• Party lines are one thing stopping progress in America. If an important issue comes up, most of the time parties will order their congressman to vote one way or another. This usually results in the bill going no where, or the party with over half the votes gaining complete control of the Government.

    Since we’ll never dissolve the political parties (would do so much to help America), why don’t we change the voting system. Currently, Congress votes by public declaration. How about we change it to secret ballot?

  • how about we try to get th most Right Wing Conservative Party in charge of the whole COngress ;)

  • Good thinking :wink:

    As for secret polling – Lets put it this way - you’re screwed if you did and screwed if you don’t.

  • Oh, my gods! It’s brilliant. Most people don’t even know
    who their representatives are. Give them secret ballots.
    The few who pay attention cannot tell what their
    representatives voted for/against. NO ACCOUNTABILITY.
    That would even the playing field for the Republicans.
    Let’s do it after this November when the Republicans have
    control of both Houses of Congress.

    I LOVE IT! 8) - Xi

    Better yet,
    OUTLAW POLITICAL PARTIES. Televise all proceedings,
    including the bathroom(a la Big Brother), eliminate perks
    (free mailings, gym, drivers)reduce pay to encourage
    return to the real world, limit fundraising to face-to-face
    contact with more than 66% of contributors(not
    contributions) coming from the reps. district, and 66% of
    the time must be spent in reps. district to know what the
    constituents want.

    I do see problems. What time in the year will they be in
    session? NO problem with limited time in D.C. It has
    been shown that they fight, delay, and confab too much.
    Also, in the past, the country has run better and the
    economy has improved when they are out of D.C.,
    philibustering or delaying passage of unnecessary
    legislation(i.e., more gun laws when we have 10,000
    on the books that aren’t enforced[see Clinton admin.

    "Your children need your presence
    more than your presents. - Jesse Jackson

    I agree. Aaargh! I can’t believe I said that. Oh, well,
    I guess if we chatted long enugh I would agree with
    Adolf Hitler about something(trains on time, for example.)

  • Give them secret ballots.
    The few who pay attention cannot tell what their
    representatives voted for/against. NO ACCOUNTABILITY.
    That would even the playing field for the Republicans.
    Let’s do it after this November when the Republicans have
    controlof both Houses of Congress.

    Exactly. Sorry, but I like to know which hat my congressman/woman is tipping before I vote.

  • t_6,
    shhh! I’ll vote for you 1,000 times,
    if you’ll do the sme for me. :wink:

    “Education is what you get from reading the fine print.
    Experience is what you get from not reading it.” - Anonymous

    Oh, I think everyone on this website would
    generally agree with that conjecture. - Xi

  • @Xi:

    Better yet,
    OUTLAW POLITICAL PARTIES. Televise all proceedings,
    including the bathroom(a la Big Brother), eliminate perks
    (free mailings, gym, drivers)reduce pay to encourage
    return to the real world, limit fundraising to face-to-face
    contact with more than 66% of contributors(not
    contributions) coming from the reps. district, and 66% of
    the time must be spent in reps. district to know what the
    constituents want.
    What? No response to my anarchic plan?

    HOW RUDE! - Xi

    “Education is not the filling of a pail,
    but the lighting of a fire.”

    • William Butler Yeats

    A reasonable analogy. - Xi

  • Hahaha, wouldn’t anybody get suspicious of a communist voting for conservative issues on the economy? :lol:

    You scratch my back, I’ll scratch yours.

  • @TG:


    Conservative? Who, me?
    I’m a MODERATE.
    President Xi (M)
    I’ll moderate the head off of anyone who gets in my way! :evil:

    You scratch my back, I’ll scratch yours.

    A little to the right, please . . . a little higher, please . . .
    a little more to the right, please . . . a little lower, please . . .
    a lot more to the right, please . . . Ahh! Just RIGHT! :P - Xi

    A fanatic is one who can’t change his mind and
    won’t change the subject." - Winston Churchill

    I know someone like that, but I can’t think who it is. - Xi

  • I’m a MODERATE.

    Hahaha, you look even more conservative than me. :wink: Crazy moderate, never willing to take chances.

  • @TG:

    [ . . .Crazy moderate, . . . [/quote]
    I like the sound of that, but it needs a catchy finish.
    How about . . .
    Crazy moderate, kicks are for wiberaws
    to dewiver to kunserbatibs heads! . . .

    :oops: Did I say that? . . .
    Uh-oh. One of my multiple personalities . . .Who are you?
    I’m not tewin"!
    Why not?
    Cuz my mother towd me nota tokta strangerz!
    O-K . . . then why did you say that about liberals?
    Mista, you ast a wot of kwesjuns.
    And you don’t answer many either.
    Ethew what?
    Either answer some questions or go away.
    :( (sniff) Oh-o …k.
    My name’s Xi, What’s yours?
    OK, …Wil-liam. How about if I answer a question
    for every one you answer. Does that sound fair?
    :) Ye-yes. . . How cum eweryone’s so mean to me?
    Wow! That’s a very big question for such a small boy.
    I’m not smaw! I’m short for my age and
    Okay, no need to shout. May I ask my questions to
    help find the answers your questions?
    You keep astin, so I guess so. But, DOANTUCHME!
    I said doan touch me. Smater, are you death?
    You said you didn’t want me to touch you
    and then you asked if I was deaf?
    Dats right. Your death an stupid so you gotta repete stuff.
    You know, I feew your pain
    Would you repeat the last thing you said?
    Wh-what? I feew your pain?
    That’s what I thought you said. William, where…no, who is your father?
    Uh,(sniffle) :cry: I-I-I dunno.
    I’m sorry, William! I didn’t mean to upset you.
    Would you like to go home now?
    But you seem upset and your mother will make you feel better.
    Noshewont! She just gets upset an dat makes me upset.
    Den she makes me do tings I doan wanna do
    What does she do?
    She dresses up an makes me dress up. Den she reads me stuff
    by some dead man wif my name. Sometimes she makes me say
    it wif her. Den she makes me dance wif her, but dere’s no music.
    Da dress up clothes make me itchy.
    Sometimes my mother has a man over. They awways treat me like
    a dog, but say “Take it like a man!”

    I’m sorry they don’t treat you well, William. I won’t do that.
    One more question, and then you’d better get home. Your mother
    will be looking for you. Why did you say “I feel your pain”?
    Wew, wike I said before, you are death and stupid…like
    my mother. She awmost never hears what I say, so whatewer I say is wrong. When I’m wrong she wocks me in my room, or swaps me, or
    puts me over her knee and spanks me. She leabes her hand on my bottom and rubs it a lot when she spanks me. Whiwe she’s doin’
    dese tings she says “I feew your pain, William, I feew your pain.”
    Do you unnerstant?

    More than you would believe, William. Can we speak again sometime?
    Yeah, :D dat would be nice! Goodbye!
    Bye, William, talk to you soon! :wink:
    Excuse me. I gotta call my psychiatrist. :P

  • wiberaws? Sorry, is that Southern slang or something?

    I didn’t have a chance to read the rest of your post because it was too looonnng. I think I’ll make myself a turkey sandwich. 8)

  • @TG:

    wiberaws? Sorry, is that Southern slang or something?

    I didn’t have a chance to read the rest of your post because it was too looonnng. I think I’ll make myself a turkey sandwich. 8)

    and God Bless the sammich makers . . . .

  • Please, oh, please, oh, please don’t read it! - Xi :wink:

    And enjoy a laugh and a tear! - Xi

  • [while eatting a mouthful of BLT]: Mmmph Wha-? Mmmph Okay.

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