucasus from me. So the point is to split German forces who think in their head that they can take on Russia already on G1.

  • If you save your money and buy it on something else, I will hit you with 6FTRs and the bomber on J2 with my forces in Burma even with the 4FTRs you will fail…its 84% Japan…nice try again…we can do this all day out there…unless you attack the Indies fleet, you will lose India.
    Who says as Germany I’m going for Caucus anyways G1/G2…that’s stupid…stop spoon feeding me bad German moves…

  • @Mallery29:

    If you save your money and buy it on something else, I will hit you with 6FTRs and the bomber on J2 with my forces in Burma even with the 4FTRs you will fail…its 84% Japan…nice try again…we can do this all day out there…unless you attack the Indies fleet, you will lose India.
    Who says as Germany I’m going for Caucus anyways G1/G2…that’s stupid…stop spoon feeding me bad German moves…

    Come on, I never spoon fed you with bad German moves. There were couple of people here fearing Russia will “lose” Caucasus if Ukraine is not attacked, now we agree, that’s NOT the case, right?

    What Germany can do is to stack 7 INF, 6 Armor on Ukraine, and that’s not enough to sit there and wait for R2. Therefore, Germany would have to rethreat to gather more forces before they can make better second push for Ukraine, so Germany basically leaving Ukraine with 1 or 2 INF would be the best option for Germany. With this strategy Germany is scared away from Ukraine without even attacking Ukraine on R1.

    Anyway, do we agree on Ukraine stuff?`

    There is 60% chance for UK to win if they attack Japan on E.Indies. While tempting, others who tried on this thread, failed to sink E.Indies navy, so that’s why we have to explore other options. Open-minded is the key here.

    Yes, you could hit India with all the FTR + 1 Bomber, however let’s not forget AAA, they will take out half of your FTR before the fight even starts. Another point is, if you decide to attack India, I can fly 2 more FTR to India, from my Carrier in the Indian Ocean, remember? And rethreat the rest of the UK fleet while building Naval Power on London on UK2.

    Therefore if you want to take India, there will be 6-7 INF, AAA, 6 FTR waiting there.

  • vary rarely does an AA take out half an air Force…

    If Russia doesn’t take Ukraine, you easily forget the FTRs that can be there for Germany…that’s what you have to worry about…troops by themselves, yeah, Russia has the advantage, but Germany has enough FTRs that Ukraine can be stacked (only need the Bomber/SS to attack the BB and use the German BB to hit the CA (letting the DD live)…now you have 6FTRs there…

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