@dylan64 Yeah Larry Harris setup nerfs the German starting setup to the point where they can no longer consistently kill 100% on UK’s starting navy. That goes a long ways towards making life more manageable for them. Give it a try.
Impressions after 2 plays….
USA doesn’t really have the planes to be doing that if Japan attacks pearl on J1 and knocks that fleet around.
AxisBrutality, you were attacked for building a complex in Alaska and moving your US fleet up there to get eliminated……re-read…I didn’t say anything about a Japanese complex…
Another UK DD, with the two Carriers isn’t really that big of a deal.
It doesn’t make or break the defense there.2 carriers is a bad buy. one and a destroyer gets the same effect (minus the US fighter)
Really depends what lives on G1 for the UK. are 2 subs still in 11?
Are 2 subs still in 7?CVs have a D of 2, and the planes, which you can now auto land like in Global on the Carriers each have a D of 4….so 2(2s) and 4(4s), and when the US comes on US3, you add 1(3) and 4-5(2s)…so how is it a bad buy? Next turn I can start bringing troops through.
Good luck paying for all that crap and holding Japan at bay at the same time.
Ive never seen a game end well where the Americans send their fighters to Europe to play defense….as Japan goes hog wild in the pacific. -
The UK should support the planes…that’s why I insist on the UK3 buy, and not the UK1 buy that axisbrutality desires…I see his point IF the Canadian transport lives…it would be pretty tough, but you could possibly take German planes with you and for sure eliminate the German sub fleet…so that move isn’t a bad buy by axisbrut, I may not do it, but I don’t think that one is a bad idea if you let the canucks live…but remember, the US fleet in the Pac survives, and the UK have a good chance of surviving as well…use the Brit transports to reinforce India (lose Austrailia, not a big deal, pull the troops off) or cause chaos by taking Borneo…
Like I said, I’m just trying to push it into the Germans hard fast so they can take their eye of the prize (Moscow)…US2 can be an all Pac buy to help out the Pac Fleet and then you can continue to pour money into the Pac if you desire…the UK/US3 maneuver can set up the Brits for landings in Europe/Norway/Africa depending on what you need, but any money sent to the Pac, means the Brits are on their own…which is fine, because the Naval D of the UK/US3 should hold, and if you still were worried about it, a UK4 buy in conjunction with hitting Europe would be fine (more DDs, add a cruiser, chronosphere, etc)…
Hey I was wondering if anyone was buying a couple tanks for India UK1, and pulling all units to the Mid east UK2. The game I’m playing now I bought a couple tanks, and waited til UK2 to start moving everything to Mid east (was too late, and didn’t have the air w/units to protect them). I got to Caucasus in time to make a difference, but was killed off fairly easily. It did work as a diversion for Germany though. They had to back down from attacking Moscow (for a couple rounds), and it only fell when Japan came in through China (and a few through India). Russia destroyed the Japanese stack in Kaz, but went in too hot. I just wanted to knock them down w/hit & run, but ended up taking Kaz and stranding over 10 units there allowing Germany to get Moscow (damn dice worked to good for me in the second wave, can’t win w/damn dice even when I win). Chances are that Germany would have put balls to the walls and took Moscow down anyway, but I also had a pretty good sized combined fleet and UK force already in Karelia (w/some tanks) via the Baltic, w/US on Norway and Finland via Baltic (can you say straight rule?).
Maybe have US go mostly Pac in the beginning to keep them from going bonkers. I lost a significant battle mid game when Japan attacked the US fleet after I moved every thing to invade Iwo. They had slight odds, but it was the very one sided dice gods that decided the fate of the Pacific. I did manage a counter attack, but once both fleets were down, Japan still had most of the Pac, Asia/India and a second fleet F-ing w/Africa heading to the Med.
Anyway, is it better to surrender India to Japan if you can get those units into Caucasus to make Germany’s life miserable (or to deal w/Japanese in Russia). Germany spent some $ on navy G1 (probably too much), so that also contributed to slowing down the march to Moscow. I managed to tie up the Luftwaffe, and kill the Baltic fleet, making significant landings up north. After discussions (w/opponents) I think it might have been better to just make landing in France to force the Germans to defend more (tying up the Luftwaffe more), instead of fighting them on Russian soil. I would have been able to liberate Moscow though if the Germans would have had to fight my entire Russian army. The UK did make an attempt, but the Germans ended up w/12 tanks after the fall of Moscow. It would have only been a handful of German tanks if my hit & run leftovers could have returned home (UK had enough to drop 1/2 doz German tanks, even w/ a couple Japanese ftrs moved in).
Wait why does usa have to do pacific again? Of course Japan does pearl. That doesn’t mean you have to counter, it is just boats in oceans.
I never dealt with it before in any other version of 1942, I think I did KJF a few times, and it was viable, but never really a dominant strategy.
Don’t sweat pacific. Besides you shouldn’t play the low VC count anyway - as winning without a capital is stupid, no one will agree that is a victory.
just trust me, R1 kill ukraine and west russia. land 1 fighter egypt. UK1 buy your dang naval. Do what you want for fun with india/aussie fleet, USA1 reinforce uk naval, if pearl is loaded, ignore it (it will take ages to cross the med from hawaii or to wrap around south america). It is not something you have to deal with, it is bait, ignore it.build atlantic ships.
This game favors allies slightly, but because of the starting setup, I wouldn’t do a bid.
Just powerslam germany, Japan races for russia. Just play a normal game first then make your critiques.
Also the book is filled with misprints. The book don’t say you got to use their VC count, which was obviously a misprint as well. -
The UK should support the planes…that’s why I insist on the UK3 buy, and not the UK1 buy that axisbrutality desires…I see his point IF the Canadian transport lives…it would be pretty tough, but you could possibly take German planes with you and for sure eliminate the German sub fleet…so that move isn’t a bad buy by axisbrut, I may not do it,
Hi again,
Yes, that’s the point of my strategy, I would do this if the Canada DD and Trans survives, which it seems like here, they do.
It’s simple logic. Those who buy 2 UK FTR on UK1 will lose because that player will fight on Germany’s terms.
If a player buys a UK Fleet, as I do, then the fight will be on UK terms, simple as that. And if Germany does NOT attack, well then, voila, UK has a fleet when they start UK2. And if Germany does attack on G2 turn, both fighters AND carriers are better at defence, instead of bying just 2 UK FTR and using them at German fleet, where UK FTR are WORSE at attacking than defending.Other things worth mentioning is that those 2 German subs attacking U.S DD + 2 Transport can NOT get to the London SZ7, it’s 3 spaces to there. So Germany would not have more that 1 sub there to attack UK fleet with, because Germany will lose at least one sub in the beginning attacking UK Battleship + Russian sub.
This is the point of the mind game, making the opponent go into traps and/or play on your terms.
Same goes for the trap I layed in Syria, where some UK players wanted to attack my German Battleship on Syria, which meant that Japan fleet could survive, and slaughter everything in East-Asia. I don’t say UK should attack the Japanese fleet, but I am saying that forcing UK to attack my German Battleship was fun, taking away UK’s ability to attack Japanese Fleet and the situation was that UK would lose planes big time on both UK1 and UK2.
So a good rule here, when UK, no matter what Germany does, build Fleet Power all the way! That’s what UK is, a fleet powered nation, not a nation to sit on an island with a few small fighters which are worse at attacking than defending, and being cut off from the rest of the Europe and the World.
Japan should always build a factory right away, although I can agree that you don’t want U.S. to build factory on Alaska, but that depends on the situation, U.S. could wait with that one a little later though.
And when it comes to Russia, one of the reasons as I can see, is that Russia’s offencive capabilities, as I said, collapse if people attack Ukraine, so do NOT attack Ukraine, it’s a trap. That German fighter there does NOT have anything more to say regarding Egypt, so the advantage of attacking Ukraine is totally lost compared to 2009-version. � We all agree that West Russia should be taken care off + I would go for Belarus, and not Ukraine.
As I said earlier, Russian should never engage in a battle where they start losing artilleries right in the beginning on G1 turn, and losing tanks, which are now in this version, even MORE expencive. Russia losing 33% of it’s artilleries and 50% of it’s tanks after G1 clears and takes back Ukraine is not good for Russia’s offencive capabilities. Tanks are as good in defense as in attack so do NOT lose them, and same for the artilleries, they boost INF, so don’t lose artilleries either. Also artilleries are as good in defence as in attack, so there is no advantage what so ever for Russia to go into Ukraine.
no you should attack with russia. The rest of the allies are going full atlantic, russia is supposed to soften it up, plus saving egypt is good.
Egypt is such a huge distraction for the allies, it is okay to give it to japan, but you can’t give germany extra income and expect to powerslam berlin.
A real VC win for axis is everything but west usa, east usa, and london. Allies would need everything but japan india and that other asian spot. Because at those stages it is undisputed who won. I might go for one less, simply because the round russia falls is the round allies have to take berlin typically.
~Anyway it is simple, buy your fleet for uk1, russia all in west russia with all available units, send a kill ukraine force, tanks are nice looking, but honestly overrated, inf/arty is all you need because of the cost and if you can’t buy all tanks like in the old one, because of the cost, you may as well go inf/arty, as your starting armor isn’t going to blitz to berlin after uk/usa air clears a path and you don’t want to buy more. ever.
armor cost 6, few spaces between berlin / russia = armor not bought. Only japan wants armor in this game to take russia.
I wouldn’t say Japan building a factory was necessary in 42.1…with no complex in India, it wasn’t a priority…3trans/3inf for me…but in this situation where you NEED a strong foothold in Asia (and you do get to keep the transports this time, where you could lose one on 42.1)…here, I would say it’s worthy to look at, but what would you buy with the rest? Depending on the E. Indies battle, you could have some flex here…so probably don’t need to set things in stone.
I agree a Navy for UK is pri #1 in Atlantic…just when you do it is dependent on the G1 attack/NCM/buy (staging subs/planes in position to hit UK fleet on G2). Just be wary of the G1 buys…if you anticipates your UK1 buy and counters with a G1 buy of say Bomber and sub(s) that could affect how quick you could do it…but this does help the Russians with those buys…I guess its how well you NCM your German land troops.
NO VC……fight to the last man!
you could block germany with a destroyer purchase if it helps more than a carrier buy.
too many misprints in the rules, hard to say what the real VC count is. I don’t trust the developers with their printed rules, going to make my own VC count rule.
I still can’t believed they pulled an aa50 1942 on us. 2 subs in range of 1 destroyer 2 transport and 1 destroyer 1 transport. Some games you will have transports, some games you wont, some games you have 1, some games you have 2.
So what, I just concede and pull out another game if I lose all 3? WELCOME TO 1942 LOL.
UGH, so ridonkulous. Subs should have been printed out of range from usa’s boats in my opinion. Why pull a aa50 1942 on us? 1941 is the most played for a reason.
I still can’t believed they pulled an aa50 1942 on us. 2 subs in range of 1 destroyer 2 transport and 1 destroyer 1 transport. Some games you will have transports, some games you wont, some games you have 1, some games you have 2.
So what, I just concede and pull out another game if I lose all 3? WELCOME TO 1942 LOL.
UGH, so ridonkulous. Subs should have been printed out of range from usa’s boats in my opinion. Why pull a aa50 1942 on us? 1941 is the most played for a reason.
I don’t think I would ever concede off the loss of the transports…while it does suck balls, I think there are worse situations to be in than losing the transports…I agree with you though about full Atlantic…in 42.1 I 99% went KGF…only if I felt froggy would I ever go KJF (although I may through a SS down in the Pac occassionaly to bolster the fleet). I didn’t think about the Russian FTR to Egypt…is it just a NCM or can you combat first with it (I don’t have the map in front of me, too lazy to open it right now)…if I was Germany, I would surely G2 Egypt, so what would you do with Egypt pieces (I assume pull out on UK1)?
just trust me, R1 kill ukraine and west russia. land 1 fighter egypt.
So you are not attacking anything with one of your Russian fighters on R1? Because the only way I can see that a starting fighter can get to Egypt is Russia->Caucasus->Persia->Trans Jordan->Egypt
And that fighter probably isn’t attacking anything on R2 either, unless Germany takes Caucasus on G1 or you attack the German med BB (depending on where the BB is on R2).So you are attacking Ukraine on R1 with only one fighter? Seems risky.
If you want to use Russian fighters to help out in defense of an ally wouldn’t it be better to land one in China, along with the Kaz. Inf, to protect the Flying Tigers? The fighter that starts in Moscow can attack West Russia and land in China on R1, and be in position to attack Caucasus or Ukraine/West Russia on R2, depending on what happened on G1.
Yes, that’s the point of my strategy, I would do this if the Canada DD and Trans survives, which it seems like here, they do.
…although I can agree that you don’t want U.S. to build factory on Alaska, but that depends on the situation, U.S. could wait with that one a little later though.
there are enough ICs on the board for US…the Europe bridge should be sufficient…the only point of troops in the Pac are to take islands, not to “save” Russia…you need to hit Japan economically, and that’s why a 3rd IC for US is just not worth the money ever.
no you should attack with russia. The rest of the allies are going full atlantic, russia is supposed to soften it up, plus saving egypt is good.
Egypt is such a huge distraction for the allies
As I said earlier, there is no point in attacking Ukraine, since you want to do this, you need to explain why? I explained why it is NOT a good idea.
Second of all, I never said I’ll take Egypt, I’ll massacre that 1 UK INF on Syria with 2 German units which are 1 INF + 1 ART. German Battleship takes care of the UK DD there.
As we know, that German fighter from Ukraine can not attack Egypt anyway. Now, some seem worried about Germany being able to take Caucasus, LOL, that’s the point of my traps I lay all the time. Let Germany think it’s a good idea to try to take Caucasus on G1 turn with what 3 or 5 INF + 3 Armor? In stead of Russia losing Armor and Artilleries in Ukraine, let the Germany lose their Armor in Caucasus if they are so stupid.
And you should NOT worry about any German “stack” on Ukraine, if Russia keeps it all 4 Armor, 3 artilleries + let’s say buys 6 INF + 1 Armor. No German player would be so stupid so stack anything on Ukraine, and much less being a retard to try to take Caucasus with 3-5 Inf + 3 armor, splitting up it’s forces and they die like a dog when R2 turn starts, that’s not gonna be pretty for German troops there. -